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5 days
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import React, { FC } from 'react';
import pickBy from 'lodash/pickBy';
import { styled, ignoreSsrWarning } from '@storybook/theming';
import { opacify, transparentize, darken, lighten } from 'polished';
import { Icons } from '../../icon/icon';
import { ArgRow } from './ArgRow';
import { SectionRow } from './SectionRow';
import { ArgType, ArgTypes, Args } from './types';
import { EmptyBlock } from '../EmptyBlock';
import { Link } from '../../typography/link/link';
import { ResetWrapper } from '../../typography/ResetWrapper';

export const TableWrapper = styled.table<{
  compact?: boolean;
  inAddonPanel?: boolean;
  isLoading?: boolean;
  ({ theme, compact, inAddonPanel }) => ({
    '&&': {
      // Resets for cascading/system styles
      borderCollapse: 'collapse',
      borderSpacing: 0,
      color: theme.color.defaultText,

      'td, th': {
        padding: 0,
        border: 'none',
        verticalAlign: 'top',
        textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
      // End Resets

      fontSize: theme.typography.size.s2 - 1,
      lineHeight: '20px',
      textAlign: 'left',
      width: '100%',

      // Margin collapse
      marginTop: inAddonPanel ? 0 : 25,
      marginBottom: inAddonPanel ? 0 : 40,

      'thead th:first-of-type, td:first-of-type': {
        // intentionally specify thead here
        width: '25%',

      'th:first-of-type, td:first-of-type': {
        paddingLeft: 20,

      'th:nth-of-type(2), td:nth-of-type(2)': {
          ? null
          : {
              // Description column
              width: '35%',

      'td:nth-of-type(3)': {
          ? null
          : {
              // Defaults column
              width: '15%',

      'th:last-of-type, td:last-of-type': {
        paddingRight: 20,
          ? null
          : {
              // Controls column
              width: '25%',

      th: {
          theme.base === 'light'
            ? transparentize(0.25, theme.color.defaultText)
            : transparentize(0.45, theme.color.defaultText),
        paddingTop: 10,
        paddingBottom: 10,
        paddingLeft: 15,
        paddingRight: 15,

      td: {
        paddingTop: '10px',
        paddingBottom: '10px',

        '&:not(:first-of-type)': {
          paddingLeft: 15,
          paddingRight: 15,

        '&:last-of-type': {
          paddingRight: 20,

      // Table "block" styling
      // Emphasize tbody's background and set borderRadius
      // Calling out because styling tables is finicky

      // Makes border alignment consistent w/other DocBlocks
      marginLeft: inAddonPanel ? 0 : 1,
      marginRight: inAddonPanel ? 0 : 1,

      [`tr:first-child${ignoreSsrWarning}`]: {
        [`td:first-child${ignoreSsrWarning}, th:first-child${ignoreSsrWarning}`]: {
          borderTopLeftRadius: inAddonPanel ? 0 : theme.appBorderRadius,
        [`td:last-child${ignoreSsrWarning}, th:last-child${ignoreSsrWarning}`]: {
          borderTopRightRadius: inAddonPanel ? 0 : theme.appBorderRadius,

      [`tr:last-child${ignoreSsrWarning}`]: {
        [`td:first-child${ignoreSsrWarning}, th:first-child${ignoreSsrWarning}`]: {
          borderBottomLeftRadius: inAddonPanel ? 0 : theme.appBorderRadius,
        [`td:last-child${ignoreSsrWarning}, th:last-child${ignoreSsrWarning}`]: {
          borderBottomRightRadius: inAddonPanel ? 0 : theme.appBorderRadius,

      tbody: {
        // slightly different than the other DocBlock shadows to account for table styling gymnastics
          !inAddonPanel &&
          (theme.base === 'light'
            ? `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10) 0 1px 3px 1px,
          ${transparentize(0.035, theme.appBorderColor)} 0 0 0 1px`
            : `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.20) 0 2px 5px 1px,
          ${opacify(0.05, theme.appBorderColor)} 0 0 0 1px`),
        borderRadius: theme.appBorderRadius,

        // for safari only
        // CSS hack courtesy of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16348489/is-there-a-css-hack-for-safari-only-not-chrome
        '@media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm)': {
          '@supports (-webkit-appearance:none)': {
            borderWidth: 1,
            borderStyle: 'solid',
            ...(inAddonPanel && {
              borderColor: 'transparent',

            ...(!inAddonPanel && {
                theme.base === 'light'
                  ? transparentize(0.035, theme.appBorderColor)
                  : opacify(0.05, theme.appBorderColor),

        tr: {
          background: 'transparent',
          overflow: 'hidden',
            ? {
                borderTopWidth: 1,
                borderTopStyle: 'solid',
                  theme.base === 'light'
                    ? darken(0.1, theme.background.content)
                    : lighten(0.05, theme.background.content),
            : {
                [`&:not(:first-child${ignoreSsrWarning})`]: {
                  borderTopWidth: 1,
                  borderTopStyle: 'solid',
                    theme.base === 'light'
                      ? darken(0.1, theme.background.content)
                      : lighten(0.05, theme.background.content),

        td: {
          background: theme.background.content,
      // End finicky table styling
  ({ isLoading, theme }) =>
      ? {
          'th span, td span, td button': {
            display: 'inline',
            backgroundColor: theme.appBorderColor,
            animation: `${theme.animation.glow} 1.5s ease-in-out infinite`,
            color: 'transparent',
            boxShadow: 'none',
            borderRadius: 0,
      : {}

const ResetButton = styled.button(({ theme }) => ({
  border: 0,
  borderRadius: '3em',
  cursor: 'pointer',
  display: 'inline-block',
  overflow: 'hidden',
  padding: '3px 8px',
  transition: 'all 150ms ease-out',
  verticalAlign: 'top',
  userSelect: 'none',
  margin: 0,

  backgroundColor: theme.base === 'light' ? '#EAF3FC' : theme.color.border,
    theme.base === 'light'
      ? `${theme.color.border} 0 0 0 1px inset`
      : `${theme.color.darker}  0 0 0 1px inset`,
  color: theme.color.secondary,

  '&:hover': {
    background: theme.base === 'light' ? darken(0.03, '#EAF3FC') : opacify(0.1, theme.color.border),

  '&:focus': {
    boxShadow: `${theme.color.secondary} 0 0 0 1px inset`,
    outline: 'none',

  svg: {
    display: 'block',
    height: 14,
    width: 14,

const ControlHeadingWrapper = styled.span({
  display: 'flex',
  justifyContent: 'space-between',

export enum ArgsTableError {
  NO_COMPONENT = 'No component found.',
  ARGS_UNSUPPORTED = 'Args unsupported. See Args documentation for your framework.',

export type SortType = 'alpha' | 'requiredFirst' | 'none';
type SortFn = (a: ArgType, b: ArgType) => number;

const sortFns: Record<SortType, SortFn | null> = {
  alpha: (a: ArgType, b: ArgType) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name),
  requiredFirst: (a: ArgType, b: ArgType) =>
    Number(!!b.type?.required) - Number(!!a.type?.required) || a.name.localeCompare(b.name),
  none: undefined,

export interface ArgsTableOptionProps {
  updateArgs?: (args: Args) => void;
  resetArgs?: (argNames?: string[]) => void;
  compact?: boolean;
  inAddonPanel?: boolean;
  initialExpandedArgs?: boolean;
  isLoading?: boolean;
  sort?: SortType;
export interface ArgsTableDataProps {
  rows: ArgTypes;
  args?: Args;

export interface ArgsTableErrorProps {
  error: ArgsTableError;
export interface ArgsTableLoadingProps {
  isLoading: true;

const rowLoadingData = (key: string) => ({
  name: 'propertyName',
  description: 'This is a short description',
  control: { type: 'text' },
  table: {
    type: { summary: 'summary' },
    defaultValue: { summary: 'defaultValue' },

export const argsTableLoadingData: ArgsTableDataProps = {
  rows: {
    row1: rowLoadingData('row1'),
    row2: rowLoadingData('row2'),
    row3: rowLoadingData('row3'),

export type ArgsTableProps = ArgsTableOptionProps &
  (ArgsTableDataProps | ArgsTableErrorProps | ArgsTableLoadingProps);

type Rows = ArgType[];
type Subsection = Rows;
type Section = {
  ungrouped: Rows;
  subsections: Record<string, Subsection>;
type Sections = {
  ungrouped: Rows;
  ungroupedSubsections: Record<string, Subsection>;
  sections: Record<string, Section>;

const groupRows = (rows: ArgType, sort: SortType) => {
  const sections: Sections = { ungrouped: [], ungroupedSubsections: {}, sections: {} };
  if (!rows) return sections;

  Object.entries(rows).forEach(([key, row]) => {
    const { category, subcategory } = row?.table || {};
    if (category) {
      const section = sections.sections[category] || { ungrouped: [], subsections: {} };
      if (!subcategory) {
        section.ungrouped.push({ key, ...row });
      } else {
        const subsection = section.subsections[subcategory] || [];
        subsection.push({ key, ...row });
        section.subsections[subcategory] = subsection;
      sections.sections[category] = section;
    } else if (subcategory) {
      const subsection = sections.ungroupedSubsections[subcategory] || [];
      subsection.push({ key, ...row });
      sections.ungroupedSubsections[subcategory] = subsection;
    } else {
      sections.ungrouped.push({ key, ...row });

  // apply sort
  const sortFn = sortFns[sort];

  const sortSubsection = (record: Record<string, Subsection>) => {
    if (!sortFn) return record;
    return Object.keys(record).reduce<Record<string, Subsection>>(
      (acc, cur) => ({
        [cur]: record[cur].sort(sortFn),

  const sorted = {
    ungrouped: sections.ungrouped.sort(sortFn),
    ungroupedSubsections: sortSubsection(sections.ungroupedSubsections),
    sections: Object.keys(sections.sections).reduce<Record<string, Section>>(
      (acc, cur) => ({
        [cur]: {
          ungrouped: sections.sections[cur].ungrouped.sort(sortFn),
          subsections: sortSubsection(sections.sections[cur].subsections),

  return sorted;

 * Display the props for a component as a props table. Each row is a collection of
 * ArgDefs, usually derived from docgen info for the component.
export const ArgsTable: FC<ArgsTableProps> = (props) => {
  if ('error' in props) {
    return (
        <Link href="http://storybook.js.org/docs/" target="_blank" withArrow>
          Read the docs

  const {
    sort = 'none',
  } = props;
  const isLoading = 'isLoading' in props;
  const { rows, args } = 'rows' in props ? props : argsTableLoadingData;

  const groups = groupRows(
    pickBy(rows, (row) => !row?.table?.disable),

  if (
    groups.ungrouped.length === 0 &&
    Object.entries(groups.sections).length === 0 &&
    Object.entries(groups.ungroupedSubsections).length === 0
  ) {
    return (
        No inputs found for this component.&nbsp;
        <Link href="http://storybook.js.org/docs/" target="_blank" withArrow>
          Read the docs

  let colSpan = 1;
  if (updateArgs) colSpan += 1;
  if (!compact) colSpan += 2;
  const expandable = Object.keys(groups.sections).length > 0;

  const common = { updateArgs, compact, inAddonPanel, initialExpandedArgs };

  return (
        {...{ compact, inAddonPanel, isLoading }}
        <thead className="docblock-argstable-head">
            {compact ? null : (
            {compact ? null : (
            {updateArgs ? (
                  Control{' '}
                  {!isLoading && resetArgs && (
                    <ResetButton onClick={() => resetArgs()} title="Reset controls">
                      <Icons icon="undo" aria-hidden />
            ) : null}
        <tbody className="docblock-argstable-body">
          {groups.ungrouped.map((row) => (
            <ArgRow key={row.key} row={row} arg={args && args[row.key]} {...common} />

          {Object.entries(groups.ungroupedSubsections).map(([subcategory, subsection]) => (
            <SectionRow key={subcategory} label={subcategory} level="subsection" colSpan={colSpan}>
              {subsection.map((row) => (
                  arg={args && args[row.key]}

          {Object.entries(groups.sections).map(([category, section]) => (
            <SectionRow key={category} label={category} level="section" colSpan={colSpan}>
              {section.ungrouped.map((row) => (
                <ArgRow key={row.key} row={row} arg={args && args[row.key]} {...common} />
              {Object.entries(section.subsections).map(([subcategory, subsection]) => (
                  {subsection.map((row) => (
                      arg={args && args[row.key]}