outline: deep
# Application
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npm install @feathersjs/feathers --save
The core `@feathersjs/feathers` module provides the ability to initialize a new Feathers application instance. It works in Node, React Native and the browser (see the [client](./ chapter for more information). Each instance allows for registration and retrieval of [services](./, [hooks](./, plugin configuration, and getting and setting configuration options. An initialized Feathers application is referred to as the **app object**.
import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
type ServiceTypes = {
// Add registered services here
// Types for `app.set(name, value)` and `app.get(name)`
type Configuration = {
port: number
const app = feathers<ServiceTypes, Configuration>()
## .use(path, service [, options])
`app.use(path, service [, options]) -> app` allows registering a [service object](./ on a given `path`.
import { feathers, type Id } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
class MessageService {
async get(id: Id) {
return {
text: `This is the ${id} message!`
type ServiceTypes = {
// Add services path to type mapping here
messages: MessageService
const app = feathers<ServiceTypes>()
// Register a service instance on the app
app.use('messages', new MessageService())
// Get the service and call the service method with the correct types
const message = await app.service('messages').get('test')
### path
The `path` is a string that should be URL friendly and may contain `/` as a separator. `path` can also be `/` to register a service at the root level. A path may contain placeholders in the form of `:userId/messages` which will be included in `params.route` by a transport.
### options
The following options are available:
- `methods` (default: `['find', 'get', 'create', 'patch', 'update','remove']`) - A list of official and [custom service methods]( that should be available to clients. When using this option **all** method names that should be available externally must be passed. Those methods will automatically be available for use with [hooks](./hooks).
- `events` - A list of [public custom events sent by this service](./
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import { feathers, type Id } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
// Feathers services will always be event emitters
// but we can also extend it for better type consistency
class MessageService extends EventEmitter {
async doSomething(data: { message: string }, params: Params) {
this.emit('something', 'I did something')
return data
async get(id: Id) {
return {
text: `This is the ${id} message!`
type ServiceTypes = {
// Add services path to type mapping here
messages: MessageService
const app = feathers<ServiceTypes>()
// Register a service with options
app.use('messages', new MessageService(), {
methods: ['get', 'doSomething'],
events: ['something']
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If the `methods` property is `undefined`, all standard methods will be enabled and accessible externally.
## .unuse(path)
`app.unuse(path)` unregisters an existing service on `path` and calls the services [.teardown method](./ if it is implemented.
## .service(path)
`app.service(path) -> service` returns the [service object](./ for the given path. Feathers internally creates a new object from each registered service. This means that the object returned by `app.service(path)` will provide the same methods and functionality as your original service object but also functionality added by Feathers and its plugins like [service events](./ and [additional methods](./
const messageService = app.service('messages')
const message = await messageService.get('test')
messageService.on('created', (message: Message) => {
console.log('Created a todo')
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Note that a server side `app.service(path)` only allows the original service name (e.g. `app.service(':userId/messages')`) and does not parse placeholders. To get a service with route paramters use [.lookup](#lookuppath)
## .lookup(path)
`app.lookup(path)` allows to look up a full path and will return the `data` (route parameters) and `service` **on the server**.
const lookup = app.lookup('messages/4321')
// lookup.service -> app.service('messages')
// -> { __id: '4321' }
// `lookup.dta` needs to be passed as `params.route`
Case insensitive lookups can be enabled in the `app` file like this:
app.routes.caseSensitive = false
## .hooks(hooks)
`app.hooks(hooks) -> app` allows registration of application-level hooks. For more information see the [application hooks section in the hooks chapter](./
## .publish([event, ] publisher)
`app.publish([event, ] publisher) -> app` registers a global event publisher. For more information see the [channels publishing](./ chapter.
## .configure(callback)
`app.configure(callback) -> app` runs a `callback` function that gets passed the application object. It is used to initialize plugins and can be used to separate your application into different files.
const setupService = (app: Application) => {
app.use('/todos', todoService)
## .setup([server])
`app.setup([server]) -> Promise<app>` is used to initialize all services by calling each [services .setup(app, path)]( method (if available).
It will also use the `server` instance passed (e.g. through `http.createServer`) to set up SocketIO (if enabled) and any other provider that might require the server instance. You can register [application setup hooks](./ to e.g. set up database connections and other things required to be initialized on startup in a certain order.
Normally `app.setup` will be called automatically when starting the application via [app.listen([port])](#listen-port) but there are cases (like in tests) when it can be called explicitly.
## .teardown([server])
`app.teardown([server]) -> Promise<app>` can be called to gracefully shut down the application. When the app has been set up with a server (e.g. by calling `app.listen()`) the server will be closed automatically when calling `app.teardown()`. You can also register [application hooks](./ on teardown to e.g. close database connection etc.
## .listen(port)
`app.listen([port]) -> Promise<HTTPServer>` starts the application on the given port. It will set up all configured transports (if any) and then run [app.setup(server)](#setup-server) with the server object and then return the server object.
`listen` will only be available if a server side transport (REST or websocket) has been configured.
## .set(name, value)
`app.set(name, value) -> app` assigns setting `name` to `value`.
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`app.set` is global to the application. It is used for storing application wide information like database connection strings etc. **Do not use it for storing request or service specific data.** This can be done by adding data to the [hook context](./
import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
type ServiceTypes = {
// Add services path to type mapping here
// app.get and app.set can be typed when initializing the app
type Configuration = {
port: number
const app = feathers<ServiceTypes, Configuration>()
app.set('port', 3030)
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On the server, settings are usually initialized using [Feathers configuration](
## .get(name)
`app.get(name) -> value` retrieves the setting `name`.
## .on(eventname, listener)
Provided by the core [NodeJS EventEmitter .on]( Registers a `listener` method (`function(data) {}`) for the given `eventname`.
app.on('login', (user) => console.log('Logged in', user))
## .emit(eventname, data)
Provided by the core [NodeJS EventEmitter .emit](
type MyEventData = { message: string }
app.emit('myevent', {
message: 'Something happened'
app.on('myevent', (data: MyEventData) => console.log('myevent happened', data))
<BlockQuote type="warning" label="Important">
`app` can not receive or send events to or from clients. A [custom service](./ should be used for that.
## .removeListener(eventname)
Provided by the core [NodeJS EventEmitter .removeListener]( Removes all or the given listener for `eventname`.
## .mixins
`app.mixins` contains a list of service mixins. A mixin is a callback (`(service, path, options) => {}`) that gets run for every service that is being registered. Adding your own mixins allows to add functionality to every registered service.
import type { Id } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
// Mixins have to be added before registering any services
app.mixins.push((service: any, path: string) => {
service.sayHello = function () {
return `Hello from service at '${path}'`
app.use('/todos', {
async get(id: Id) {
return { id }
// -> Hello from service at 'todos'
## .services
`` contains an object of all [services](./ keyed by the path they have been registered via `app.use(path, service)`. This allows to return a list of all available service names:
const servicePaths = Object.keys(
servicePaths.forEach((path) => {
const service = app.service(path)
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To retrieve services use [app.service(path)](#service-path), not `[path]` directly.
A Feathers [client]( does not know anything about the server it is connected to. This means that `` will _not_ automatically contain all services available on the server. Instead, the server has to provide the list of its services, e.g. through a [custom service](./
class InfoService {
constructor(public app: Application) {}
async find() {
return {
service: Object.keys(
app.use('info', new InfoService(app))
## .defaultService
`app.defaultService` can be a function that returns an instance of a new standard service for `app.service(path)` if there isn't one registered yet. By default it throws a `NotFound` error when you are trying to access a service that doesn't exist.
import { MemoryService } from '@feathersjs/memory'
// For every `path` that doesn't have a service
// Automatically return a new in-memory service
app.defaultService = function (path: string) {
return new MemoryService()
This is used by the [client transport adapters](./ to automatically register client side services that talk to a Feathers server.