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Showing 5,758 of 5,758 total issues

Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

  render() {
    const { name, collapsed, data, keyPath, deep } = this.state;
    const { getStyle, dataType } = this.props;
    const value = collapsed ? this.renderCollapsed() : this.renderNotCollapsed();
    const style = getStyle(name, data, keyPath, deep, dataType);
lib/components/src/controls/react-editable-json-tree/JsonNodes.tsx on lines 443..459

Duplicated Code

Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


This issue has a mass of 193.

We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


Further Reading

Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

  render() {
    const { name, collapsed, data, keyPath, deep } = this.state;
    const { dataType, getStyle } = this.props;
    const value = collapsed ? this.renderCollapsed() : this.renderNotCollapsed();
    const style = getStyle(name, data, keyPath, deep, dataType);
lib/components/src/controls/react-editable-json-tree/JsonNodes.tsx on lines 1344..1360

Duplicated Code

Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


This issue has a mass of 193.

We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


Further Reading

Function useMenu has 192 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

export const useMenu = (
  api: API,
  isToolshown: boolean,
  isFullscreen: boolean,
  showPanel: boolean,
Severity: Major
Found in lib/ui/src/containers/menu.tsx - About 7 hrs to fix

    Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

    function storyDataFactory<T>(data: Observable<T>) {
      return (ngZone: NgZone) =>
        new Observable((subscriber: Subscriber<T>) => {
          const sub = data.subscribe(
            (v: T) => {
    Severity: Major
    Found in app/angular/src/client/preview/angular/helpers.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
    app/angular/src/client/preview/angular-beta/StorybookProvider.ts on lines 13..32

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 183.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

    function storyDataFactory<T>(data: Observable<T>) {
      return (ngZone: NgZone) =>
        new Observable((subscriber: Subscriber<T>) => {
          const sub = data.subscribe(
            (v: T) => {
    app/angular/src/client/preview/angular/helpers.ts on lines 31..50

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 183.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

          new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            filename: `iframe.html`,
            // FIXME: `none` isn't a known option
            chunksSortMode: 'none' as any,
            alwaysWriteToDisk: true,
    Severity: Major
    Found in lib/builder-webpack4/src/preview/iframe-webpack.config.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
    lib/builder-webpack5/src/preview/iframe-webpack.config.ts on lines 188..221

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 182.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

          new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            filename: `iframe.html`,
            // FIXME: `none` isn't a known option
            chunksSortMode: 'none' as any,
            alwaysWriteToDisk: true,
    Severity: Major
    Found in lib/builder-webpack5/src/preview/iframe-webpack.config.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
    lib/builder-webpack4/src/preview/iframe-webpack.config.ts on lines 179..212

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 182.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

        it('changes the shortcut in state if a key is pressed', () => {
          const actions = makeActions();
          const comp = shallow(<ShortcutsScreen shortcutKeys={shortcutKeys} {...actions} />);
          const instance = comp.instance();
    Severity: Major
    Found in lib/ui/src/settings/shortcuts.test.js and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
    lib/ui/src/settings/shortcuts.test.js on lines 79..88

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 181.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

        it('sets an error and the shortcut in state if a duplicate key is pressed', () => {
          const actions = makeActions();
          const comp = shallow(<ShortcutsScreen shortcutKeys={shortcutKeys} {...actions} />);
          const instance = comp.instance();
    Severity: Major
    Found in lib/ui/src/settings/shortcuts.test.js and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
    lib/ui/src/settings/shortcuts.test.js on lines 68..77

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 181.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

            it('does nothing if the args are untouched', () => {
              const store = new ArgsStore();
              const previousStory = {
                id: 'id',
    Severity: Major
    Found in lib/store/src/ArgsStore.test.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
    lib/store/src/ArgsStore.test.ts on lines 70..88

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 181.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

    export async function managerEntries(
      installedAddons: string[],
      options: { managerEntry: string; configDir: string; modern?: boolean }
    ): Promise<string[]> {
      const { managerEntry = '@storybook/core-client/dist/esm/manager' } = options;
    Severity: Major
    Found in lib/manager-webpack4/src/presets/manager-preset.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
    lib/manager-webpack5/src/presets/manager-preset.ts on lines 200..220

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 181.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

            it('replaces old args with new if the args are untouched', () => {
              const store = new ArgsStore();
              const previousStory = {
                id: 'id',
    Severity: Major
    Found in lib/store/src/ArgsStore.test.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
    lib/store/src/ArgsStore.test.ts on lines 23..41

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 181.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

    export async function managerEntries(
      installedAddons: string[],
      options: { managerEntry: string; configDir: string; modern?: boolean }
    ): Promise<string[]> {
      const { managerEntry = '@storybook/core-client/dist/esm/manager' } = options;
    Severity: Major
    Found in lib/manager-webpack5/src/presets/manager-preset.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
    lib/manager-webpack4/src/presets/manager-preset.ts on lines 203..223

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 181.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    File presets.test.ts has 466 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    function wrapPreset(basePresets: any): { babel: Function; webpack: Function } {
      return {
        babel: async (config: any, args: any) => basePresets.apply('babel', config, args),
        webpack: async (config: any, args: any) => basePresets.apply('webpack', config, args),
    Severity: Minor
    Found in lib/core-common/src/presets.test.ts - About 7 hrs to fix

      Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

        handleEdit() {
          const { handleUpdateValue, originalValue, logger, onSubmitValueParser, keyPath } = this.props;
          const { inputRef, name, deep } = this.state;
          if (!inputRef) return;
      lib/components/src/controls/react-editable-json-tree/JsonNodes.tsx on lines 560..581

      Duplicated Code

      Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

      Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

      When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


      This issue has a mass of 178.

      We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

      The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

      If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

      See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


      Further Reading

      Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

            it('renders exception if renderToDOM throws', async () => {
              document.location.search = '?id=component-one--a&viewMode=docs';
              const preview = await createAndRenderPreview();
              const error = new Error('error');
      Severity: Major
      Found in lib/preview-web/src/PreviewWeb.test.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
      lib/preview-web/src/PreviewWeb.test.ts on lines 1380..1399

      Duplicated Code

      Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

      Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

      When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


      This issue has a mass of 178.

      We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

      The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

      If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

      See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


      Further Reading

      Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

            it('should map defaults docgen info properly, vue', () => {
              const component = createComponent({
                description: 'Hey! Hey!',
                defaultValue: {
      Severity: Major
      Found in addons/docs/src/lib/docgen/extractDocgenProps.test.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
      addons/docs/src/lib/docgen/extractDocgenProps.test.ts on lines 58..75

      Duplicated Code

      Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

      Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

      When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


      This issue has a mass of 178.

      We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

      The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

      If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

      See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


      Further Reading

      Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.

            case dataTypes.ERROR:
              return (
      lib/components/src/controls/react-editable-json-tree/JsonNodes.tsx on lines 784..811
      lib/components/src/controls/react-editable-json-tree/JsonNodes.tsx on lines 812..839

      Duplicated Code

      Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

      Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

      When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


      This issue has a mass of 178.

      We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

      The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

      If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

      See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


      Further Reading

      Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.

            case dataTypes.ARRAY:
              return (
      lib/components/src/controls/react-editable-json-tree/JsonNodes.tsx on lines 756..783
      lib/components/src/controls/react-editable-json-tree/JsonNodes.tsx on lines 784..811

      Duplicated Code

      Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

      Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

      When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


      This issue has a mass of 178.

      We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

      The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

      If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

      See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


      Further Reading

      Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

          it('should map defaults docgen info properly', () => {
            const component = createComponent({
              description: 'Hey! Hey!',
              defaultValue: {
      Severity: Major
      Found in addons/docs/src/lib/docgen/extractDocgenProps.test.ts and 1 other location - About 7 hrs to fix
      addons/docs/src/lib/docgen/extractDocgenProps.test.ts on lines 117..134

      Duplicated Code

      Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

      Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

      When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


      This issue has a mass of 178.

      We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

      The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

      If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

      See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


      Further Reading
