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Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP

exports[`inject-decorator injectDecorator option is false - angular does not inject stories decorator after the all "storiesOf" functions 1`] = `
"import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/angular';

  selector: 'storybook-with-ng-content',
  template: \`<div style=\\"color: #1e88e5;\\"><ng-content></ng-content></div>\`,
class WithNgContentComponent {}

storiesOf('Custom|ng-content', module).add('Default', () => ({
  template: \`<storybook-with-ng-content><h1>This is rendered in ng-content</h1></storybook-with-ng-content>\`,
  moduleMetadata: {
    declarations: [WithNgContentComponent],

exports[`inject-decorator injectDecorator option is false - flow does not inject stories decorator after the all "storiesOf" functions 1`] = `
"// @flow
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';

import TableComponent from '../components/TableComponent';

import type { JssClasses } from '../types';

type State = {
  value: any,

type Props = {
  classes: JssClasses,
  name: string,

class Table extends React.Component<Props, State> {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      value: undefined,

  state: State;

  render() {
    return <TableComponent />;

const stories = storiesOf('Table', module);
stories.add('Flow Class', withInfo('Lorum Ipsum Nem')(() => <Table />));

exports[`inject-decorator injectDecorator option is false - ts does not inject stories decorator after the all "storiesOf" functions 1`] = `
"import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Store, StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
import { storiesOf, moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular';

  selector: 'storybook-comp-with-store',
  template: '<div>{{this.getStoreState()}}</div>',
class WithStoreComponent {
  private store: Store<any>;

  constructor(store: Store<any>) {
    this.store = store;

  getStoreState(): string {
    return this.store === undefined ? 'Store is NOT injected' : 'Store is injected';

storiesOf('ngrx|Store', module)
      imports: [StoreModule.forRoot({})],
      declarations: [WithStoreComponent],
  .add('With component', () => {
    return {
      component: WithStoreComponent,

exports[`inject-decorator injectDecorator option is false does not inject stories decorator after the all "storiesOf" functions 1`] = `
"import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';

import { DocgenButton } from '../components/DocgenButton';
import FlowTypeButton from '../components/FlowTypeButton';
import BaseButton from '../components/BaseButton';
import TableComponent from '../components/TableComponent';

storiesOf('Addons|Info.React Docgen', module)
    'Comments from PropType declarations',
      'Comments above the PropType declarations should be extracted from the React component file itself and rendered in the Info Addon prop table'
    )(() => <DocgenButton onClick={action('clicked')} label=\\"Docgen Button\\" />)
    'Comments from Flow declarations',
      'Comments above the Flow declarations should be extracted from the React component file itself and rendered in the Info Addon prop table'
    )(() => <FlowTypeButton onClick={action('clicked')} label=\\"Flow Typed Button\\" />)
    'Comments from component declaration',
      'Comments above the component declaration should be extracted from the React component file itself and rendered below the Info Addon heading'
    )(() => <BaseButton onClick={action('clicked')} label=\\"Button\\" />)

const markdownDescription = \`
#### You can use markdown in your withInfo() description.

Sometimes you might want to manually include some code examples:
const Button = () => <button />;

Maybe include a [link](http://storybook.js.org) to your project as well.

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Markdown', module).add(
  'Displays Markdown in description',
  withInfo(markdownDescription)(() => <BaseButton onClick={action('clicked')} label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.inline', module).add(
  'Inlines component inside story',
    text: 'Component should be inlined between description and PropType table',
    inline: true, // Displays info inline vs click button to view
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.header', module).add(
  'Shows or hides Info Addon header',
    text: 'The Info Addon header should be hidden',
    header: false, // Toggles display of header with component name and description
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.source', module).add(
  'Shows or hides Info Addon source',
    text: 'The Info Addon source section should be hidden',
    source: false, // Displays the source of story Component
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.propTables', module).add(
  'Shows additional component prop tables',
    text: 'There should be a prop table added for a component not included in the story',
    propTables: [FlowTypeButton],
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.propTablesExclude', module).add(
  'Exclude component from prop tables',
    text: 'This can exclude extraneous components from being displayed in prop tables.',
    propTablesExclude: [FlowTypeButton],
  })(() => (
      <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />
      <FlowTypeButton label=\\"Flow Typed Button\\" />

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.styles', module)
    'Extend info styles with an object',
      styles: {
        button: {
          base: {
            background: 'purple',
        header: {
          h1: {
            color: 'green',
    })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)
    'Full control over styles using a function',
      styles: stylesheet => ({
        header: {
          h1: {
            color: 'red',
    })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.TableComponent', module).add(
  'Use a custom component for the table',
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Decorator', module)
  .addDecorator((story, context) =>
    withInfo('Info could be used as a global or local decorator as well.')(story)(context)
  .add('Use Info as story decorator', () => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />);

const hoc = WrapComponent => ({ ...props }) => <WrapComponent {...props} />;

const Input = hoc(() => <input type=\\"text\\" />);

const TextArea = hoc(({ children }) => <textarea>{children}</textarea>);

storiesOf('Addons|Info.GitHub issues', module).add(
  withInfo('Allow Duplicate DisplayNames for HOC #1814')(() => (
      <Input />
      <TextArea />

exports[`inject-decorator positive - angular calculates "adds" map 1`] = `
Object {
  "default": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 15,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 15,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 54,
      "line": 10,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 43,
      "line": 10,

exports[`inject-decorator positive - angular injects stories decorator after the all "storiesOf" functions 1`] = `
"import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/angular';

  selector: 'storybook-with-ng-content',
  template: \`<div style=\\"color: #1e88e5;\\"><ng-content></ng-content></div>\`,
class WithNgContentComponent {}

storiesOf('Custom|ng-content', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } }).add('Default', () => ({
  template: \`<storybook-with-ng-content><h1>This is rendered in ng-content</h1></storybook-with-ng-content>\`,
  moduleMetadata: {
    declarations: [WithNgContentComponent],

exports[`inject-decorator positive - flow calculates "adds" map 1`] = `
Object {
  "flow-class": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 70,
      "line": 35,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 70,
      "line": 35,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 26,
      "line": 35,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 12,
      "line": 35,

exports[`inject-decorator positive - flow injects stories decorator after the all "storiesOf" functions 1`] = `
"// @flow
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';

import TableComponent from '../components/TableComponent';

import type { JssClasses } from '../types';

type State = {
  value: any,

type Props = {
  classes: JssClasses,
  name: string,

class Table extends React.Component<Props, State> {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      value: undefined,

  state: State;

  render() {
    return <TableComponent />;

const stories = storiesOf('Table', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } });
stories.add('Flow Class', withInfo('Lorum Ipsum Nem')(() => <Table />));

exports[`inject-decorator positive - ts calculates "adds" map 1`] = `
Object {
  "with-component": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 3,
      "line": 32,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 3,
      "line": 32,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 25,
      "line": 28,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 7,
      "line": 28,

exports[`inject-decorator positive - ts injects stories decorator after the all "storiesOf" functions 1`] = `
"import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Store, StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
import { storiesOf, moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular';

  selector: 'storybook-comp-with-store',
  template: '<div>{{this.getStoreState()}}</div>',
class WithStoreComponent {
  private store: Store<any>;

  constructor(store: Store<any>) {
    this.store = store;

  getStoreState(): string {
    return this.store === undefined ? 'Store is NOT injected' : 'Store is injected';

storiesOf('ngrx|Store', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } })
      imports: [StoreModule.forRoot({})],
      declarations: [WithStoreComponent],
  .add('With component', () => {
    return {
      component: WithStoreComponent,

exports[`inject-decorator positive calculates "adds" map 1`] = `
Object {
  "1814": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 152,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 152,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 147,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 146,
  "comments-from-component-declaration": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 70,
      "line": 28,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 70,
      "line": 28,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 26,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 25,
  "comments-from-flow-declarations": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 85,
      "line": 22,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 85,
      "line": 22,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 20,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 19,
  "comments-from-proptype-declarations": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 79,
      "line": 16,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 79,
      "line": 16,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 14,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 13,
  "displays-markdown-in-description": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 96,
      "line": 44,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 96,
      "line": 44,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 44,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 43,
  "exclude-component-from-prop-tables": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 89,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 89,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 81,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 80,
  "extend-info-styles-with-an-object": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 43,
      "line": 108,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 43,
      "line": 108,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 95,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 94,
  "full-control-over-styles-using-a-function": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 43,
      "line": 123,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 43,
      "line": 123,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 112,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 4,
      "line": 111,
  "inlines-component-inside-story": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 52,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 52,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 49,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 48,
  "shows-additional-component-prop-tables": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 76,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 76,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 73,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 72,
  "shows-or-hides-info-addon-header": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 60,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 60,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 57,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 56,
  "shows-or-hides-info-addon-source": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 68,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 68,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 65,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 64,
  "use-a-custom-component-for-the-table": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 130,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 41,
      "line": 130,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 128,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 2,
      "line": 127,
  "use-info-as-story-decorator": Object {
    "endBody": Object {
      "col": 73,
      "line": 137,
    "endLoc": Object {
      "col": 73,
      "line": 137,
    "startBody": Object {
      "col": 38,
      "line": 137,
    "startLoc": Object {
      "col": 7,
      "line": 137,

exports[`inject-decorator positive injects stories decorator after the all "storiesOf" functions 1`] = `
"import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';

import { DocgenButton } from '../components/DocgenButton';
import FlowTypeButton from '../components/FlowTypeButton';
import BaseButton from '../components/BaseButton';
import TableComponent from '../components/TableComponent';

storiesOf('Addons|Info.React Docgen', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } })
    'Comments from PropType declarations',
      'Comments above the PropType declarations should be extracted from the React component file itself and rendered in the Info Addon prop table'
    )(() => <DocgenButton onClick={action('clicked')} label=\\"Docgen Button\\" />)
    'Comments from Flow declarations',
      'Comments above the Flow declarations should be extracted from the React component file itself and rendered in the Info Addon prop table'
    )(() => <FlowTypeButton onClick={action('clicked')} label=\\"Flow Typed Button\\" />)
    'Comments from component declaration',
      'Comments above the component declaration should be extracted from the React component file itself and rendered below the Info Addon heading'
    )(() => <BaseButton onClick={action('clicked')} label=\\"Button\\" />)

const markdownDescription = \`
#### You can use markdown in your withInfo() description.

Sometimes you might want to manually include some code examples:
const Button = () => <button />;

Maybe include a [link](http://storybook.js.org) to your project as well.

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Markdown', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } }).add(
  'Displays Markdown in description',
  withInfo(markdownDescription)(() => <BaseButton onClick={action('clicked')} label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.inline', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } }).add(
  'Inlines component inside story',
    text: 'Component should be inlined between description and PropType table',
    inline: true, // Displays info inline vs click button to view
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.header', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } }).add(
  'Shows or hides Info Addon header',
    text: 'The Info Addon header should be hidden',
    header: false, // Toggles display of header with component name and description
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.source', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } }).add(
  'Shows or hides Info Addon source',
    text: 'The Info Addon source section should be hidden',
    source: false, // Displays the source of story Component
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.propTables', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } }).add(
  'Shows additional component prop tables',
    text: 'There should be a prop table added for a component not included in the story',
    propTables: [FlowTypeButton],
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.propTablesExclude', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } }).add(
  'Exclude component from prop tables',
    text: 'This can exclude extraneous components from being displayed in prop tables.',
    propTablesExclude: [FlowTypeButton],
  })(() => (
      <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />
      <FlowTypeButton label=\\"Flow Typed Button\\" />

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.styles', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } })
    'Extend info styles with an object',
      styles: {
        button: {
          base: {
            background: 'purple',
        header: {
          h1: {
            color: 'green',
    })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)
    'Full control over styles using a function',
      styles: stylesheet => ({
        header: {
          h1: {
            color: 'red',
    })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Options.TableComponent', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } }).add(
  'Use a custom component for the table',
  })(() => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />)

storiesOf('Addons|Info.Decorator', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } })
  .addDecorator((story, context) =>
    withInfo('Info could be used as a global or local decorator as well.')(story)(context)
  .add('Use Info as story decorator', () => <BaseButton label=\\"Button\\" />);

const hoc = WrapComponent => ({ ...props }) => <WrapComponent {...props} />;

const Input = hoc(() => <input type=\\"text\\" />);

const TextArea = hoc(({ children }) => <textarea>{children}</textarea>);

storiesOf('Addons|Info.GitHub issues', module).addParameters({ storySource: { source: __STORY__, locationsMap: __LOCATIONS_MAP__ } }).add(
  withInfo('Allow Duplicate DisplayNames for HOC #1814')(() => (
      <Input />
      <TextArea />

exports[`inject-decorator stories with ugly comments in ts should delete ugly comments from the generated story source 1`] = `

import React from 'react';

  selector: 'storybook-comp-with-store',
  template: '<div>{{this.getStoreState()}}</div>',
class WithStoreComponent {
  private store: Store<any>;

  constructor(store: Store<any>) {
    this.store = store;

  getStoreState(): string {
    return this.store === undefined ? 'Store is NOT injected' : 'Store is injected';

import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';

 const x = 0;

storiesOf('Foo', module)
  .add('bar', () => <div>baz</div>);

 This is actually a good comment that will help
 users to understand what's going on here.

exports[`inject-decorator stories with ugly comments should delete ugly comments from the generated story source 1`] = `

import React from 'react';

import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';

 const x = 0;

storiesOf('Foo', module)
  .add('bar', () => <div>baz</div>);

 This is actually a good comment that will help
 users to understand what's going on here.

exports[`inject-decorator will not change the source when there are no "storiesOf" functions 1`] = `
"while(true) {
  console.log(\\"it's a kind of magic\\");