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# feathers-mongodb-management

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> Feathers service adapters for managing MongoDB databases, users and collections

## Installation

With NPM `npm install feathers-mongodb-management --save` or Yarn `yarn add feathers-mongodb-management`

> v1.x is expected to work with Feathers v3 (a.k.a Buzzard) and NodeJS v12

> v2.x is expected to work with Feathers v5 (a.k.a Dove) and NodeJS v16

## Documentation

If a large number of users require it a more complete feathers-mongodb-management documentation will be created. For now as the API is pretty straigth forward the example and [tests](https://github.com/feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-mongodb-management/tree/master/test) should be sufficient to understand how it works.

The initial use case was to simplify data segregation for a SaaS application where each user could belong to different organisations like in GitHub. Indeed, one key aspect of access control is to filter the resources a user can reach. In this specific use case the users always work in the context of an organisation acting as a filter applied on the manipulated resources. This issue is often tackled by applying a client-side filter on a global service like `/users?org=orgId` and storing on each resouce the organisation it belongs to. We consider this approach as more harder to maintain in the long-term due to additional filtering and relations in the data model. As a consequence we created this plugin to "physically" separate the data of each organisation in a dedicated DB instead of doing this "logically" using filtering.

You can find more information by reading this [article](https://blog.feathersjs.com/access-control-strategies-with-feathersjs-72452268739d).

## Complete Example

Here's an example of a Feathers server that uses `feathers-mongodb-management`.

const feathers = require('feathers');
const rest = require('feathers-rest');
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const errorHandler = require('feathers-errors/handler');
const mongodb = require('mongodb');
const plugin = require('feathers-mongodb-management');

// Initialize the application
const app = feathers()
  // Needed for parsing bodies (login)
  .use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }))

// Connect to Mongo instance
const client = await mongodb.MongoClient.connect('mongodb://')
// Initialize your feathers plugin to manage databases
app.use('/mongo/databases', plugin.database({ adminDb: client.db('feathers-test').admin(), client }));
let dbService = app.service('/mongo/databases');
// Now create a new database
let db = await dbService.create({ name: 'test-db' })
// The objects provided through the plugin services are just metadata and not MongoDB driver instances
// We need to retrieve it to create collection/user services that require the DB instance
db = client.db('test-db');
// Now create services binded to this database to manage collections/users
app.use('/mongo/test-db/collections', plugin.collection({ db }));
let collectionService = app.service('/mongo/test-db/collections');
const collection = await collectionService.create({ name: 'test-collection' })
app.use('/mongo/test-db/users', plugin.user({ db }));
let userService = app.service('/mongo/test-db/users');
const user = await userService.create({ name: 'test-user', password: 'test-password', roles: ['readWrite'] })
// Perform other operations using these services if required
// Then start the app
console.log('Feathers app started on');

## License

Copyright (c) 2016

Licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).