// Most of this code has been copied from ''
// with permission from @eddyystop
import makeDebug from 'debug';
const debug = makeDebug('@feathersjs-offline:snapshot');
function snapshot (service, baseQuery) {
debug(`snapshot start: ${JSON.stringify(baseQuery)}`);
const query = Object.assign({}, { $skip: 0, $limit: 200 }, baseQuery); // use max recs configured
let fileDatas;
return service.find({ query })
.then(result => {
debug(`snapshot query = ${JSON.stringify(query)}, read ${( || result).length} records\n
snapshot read ${JSON.stringify( || result)}`);
if (! {
return result;
const { total, limit, skip, data } = result;
fileDatas = data;
return (skip + data.length < total) ? readRemainingPages(skip + limit) : fileDatas;
function readRemainingPages (skip) {
query.$skip = skip;
return service.find({ query })
.then(({ total, limit, skip, data }) => {
debug(`read ${data.length} records`);
fileDatas = fileDatas.concat(data);
return (skip + data.length < total) ? readRemainingPages(skip + limit) : fileDatas;
module.exports = snapshot;