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import { prettyPrint } from 'recast';
import { isExportStory } from '@storybook/csf';

function exportMdx(root, options) {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
  const path = root.__paths[0];

  // FIXME: insert the title as markdown after all of the imports
  return path.node.program.body
    .map((n) => {
      const { code } = prettyPrint(n, options);
      if (n.type === 'JSXElement') {
        return `${code}\n`;
      return code;

function parseIncludeExclude(prop) {
  const { code } = prettyPrint(prop, {});
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
  return eval(code);

 * Convert a component's module story file into an MDX file
 * For example:
 * ```
 * input { Button } from './Button';
 * export default {
 *   title: 'Button'
 * }
 * export const story = () => <Button label="The Button" />;
 * ```
 * Becomes:
 * ```
 * import { Meta, Story } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
 * input { Button } from './Button';
 * <Meta title='Button' />
 * <Story name='story'>
 *   <Button label="The Button" />
 * </Story>
 * ```
export default function transformer(file, api) {
  const j = api.jscodeshift;
  const root = j(file.source);

  // FIXME: save out all the storyFn.story = { ... }
  const storyKeyToStory = {};
  // save out includeStories / excludeStories
  const meta = {};

  function makeAttr(key, val) {
    return j.jsxAttribute(
      val.type === 'Literal' ? val : j.jsxExpressionContainer(val)

  function getStoryContents(node) {
    return node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' && node.body.type === 'JSXElement'
      ? node.body
      : j.jsxExpressionContainer(node);

  function getName(storyKey) {
    const story = storyKeyToStory[storyKey];
    if (story) {
      const name = story.properties.find((prop) => prop.key.name === 'name');
      if (name && name.value.type === 'Literal') {
        return name.value.value;
    return storyKey;

  function getStoryAttrs(storyKey) {
    const attrs = [];
    const story = storyKeyToStory[storyKey];
    if (story) {
      story.properties.forEach((prop) => {
        const { key, value } = prop;
        if (key.name !== 'name') {
          attrs.push(makeAttr(key.name, value));
    return attrs;

  // 1. If the program does not have `export default { title: '....' }, skip it
  const defaultExportWithTitle = root
    .filter((def) => def.node.declaration.properties.map((p) => p.key.name).includes('title'));
  if (defaultExportWithTitle.size() === 0) {
    return root.toSource();

  // 2a. Add imports from '@storybook/addon-docs'
        [j.importSpecifier(j.identifier('Meta')), j.importSpecifier(j.identifier('Story'))],
  // 2b. Remove react import which is implicit
    .filter((decl) => decl.node.source.value === 'react')

  // 3. Save out all the excluded stories
  defaultExportWithTitle.forEach((exp) => {
    exp.node.declaration.properties.forEach((p) => {
      if (['includeStories', 'excludeStories'].includes(p.key.name)) {
        meta[p.key.name] = parseIncludeExclude(p.value);

  // 4. Collect all the story exports in storyKeyToStory[key] = null;
  const namedExports = root.find(j.ExportNamedDeclaration);
  namedExports.forEach((exp) => {
    const storyKey = exp.node.declaration.declarations[0].id.name;
    if (isExportStory(storyKey, meta)) {
      storyKeyToStory[storyKey] = null;

  // 5. Collect all the storyKey.story in storyKeyToStory and also remove them
  const storyAssignments = root.find(j.AssignmentExpression).filter((exp) => {
    const { left } = exp.node;
    return (
      left.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
      left.object.type === 'Identifier' &&
      left.object.name in storyKeyToStory &&
      left.property.type === 'Identifier' &&
      left.property.name === 'story'
  storyAssignments.forEach((exp) => {
    const { left, right } = exp.node;
    storyKeyToStory[left.object.name] = right;

  // 6. Convert the default export to <Meta />
  defaultExportWithTitle.replaceWith((exp) => {
    const jsxId = j.jsxIdentifier('Meta');
    const attrs = [];
    exp.node.declaration.properties.forEach((prop) => {
      const { key, value } = prop;
      if (!['includeStories', 'excludeStories'].includes(key.name)) {
        attrs.push(makeAttr(key.name, value));
    const opening = j.jsxOpeningElement(jsxId, attrs);
    opening.selfClosing = true;
    return j.jsxElement(opening);

  // 7. Convert all the named exports to <Story>...</Story>
  namedExports.replaceWith((exp) => {
    const storyKey = exp.node.declaration.declarations[0].id.name;
    if (!isExportStory(storyKey, meta)) {
      return exp.node;
    const jsxId = j.jsxIdentifier('Story');
    const name = getName(storyKey);
    const attributes = [makeAttr('name', j.literal(name)), ...getStoryAttrs(storyKey)];
    const opening = j.jsxOpeningElement(jsxId, attributes);
    const closing = j.jsxClosingElement(jsxId);
    const children = [getStoryContents(exp.node.declaration.declarations[0].init)];
    return j.jsxElement(opening, closing, children);

  return exportMdx(root, { quote: 'single', trailingComma: 'true', tabWidth: 2 });