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# feathers-authentication-popups

> __Unmaintained:__ This project is no longer maintained

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> Server and client utils for implementing popup-based authentication flows

## Summary

This package includes a few useful tools for implementing popup-based OAuth login flows.  It contains utility functions for the browser and middleware for the server.

## Using the Client Utils
There are two client utilities: one to assist with opening popups, and another to assist in cross-window communication.

## `openLoginPopup(url, options)`
Opens a centered popup window at the given `url`.

import openLoginPopup from 'feathers-authentication-popups';


1. **url** `{String}`: The URL of the new window.
2. **options** `{Object}`: optional - allows for customizing the `width` and `height` of the popup window.

The default `options` are:
* `width`: 1024,
* `height`: 630

## `authAgent`

An EventEmitter automatically assigned as a global at `window.authAgent` to allow popup windows to send information back to the main window.  Both windows must be on the same domain for this to work.

**Usage in the primary application window:**

// Adds
import 'feathers-authentication-popups';

function doSomethingWithToken (token) {
    // Do something with the token

window.authAgent.on('login', doSomethingWithToken);
The `doSomethingWithToken` function will run when the 'login' event is emitted on `window.authAgent`.

**Usage in the popup window on the same domain:**
var token = readCookie('feathers-jwt');

// Trigger the 'login' event on the main window's `authAgent`
window.opener.authAgent.emit('login', token);

### `authAgent.on(eventName, handler)`

Adds an event listener to the `authAgent` whose handler runs every time the event with given `eventName` is triggered.
1. **eventName** `{String}`: The name of the event to subscribe to.
2. **handler** `{Function}`: A function to be executed to handle the event.

### `authAgent.once(eventName, handler)`

Adds an event listener to the `authAgent` whose handler runs only once when the event with given `eventName` is triggered.
1. **eventName** `{String}`: The name of the event to subscribe to.
2. **handler** `{Function}`: A function to be executed to handle the event.

### `authAgent.off(eventName, handler)`

Removes a handler function from the `authAgent`
1. **eventName** `{String}`: The name of the event to unsubscribe from.
2. **handler** `{Function}`: A reference to a previously-subscribed function to be unsubscribed.

### `authAgent.emit(eventName, args)`

Triggers the event attached to the provided `eventName` and calls the subscribed handlers with the `args`.
1. **eventName** `{String}`: The name of the event to trigger.
2. **args** `{any}`: arguments to be passed to event handlers, usually authentication-related information (like a JSON Web Token).

## Using the Express Middleware

The Express middleware is meant to be registered as the success callback of a Feathers authentication workflow.

### `successHandler(options|cookieName)`

Creates Express middleware that handles successful auth by returning an HTML page that:
* Pulls the token from the cookie location.
* Sends the token to the parent window through the `authAgent`.
* Closes the popup window.

var successHandler = require('feathers-authentication-popups/express');

// Pass an object containing a `name` attribute.
var options = app.get('cookie');
app.get('/auth/success', successHandler(options));

// Or pass a string for the cookie name.
app.get('/auth/success', successHandler('feathers-jwt'));

1. **options** `{Object}`: An object with a `name` attribute.
1. **cookieName** `{String}`: The cookie name.

## License

Copyright (c) 2016

Licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).