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'use strict';

 * Module dependencies
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;

module.exports = class Bernard extends EventEmitter {
   * Create a instance of bernard
   * @param {object} options Contains the manager options
   * @param {number} options.timeout Time to wait (in milliseconds) before forcing
   * the exit
  constructor(options={}) {
    // Call  EventEmitter constructor

    this._timeout = options.timeout || 20*1000;

    this._isExiting = false;
    this._tasks = [];

   * Add a task to be run on process exit.
   * Tasks objects should have a title string and handler
   * function properties. They will be called in FIFO order.
   * @param {object} task Task definition
   * @param {title} task.title Describes the task
   * @param {function} task.handler Implements the task logic
  addTask(task) {
    if (!task.title) throw new Error('Exit task have no title property');
    if (!task.handler) throw new Error('Exit task ' + task.title + ' have no handler property');
    if (!(task.handler instanceof Function)) throw new Error('Exit task ' + task.title + ' handler is not a function');


   * Run all exiting tasks one by one in FIFO order.
   * @async
  async _runTasks() {
    for (let task of this._tasks) {
      this.emit('taskStart', task.title);
      await task.handler();

   * Some task could fail or take too long.
  _startTimeoutCountdown() {
    setTimeout(() => {

      // NOTE: This is not POSIX compliant. If a signal caused the
      // close process, it should return 128 + signal number
      process.exitCode = 1;
    }, this._timeout);

   * Starts the exit process
   * @async
  async _shutdown() {
    // Avoid multiple exit tasks
    if (this._isExiting) return;
    this._isExiting = true;

    this.emit('shutdown', { timeout: this._timeout });

    await this._runTasks();

    // Close tasks finished. Application still running because the timeout check
    // is in the event loop

   * Attach graceful exit handler to exit events
  prepare() {
    // Configure process signals to invoke graceful exit
    ['SIGTERM', 'SIGINT', 'SIGHUP'].forEach((signal) => {
      process.on(signal, () =>  {
        this.emit('signal', signal);

    // React to unhandled errors with graceful exit
    ['unhandledRejection', 'uncaughtException'].forEach((errorCause) => {
      process.on(errorCause, (error) => {
        this.emit(errorCause, error);
        process.exitCode = 1;
        process.kill(process.pid, 'SIGTERM');