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Test Coverage
// YourComponent.stories.js

import YourComponent from './YourComponent.vue';

export default {
  /* 👇 The title prop is optional.
  * See https://storybook.js.org/docs/vue/configure/overview#configure-story-loading
  * to learn how to generate automatic titles
  title: 'YourComponent',
  component: YourComponent,
  //👇 Creates specific argTypes with options
  argTypes: {
    propertyA: {
      options: ['Item One', 'Item Two', 'Item Three'],
      control: { type: 'select' }, // automatically inferred when 'options' is defined
    propertyB: {
      options: ['Another Item One', 'Another Item Two', 'Another Item Three'],

//👇 Some function to demonstrate the behavior
const someFunction = (valuePropertyA, valuePropertyB) => {
  // Makes some computations and returns something

const Template = (args) => {
  //👇 Assigns the function result to a variable
  const functionResult = someFunction(args.propertyA, args.propertyB);
  return {
    components: { YourComponent },
    setup() {
      //👇 The args will now be passed down to the template
      return {
        args: {
          //👇 Replaces arg variable with the override (without the need of mutation)
          someProperty: functionResult,
    template:  '<YourComponent :propertyA="propertyA" :propertyB="propertyB" :someProperty="someProperty"/>',

export const ExampleStory = Template.bind({});
ExampleStory.args= {
  propertyA: 'Item One',
  propertyB: 'Another Item One',