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/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
import { addons, Channel, StoryId } from '@storybook/addons';
import { once } from '@storybook/client-logger';
import {
} from '@storybook/core-events';
import global from 'global';

import { Call, CallRef, CallStates, State, Options, ControlStates, LogItem } from './types';

export const EVENTS = {
  CALL: 'instrumenter/call',
  SYNC: 'instrumenter/sync',
  START: 'instrumenter/start',
  BACK: 'instrumenter/back',
  GOTO: 'instrumenter/goto',
  NEXT: 'instrumenter/next',
  END: 'instrumenter/end',

type PatchedObj<TObj> = {
  [Property in keyof TObj]: TObj[Property] & { __originalFn__: PatchedObj<TObj> };

const debuggerDisabled = global.FEATURES?.interactionsDebugger !== true;
const controlsDisabled: ControlStates = {
  debugger: !debuggerDisabled,
  start: false,
  back: false,
  goto: false,
  next: false,
  end: false,

const alreadyCompletedException = new Error(
  `This function ran after the play function completed. Did you forget to \`await\` it?`

const isObject = (o: unknown) => Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Object]';
const isModule = (o: unknown) => Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Module]';
const isInstrumentable = (o: unknown) => {
  if (!isObject(o) && !isModule(o)) return false;
  if (o.constructor === undefined) return true;
  const proto = o.constructor.prototype;
  if (!isObject(proto)) return false;
  if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(proto, 'isPrototypeOf') === false) return false;
  return true;

const construct = (obj: any) => {
  try {
    return new obj.constructor();
  } catch (e) {
    return {};

const getInitialState = (): State => ({
  renderPhase: undefined,
  isDebugging: false,
  isPlaying: false,
  isLocked: false,
  cursor: 0,
  calls: [],
  shadowCalls: [],
  callRefsByResult: new Map(),
  chainedCallIds: new Set<Call['id']>(),
  parentId: undefined,
  playUntil: undefined,
  resolvers: {},
  syncTimeout: undefined,
  forwardedException: undefined,

const getRetainedState = (state: State, isDebugging = false) => {
  const calls = (isDebugging ? state.shadowCalls : state.calls).filter((call) => call.retain);
  if (!calls.length) return undefined;
  const callRefsByResult = new Map(
    Array.from(state.callRefsByResult.entries()).filter(([, ref]) => ref.retain)
  return { cursor: calls.length, calls, callRefsByResult };

 * This class is not supposed to be used directly. Use the `instrument` function below instead.
export class Instrumenter {
  channel: Channel;

  initialized = false;

  // State is tracked per story to deal with multiple stories on the same canvas (i.e. docs mode)
  state: Record<StoryId, State>;

  constructor() {
    this.channel = addons.getChannel();

    // Restore state from the parent window in case the iframe was reloaded.
    this.state = global.window.parent.__STORYBOOK_ADDON_INTERACTIONS_INSTRUMENTER_STATE__ || {};

    // When called from `start`, isDebugging will be true
    const resetState = ({
      isPlaying = true,
      isDebugging = false,
    }: {
      storyId?: StoryId;
      isPlaying?: boolean;
      isDebugging?: boolean;
    }) => {
      const state = this.getState(storyId);
      this.setState(storyId, {
        ...getRetainedState(state, isDebugging),
        shadowCalls: isDebugging ? state.shadowCalls : [],
        chainedCallIds: isDebugging ? state.chainedCallIds : new Set<Call['id']>(),
        playUntil: isDebugging ? state.playUntil : undefined,

      // Don't sync while debugging, as it'll cause flicker.
      if (!isDebugging) this.sync(storyId);

    // A forceRemount might be triggered for debugging (on `start`), or elsewhere in Storybook.
    this.channel.on(FORCE_REMOUNT, resetState);

    // Start with a clean slate before playing after a remount, and stop debugging when done.
    this.channel.on(STORY_RENDER_PHASE_CHANGED, ({ storyId, newPhase }) => {
      const { isDebugging, forwardedException } = this.getState(storyId);
      this.setState(storyId, { renderPhase: newPhase });
      if (newPhase === 'playing') {
        resetState({ storyId, isDebugging });
      if (newPhase === 'played') {
        this.setState(storyId, {
          isLocked: false,
          isPlaying: false,
          isDebugging: false,
          forwardedException: undefined,
        // Rethrow any unhandled forwarded exception so it doesn't go unnoticed.
        if (forwardedException) throw forwardedException;

    // Trash non-retained state and clear the log when switching stories, but not on initial boot.
    this.channel.on(SET_CURRENT_STORY, () => {
      if (this.initialized) this.cleanup();
      else this.initialized = true;

    const start = ({ storyId, playUntil }: { storyId: string; playUntil?: Call['id'] }) => {
      if (!this.getState(storyId).isDebugging) {
        this.setState(storyId, ({ calls }) => ({
          calls: [],
          shadowCalls: calls.map((call) => ({ ...call, status: CallStates.WAITING })),
          isDebugging: true,

      const log = this.getLog(storyId);
      this.setState(storyId, ({ shadowCalls }) => {
        const firstRowIndex = shadowCalls.findIndex((call) => call.id === log[0].callId);
        return {
            playUntil ||
              .slice(0, firstRowIndex)
              .filter((call) => call.interceptable)

      // Force remount may trigger a page reload if the play function can't be aborted.
      this.channel.emit(FORCE_REMOUNT, { storyId, isDebugging: true });

    const back = ({ storyId }: { storyId: string }) => {
      const { isDebugging } = this.getState(storyId);
      const log = this.getLog(storyId);
      const next = isDebugging
        ? log.findIndex(({ status }) => status === CallStates.WAITING)
        : log.length;
      start({ storyId, playUntil: log[next - 2]?.callId });

    const goto = ({ storyId, callId }: { storyId: string; callId: Call['id'] }) => {
      const { calls, shadowCalls, resolvers } = this.getState(storyId);
      const call = calls.find(({ id }) => id === callId);
      const shadowCall = shadowCalls.find(({ id }) => id === callId);
      if (!call && shadowCall && Object.values(resolvers).length > 0) {
        const nextId = this.getLog(storyId).find((c) => c.status === CallStates.WAITING)?.callId;
        if (shadowCall.id !== nextId) this.setState(storyId, { playUntil: shadowCall.id });
        Object.values(resolvers).forEach((resolve) => resolve());
      } else {
        start({ storyId, playUntil: callId });

    const next = ({ storyId }: { storyId: string }) => {
      const { resolvers } = this.getState(storyId);
      if (Object.values(resolvers).length > 0) {
        Object.values(resolvers).forEach((resolve) => resolve());
      } else {
        const nextId = this.getLog(storyId).find((c) => c.status === CallStates.WAITING)?.callId;
        if (nextId) start({ storyId, playUntil: nextId });
        else end({ storyId });

    const end = ({ storyId }: { storyId: string }) => {
      this.setState(storyId, { playUntil: undefined, isDebugging: false });
      Object.values(this.getState(storyId).resolvers).forEach((resolve) => resolve());

    this.channel.on(EVENTS.START, start);
    this.channel.on(EVENTS.BACK, back);
    this.channel.on(EVENTS.GOTO, goto);
    this.channel.on(EVENTS.NEXT, next);
    this.channel.on(EVENTS.END, end);

  getState(storyId: StoryId) {
    return this.state[storyId] || getInitialState();

  setState(storyId: StoryId, update: Partial<State> | ((state: State) => Partial<State>)) {
    const state = this.getState(storyId);
    const patch = typeof update === 'function' ? update(state) : update;
    this.state = { ...this.state, [storyId]: { ...state, ...patch } };
    // Track state on the parent window so we can reload the iframe without losing state.
    global.window.parent.__STORYBOOK_ADDON_INTERACTIONS_INSTRUMENTER_STATE__ = this.state;

  cleanup() {
    // Reset stories with retained state to their initial state, and drop the rest.
    this.state = Object.entries(this.state).reduce((acc, [storyId, state]) => {
      const retainedState = getRetainedState(state);
      if (!retainedState) return acc;
      acc[storyId] = Object.assign(getInitialState(), retainedState);
      return acc;
    }, {} as Record<StoryId, State>);
    this.channel.emit(EVENTS.SYNC, { controlStates: controlsDisabled, logItems: [] });
    global.window.parent.__STORYBOOK_ADDON_INTERACTIONS_INSTRUMENTER_STATE__ = this.state;

  getLog(storyId: string): LogItem[] {
    const { calls, shadowCalls } = this.getState(storyId);
    const merged = [...shadowCalls];
    calls.forEach((call, index) => {
      merged[index] = call;

    const seen = new Set();
    return merged.reduceRight<LogItem[]>((acc, call) => {
      call.args.forEach((arg) => {
        if (arg?.__callId__) {
      call.path.forEach((node) => {
        if ((node as CallRef).__callId__) {
          seen.add((node as CallRef).__callId__);
      if (call.interceptable && !seen.has(call.id)) {
        acc.unshift({ callId: call.id, status: call.status });
      return acc;
    }, []);

  // Traverses the object structure to recursively patch all function properties.
  // Returns the original object, or a new object with the same constructor,
  // depending on whether it should mutate.
  instrument<TObj extends { [x: string]: any }>(obj: TObj, options: Options): PatchedObj<TObj> {
    if (!isInstrumentable(obj)) return obj;

    const { mutate = false, path = [] } = options;
    return Object.keys(obj).reduce(
      (acc, key) => {
        const value = (obj as Record<string, any>)[key];

        // Nothing to patch, but might be instrumentable, so we recurse
        if (typeof value !== 'function') {
          acc[key] = this.instrument(value, { ...options, path: path.concat(key) });
          return acc;

        // Already patched, so we pass through unchanged
        if (typeof value.__originalFn__ === 'function') {
          acc[key] = value;
          return acc;

        // Patch the function and mark it "patched" by adding a reference to the original function
        acc[key] = (...args: any[]) => this.track(key, value, args, options);
        acc[key].__originalFn__ = value;

        // Reuse the original name as the patched function's name
        Object.defineProperty(acc[key], 'name', { value: key, writable: false });

        // Deal with functions that also act like an object
        if (Object.keys(value).length > 0) {
            this.instrument({ ...value }, { ...options, path: path.concat(key) })

        return acc;
      mutate ? obj : construct(obj)

  // Monkey patch an object method to record calls.
  // Returns a function that invokes the original function, records the invocation ("call") and
  // returns the original result.
  track(method: string, fn: Function, args: any[], options: Options) {
    const storyId: StoryId =
      args?.[0]?.__storyId__ || global.window.__STORYBOOK_PREVIEW__?.urlStore?.selection?.storyId;
    const { cursor, parentId } = this.getState(storyId);
    this.setState(storyId, { cursor: cursor + 1 });
    const id = `${parentId || storyId} [${cursor}] ${method}`;
    const { path = [], intercept = false, retain = false } = options;
    const interceptable = typeof intercept === 'function' ? intercept(method, path) : intercept;
    const call: Call = { id, parentId, storyId, cursor, path, method, args, interceptable, retain };
    const result = (interceptable ? this.intercept : this.invoke).call(this, fn, call, options);
    return this.instrument(result, { ...options, mutate: true, path: [{ __callId__: call.id }] });

  intercept(fn: Function, call: Call, options: Options) {
    const { chainedCallIds, isDebugging, playUntil } = this.getState(call.storyId);

    // For a "jump to step" action, continue playing until we hit a call by that ID.
    // For chained calls, we can only return a Promise for the last call in the chain.
    const isChainedUpon = chainedCallIds.has(call.id);
    if (!isDebugging || isChainedUpon || playUntil) {
      if (playUntil === call.id) {
        this.setState(call.storyId, { playUntil: undefined });
      return this.invoke(fn, call, options);

    // Instead of invoking the function, defer the function call until we continue playing.
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.setState(call.storyId, ({ resolvers }) => ({
        isLocked: false,
        resolvers: { ...resolvers, [call.id]: resolve },
    }).then(() => {
      this.setState(call.storyId, (state) => {
        const { [call.id]: _, ...resolvers } = state.resolvers;
        return { isLocked: true, resolvers };
      return this.invoke(fn, call, options);

  invoke(fn: Function, call: Call, options: Options) {
    // TODO this doesnt work because the abortSignal we have here is the newly created one
    // const { abortSignal } = global.window.__STORYBOOK_PREVIEW__ || {};
    // if (abortSignal && abortSignal.aborted) throw IGNORED_EXCEPTION;

    const { callRefsByResult, forwardedException, renderPhase } = this.getState(call.storyId);

    const info: Call = {
      // Map args that originate from a tracked function call to a call reference to enable nesting.
      // These values are often not fully serializable anyway (e.g. HTML elements).
      args: call.args.map((arg) => {
        if (callRefsByResult.has(arg)) {
          return callRefsByResult.get(arg);
        if (arg instanceof global.window.HTMLElement) {
          const { prefix, localName, id, classList, innerText } = arg;
          const classNames = Array.from(classList);
          return { __element__: { prefix, localName, id, classNames, innerText } };
        return arg;

    // Mark any ancestor calls as "chained upon" so we won't attempt to defer it later.
    call.path.forEach((ref: any) => {
      if (ref?.__callId__) {
        this.setState(call.storyId, ({ chainedCallIds }) => ({
          chainedCallIds: new Set(Array.from(chainedCallIds).concat(ref.__callId__)),

    const handleException = (e: unknown) => {
      if (e instanceof Error) {
        const { name, message, stack } = e;
        const exception = { name, message, stack };
        this.update({ ...info, status: CallStates.ERROR, exception });

        // Always track errors to their originating call.
        this.setState(call.storyId, (state) => ({
          callRefsByResult: new Map([
            [e, { __callId__: call.id, retain: call.retain }],

        // We need to throw to break out of the play function, but we don't want to trigger a redbox
        // so we throw an ignoredException, which is caught and silently ignored by Storybook.
        if (call.interceptable && e !== alreadyCompletedException) {
          throw IGNORED_EXCEPTION;

        // Non-interceptable calls need their exceptions forwarded to the next interceptable call.
        // In case no interceptable call picks it up, it'll get rethrown in the "completed" phase.
        this.setState(call.storyId, { forwardedException: e });
        return e;
      throw e;

    try {
      // An earlier, non-interceptable call might have forwarded an exception.
      if (forwardedException) {
        this.setState(call.storyId, { forwardedException: undefined });
        throw forwardedException;

      if (renderPhase === 'played' && !call.retain) {
        throw alreadyCompletedException;

      const finalArgs = options.getArgs
        ? options.getArgs(call, this.getState(call.storyId))
        : call.args;
      const result = fn(
        // Wrap any callback functions to provide a way to access their "parent" call.
        // This is picked up in the `track` function and used for call metadata.
        ...finalArgs.map((arg: any) => {
          if (typeof arg !== 'function' || Object.keys(arg).length) return arg;
          return (...args: any) => {
            const { cursor, parentId } = this.getState(call.storyId);
            this.setState(call.storyId, { cursor: 0, parentId: call.id });
            const restore = () => this.setState(call.storyId, { cursor, parentId });
            const res = arg(...args);
            if (res instanceof Promise) res.then(restore, restore);
            else restore();
            return res;

      // Track the result so we can trace later uses of it back to the originating call.
      // Primitive results (undefined, null, boolean, string, number, BigInt) are ignored.
      if (result && ['object', 'function', 'symbol'].includes(typeof result)) {
        this.setState(call.storyId, (state) => ({
          callRefsByResult: new Map([
            [result, { __callId__: call.id, retain: call.retain }],

        status: result instanceof Promise ? CallStates.ACTIVE : CallStates.DONE,

      if (result instanceof Promise) {
        return result.then((value) => {
          this.update({ ...info, status: CallStates.DONE });
          return value;
        }, handleException);

      return result;
    } catch (e) {
      return handleException(e);

  // Sends the call info and log to the manager.
  // Uses a 0ms debounce because this might get called many times in one tick.
  update(call: Call) {
    this.channel.emit(EVENTS.CALL, call);
    this.setState(call.storyId, ({ calls }) => {
      // Omit earlier calls for the same ID, which may have been superceded by a later invocation.
      // This typically happens when calls are part of a callback which runs multiple times.
      const callsById = calls
        .reduce<Record<Call['id'], Call>>((a, c) => Object.assign(a, { [c.id]: c }), {});
      return {
        // Calls are sorted to ensure parent calls always come before calls in their callback.
        calls: Object.values(callsById).sort((a, b) =>
          a.id.localeCompare(b.id, undefined, { numeric: true })
        syncTimeout: setTimeout(() => this.sync(call.storyId), 0),

  sync(storyId: StoryId) {
    const { isLocked, isPlaying } = this.getState(storyId);
    const logItems: LogItem[] = this.getLog(storyId);

    const hasActive = logItems.some((item) => item.status === CallStates.ACTIVE);
    if (debuggerDisabled || isLocked || hasActive || logItems.length === 0) {
      this.channel.emit(EVENTS.SYNC, { controlStates: controlsDisabled, logItems });

    const hasPrevious = logItems.some((item) =>
      [CallStates.DONE, CallStates.ERROR].includes(item.status)
    const controlStates: ControlStates = {
      debugger: true,
      start: hasPrevious,
      back: hasPrevious,
      goto: true,
      next: isPlaying,
      end: isPlaying,
    this.channel.emit(EVENTS.SYNC, { controlStates, logItems });

 * Instruments an object or module by traversing its properties, patching any functions (methods)
 * to enable debugging. Patched functions will emit a `call` event when invoked.
 * When intercept = true, patched functions will return a Promise when the debugger stops before
 * this function. As such, "interceptable" functions will have to be `await`-ed.
export function instrument<TObj extends Record<string, any>>(
  obj: TObj,
  options: Options = {}
): TObj {
  try {
    // Don't do any instrumentation if not loaded in an iframe.
    if (global.window.parent === global.window) return obj;

    // Only create an instance if we don't have one (singleton) yet.
      global.window.__STORYBOOK_ADDON_INTERACTIONS_INSTRUMENTER__ = new Instrumenter();

    const instrumenter: Instrumenter = global.window.__STORYBOOK_ADDON_INTERACTIONS_INSTRUMENTER__;
    return instrumenter.instrument(obj, options);
  } catch (e) {
    // Access to the parent window might fail due to CORS restrictions.
    return obj;