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2 days
Test Coverage
import React from 'react';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { ArgRow } from './ArgRow';
import { TableWrapper } from './ArgsTable';
import { ResetWrapper } from '../../typography/ResetWrapper';

export default {
  component: ArgRow,
  title: 'Docs/ArgRow',
  decorators: [
    (getStory) => (

const Template = (args) => <ArgRow {...args} />;

const baseArgs = {
  updateArgs: action('updateArgs'),

export const String = Template.bind({});
String.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someString',
    name: 'Some String',
    description: 'someString description',
    type: { required: true },
    control: { type: 'text' },
    table: {
      type: { summary: 'string' },
      defaultValue: { summary: 'reallylongstringnospaces' },

export const LongName = Template.bind({});
LongName.args = {
  row: {
    name: 'Really Long String That Takes Up Space',

export const LongDesc = Template.bind({});
LongDesc.args = {
  row: {
    description: 'really long description that takes up a lot of space. sometimes this happens.',

export const Boolean = Template.bind({});
Boolean.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someBoolean',
    name: 'Some Boolean',
    description: 'someBoolean description',
    type: { required: true },
    control: { type: 'boolean' },
    table: {
      type: { summary: 'string' },
      defaultValue: { summary: 'fixme' },

export const Color = Template.bind({});
Color.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someColor',
    name: 'Some Color',
    type: { name: 'string' },
    description: 'someColor description',
    defaultValue: '#ff0',
    control: { type: 'color' },

export const Date = Template.bind({});
Date.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someDate',
    name: 'Some Date',
    type: { name: 'string' },
    description: 'someDate description',
    control: { type: 'date' },

export const Number = Template.bind({});
Number.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someNumber',
    name: 'Some Number',
    description: 'someNumber description',
    type: { required: false },
    table: {
      type: { summary: 'number' },
      defaultValue: { summary: '0' },
    control: { type: 'number' },

export const Range = Template.bind({});
Range.args = {
  row: {
    control: { type: 'range' },

export const Radio = Template.bind({});
Radio.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someEnum',
    name: 'Some Enum',
    description: 'someEnum description',
    control: { type: 'radio', options: ['a', 'b', 'c'] },

export const InlineRadio = Template.bind({});
InlineRadio.args = {
  row: {
    control: { ...Radio.args.row.control, type: 'inline-radio' },

export const Check = Template.bind({});
Check.args = {
  row: {
    control: { ...Radio.args.row.control, type: 'check' },

export const InlineCheck = Template.bind({});
InlineCheck.args = {
  row: {
    control: { ...Radio.args.row.control, type: 'inline-check' },

export const Select = Template.bind({});
Select.args = {
  row: {
    control: { ...Radio.args.row.control, type: 'select' },

export const MultiSelect = Template.bind({});
MultiSelect.args = {
  row: {
    control: { ...Radio.args.row.control, type: 'multi-select' },

export const ObjectOf = Template.bind({});
ObjectOf.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someObject',
    name: 'Some Object',
    description: 'A simple `objectOf` propType.',
    table: {
      type: { summary: 'objectOf(number)' },
      defaultValue: { summary: '{ key: 1 }' },
    control: { type: 'object' },

export const ArrayOf = Template.bind({});
ArrayOf.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someArray',
    name: 'Some Array',
    description: 'array of a certain type',
    table: {
      type: { summary: 'number[]' },
      defaultValue: { summary: '[1, 2, 3]' },
    control: { type: 'array' },

export const ComplexObject = Template.bind({});
ComplexObject.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someComplex',
    name: 'Some Complex',
    description: 'A very complex `objectOf` propType.',
    table: {
      type: {
        summary: 'object',
        detail: `[{
      id: number,
      func: func,
      arr: [{ index: number }]
      defaultValue: {
        summary: 'object',
        detail: `[{
      id: 1,
      func: () => {},
      arr: [{ index: 1 }]
    control: { type: 'object' },

export const Func = Template.bind({});
Func.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'concat',
    name: 'Concat',
    description: 'concat 2 string values.',
    type: { required: true },
    table: {
      type: { summary: '(a: string, b: string) => string' },
      defaultValue: { summary: 'func', detail: '(a, b) => { return a + b; }' },
      jsDocTags: {
        params: [
          { name: 'a', description: 'The first string' },
          { name: 'b', description: 'The second string' },
        returns: { description: 'The concatenation of both strings' },
    control: false,

const enumeration =
  '"search" | "arrow-to-bottom" | "arrow-to-right" | "bell" | "check" | "check-circle"';

export const Enum = Template.bind({});
Enum.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'enum',
    name: 'Some enum',
    type: { required: true },
    table: {
      type: {
        summary: enumeration,

const long_enumeration =
  '"search" | "arrow-to-bottom" | "arrow-to-right" | "bell" | "check" | "check-circle" | "chevron-up" | "chevron-down" | "chevron-left" | "chevron-right" | "envelope" | "exchange" | "file" | "file-check" | "file-import" | "file-pdf" | "file-times" | "pencil" | "question" | "question-circle" | "sitemap" | "user" | "times" | "plus" | "exclamation-triangle" | "trash-alt" | "long-arrow-up" | "long-arrow-down" | "long-arrow-left" | "long-arrow-right" | "external-link-alt" | "sticky-note" | "chart-line" | "spinner-third"';

export const LongEnum = Template.bind({});
LongEnum.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'longEnum',
    name: 'Long enum',
    type: { required: true },
    table: {
      type: {
        summary: long_enumeration,

const complexUnion =
  '((a: string | SVGSVGElement) => void) | RefObject<SVGSVGElement | number> | [a|b] | {a|b}';

export const ComplexUnion = Template.bind({});
ComplexUnion.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'complexUnion',
    name: 'Complex',
    type: { required: true },
    table: {
      type: {
        summary: complexUnion,

export const Markdown = Template.bind({});
Markdown.args = {
  row: {
    key: 'someString',
    name: 'Some String',
      'A `prop` can *support* __markdown__ syntax. This was ship in ~~5.2~~ 5.3. [Find more info in the storybook docs.](https://storybook.js.org/)',
    table: {
      type: { summary: 'string' },
    control: { type: 'text' },

export const StringCompact = Template.bind({});
StringCompact.args = {
  compact: true,

export const StringNoControls = Template.bind({});
StringNoControls.args = {
  row: String.args.row,

export const StringNoControlsCompact = Template.bind({});
StringNoControlsCompact.args = {
  row: String.args.row,
  compact: true,