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# OAuth


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npm install @feathersjs/authentication-oauth --save

`@feathersjs/authentication-oauth` allows to authenticate with over 180 OAuth providers (Google, Facebook, GitHub etc.) using [grant](https://github.com/simov/grant), an OAuth middleware module for NodeJS.

## Usage

The following section covers oAuth authentication strategy [setup](#setup) and a more detailed description of the possible oAuth [flows](#flow) and [oAuth URLs](#oauth-urls).

### Setup

The following is a standard oAuth setup. The `OAuthStrategy` often needs to be [customized](#customization) to include additional fields (like the avatar, email address or username) from the oAuth provider.

import { AuthenticationService, JWTStrategy } from '@feathersjs/authentication'
import { LocalStrategy } from '@feathersjs/authentication-local'
import { OAuthStrategy, oauth } from '@feathersjs/authentication-oauth'
import type { Application } from './declarations'

declare module './declarations' {
  interface ServiceTypes {
    authentication: AuthenticationService

export const authentication = (app: Application) => {
  const authentication = new AuthenticationService(app)

  authentication.register('jwt', new JWTStrategy())
  authentication.register('github', new OAuthStrategy())
  authentication.register('google', new OAuthStrategy())

  app.use('authentication', authentication)

The following settings for `app.configure(oauth())` are available:

- `linkStrategy` (default: `'jwt'`) - The name of the stratagy to use for [account linking](#account-linking)
- `authService` (default: `app.get('defaultAuthentication')`) - The path of the authentication service to use
- `expressSession` - An Express middleware for handling sessions. By default will use an HTTP cookie that is only available for the oAuth flow. **This normally does not need to be changed.**
- `koaSession` - A Koa middleware for handling sessions. By default will use an HTTP cookie that is only available for the oAuth flow. **This normally does not need to be changed.**

### Providers

For specific OAuth provider setup see the following [cookbook](../../cookbook/) guides:

- [Auth0](../../cookbook/authentication/auth0.md)
- [Facebook](../../cookbook/authentication/facebook.md)
- [Google](../../cookbook/authentication/google.md)

### Flow

There are two ways to initiate OAuth authentication:

1. Through the browser (most common)

   - User clicks on link to OAuth URL (`oauth/<provider>`)
   - Gets redirected to provider and authorizes the application
   - Callback to the [OauthStrategy](#oauthstrategy) which
     - Gets the users profile
     - Finds or creates the user (entity) for that profile
   - The [AuthenticationService](./service.md) creates an access token for that entity
   - Redirects back to the origin URL including the generated access token
   - The frontend (e.g. the Feathers [authentication client](./client.md)) uses the returned access token to authenticate

2. With an existing access token, e.g. obtained through the Facebook mobile SDK
   - Authenticate normally through the [authentication service](./service.md) with `{ strategy: '<name>', accessToken: 'oauth access token' }`.
   - Calls the [OauthStrategy](#oauthstrategy) which
     - Gets the users profile
     - Finds or creates the entity for that profile
   - Returns the authentication result

<BlockQuote type="warning" label="Important">

If you are attempting to authenticate using an existing oAuth access token, ensure that you have added the strategy (e.g. 'facebook') to the allowed [authStrategies](./service.md#configuration) configuration.


### OAuth URLs

There are two URLs and redirects that are important for OAuth authentication:

- `http(s)://<host>/oauth/<provider>`: The main URL to initiate the OAuth flow. **Link to this from the browser.**
- `http(s)://<host>/oauth/<provider>/callback`: The callback path that should be **set in the OAuth provider application settings.**

In the browser any OAuth flow can be initiated with a link like this:

<a href="/oauth/github">Login with GitHub</a>

### Account linking

To **link an existing user** the current access token can be added to the OAuth flow query using the `feathers_token` query parameter:

<a href="/oauth/github?feathers_token=<your access token>"> Login with GitHub </a>

This will use the user (entity) of that access token to link the OAuth account to. Using the [authentication client](./client.md) you can get the current access token via `app.get('authentication')`:

const { accessToken } = await app.get('authentication')

### Redirects

The recommended way to enable redirects is to set a list of allowed `origins` in your [application configuration](../configuration.md) (e.g. `config/default.json`). This will ensure cross origin restrictions across your application and allow oAuth authentication from different frontend applications.

  "origins": [
    // Allow redirect to a local development frontend
    // (e.g. a create-react-app server) and our production URL
    "http://localhost:500", "https://myapp.feathersjs.com"

**Alternatively**, the `redirect` configuration can be used to redirect back to the frontend application after OAuth authentication was successful and an access token for the user has been created by the [authentication service](./service.md) or if authentication failed. It works cross domain and by default includes the access token or error message in the window location hash. The following configuration

  "authentication": {
    "oauth": {
      "redirect": "https://app.mydomain.com/"

A successful oAuth flow will redirect to the origin or redirect URL in the form of `https://app.mydomain.com/#access_token=<user jwt>` or `https://app.mydomain.com/#error=<some error message>`. Redirects can be customized with the [getRedirect()](#getredirect-data) method of the OAuth strategy. The [authentication client](./client.md) handles the default redirects automatically already.

<BlockQuote type="info" label="Note">

The redirect is using a hash instead of a query string by default because it is not logged server side and can be easily read on the client. You can force query based redirect by adding a `?` to the end of the `redirect` option.


If the `redirect` option is not set and no origin is available the authentication result data will be sent as JSON instead.

Dynamic redirects to the same URL are possible by setting the `redirect` query parameter in the OAuth flow. For example, the following OAuth link:

<a href="/oauth/github?redirect=dashboard"> Login with GitHub </a>

With the above configuration will redirect to `https://app.mydomain.com/dashboard` after the OAuth flow.

## Options

Options are usually set under the registered name via [Feathers configuration](../configuration.md) in `config/default.json` or `config/<environment>.json` under the `authentication.oauth` section. Available options are:

- `origins` (default: `app.get('origins')`): A list of URLs from which oAuth authentication should be allowed. For example setting this option to`[ "https://feathersjs.com", "https://feathers.cloud" ]` would allow requests from those domains and redirect back to where the request came from. This can be used **instead of** the `redirect` option for a more consisten cross origin configuration via the `app.get('origins')` configuration value and to allow oAuth logins from multiple domains.
- `redirect`: The URL of the frontend to redirect to with the access token (or error message). The [authentication client](./client.md) handles those redirects automatically. If not set, the authentication result will be sent as JSON instead.
- `defaults`: Default [Grant configuration](https://github.com/simov/grant#configuration) used for all strategies. The following default options are set automatically:
  - `prefix` (default: `'/oauth'`) - The OAuth base path
  - `origin` (default: `http(s)://host[:port]`) - The server path for the oAuth flow to redirect back to. Set this if you are e.g. running your local server on HTTPS
- `<strategy-name>` (e.g. `twitter`): The [Grant configuration](https://github.com/simov/grant#configuration) used for a specific strategy.

<BlockQuote type="tip">

Removing the `redirect` option allows to troubleshoot troubleshoot OAuth authentication errors as a JSON response by opening the oAuth URL directly in the browser.


  "authentication": {
    "origins": ["localhost:3030"],
    "oauth": {
      "redirect": "/frontend",
      "google": {
        "key": "...",
        "secret": "...",
        "custom_params": { "access_type": "offline" }
      "twitter": {
        "key": "...",
        "secret": "..."

<BlockQuote type="info" label="Note">

All OAuth strategies will by default always look for configuration under `authentication.oauth.<name>`. If `authentication.oauth` is not set in the configuration, OAuth authentication will be disabled.


Here is a [list of all Grant configuration options](https://github.com/simov/grant#all-available-options) that are available:

| Key                        | Location                                                                   | Description                                                                                              |
| :------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| request_url                | [oauth.json](https://github.com/simov/grant/blob/master/config/oauth.json) | OAuth1/step1                                                                                             |
| authorize_url              | [oauth.json](https://github.com/simov/grant/blob/master/config/oauth.json) | OAuth1/step2 or OAuth2/step1                                                                             |
| access_url                 | [oauth.json](https://github.com/simov/grant/blob/master/config/oauth.json) | OAuth1/step3 or OAuth2/step2                                                                             |
| oauth                      | [oauth.json](https://github.com/simov/grant/blob/master/config/oauth.json) | OAuth version number                                                                                     |
| scope_delimiter            | [oauth.json](https://github.com/simov/grant/blob/master/config/oauth.json) | string delimiter used for concatenating multiple scopes                                                  |
| protocol, host, path       | `defaults`                                                                 | used to generate `redirect_uri`                                                                          |
| transport                  | `defaults`                                                                 | [transport](#response-data-transport) to use to deliver the response data in your final `callback` route |
| state                      | `defaults`                                                                 | toggle random `state` string generation for OAuth2                                                       |
| key                        | `[provider]`                                                               | OAuth app key, reserved aliases: `consumer_key` and `client_id`                                          |
| secret                     | `[provider]`                                                               | OAuth app secret, reserved aliases: `consumer_secret` and `client_secret`                                |
| scope                      | `[provider]`                                                               | list of scopes to request                                                                                |
| custom_params              | `[provider]`                                                               | custom authorization [parameters](#custom-parameters) and their values                                   |
| subdomain                  | `[provider]`                                                               | string to be [embedded](#subdomain-urls) in `request_url`, `authorize_url` and `access_url`              |
| nonce                      | `[provider]`                                                               | toggle random `nonce` string generation for [OpenID Connect](#openid-connect) providers                  |
| callback                   | `[provider]`                                                               | final callback route on your server to receive the [response data](#response-data)                       |
| dynamic                    | `[provider]`                                                               | allow [dynamic override](#dynamic-override) of configuration                                             |
| overrides                  | `[provider]`                                                               | [static overrides](#static-overrides) for a provider                                                     |
| response                   | `[provider]`                                                               | [limit](#limit-response-data) the response data                                                          |
| token_endpoint_auth_method | `[provider]`                                                               | authentication method for the [token endpoint](#token-endpoint-auth-method)                              |
| name                       | generated                                                                  | provider's [name](#grant), used to generate `redirect_uri`                                               |
| profile_url                | [grant-profile](https://github.com/simov/grant-profile)                    | The URL to retrieve the user profile from                                                                |
| [provider]                 | generated                                                                  | provider's [name](#grant) as key                                                                         |
| redirect_uri               | generated                                                                  | OAuth app [redirect URI](#redirect-uri), generated using `protocol`, `host`, `path` and `name`           |

## OAuthStrategy

### entityId

`oauthStrategy.entityId -> string` returns the name of the id property of the entity.

### getEntityQuery(profile, params)

`oauthStrategy.getEntityQuery(profile, params) -> Promise` returns the entity lookup query to find the entity for a profile. By default returns

  [`${this.name}Id`]: profile.sub || profile.id

### getEntityData(profile, entity, params)

`oauthStrategy.getEntityData(profile, existing, params) -> Promise` returns the data to either create a new or update an existing entity. `entity` is either the existing entity or `null` when creating a new entity.

### getProfile(data, params)

`oauthStrategy.getProfile(data, params) -> Promise` returns the user profile information from the OAuth provider that was used for the login. `data` is the OAuth callback information which normally contains e.g. the OAuth access token.

### getRedirect (data)

`oauthStrategy.getRedirect(data) -> Promise` returns the URL to redirect to after a successful OAuth login and entity lookup or creation. By default it redirects to `authentication.oauth.redirect` from the configuration with `#access_token=<access token for entity>` added to the end of the URL. The `access_token` hash is e.g. used by the [authentication client](./client.md) to log the user in after a successful OAuth login. The default redirects do work cross domain.

### getAllowedOrigin (params)

`oauthStrategy.getAllowedOrigin(params) -> Promise` returns the redirect base URL or throws an error if it is not allowed.

### getCurrentEntity(params)

`oauthStrategy.getCurrentEntity(params) -> Promise` returns the currently linked entity for the given `params`. It will either use the entity authenticated by `params.authentication` or return `null`.

### findEntity(profile, params)

`oauthStrategy.findEntity(profile, params) -> Promise` finds an entity for a given OAuth profile. Uses `{ [${this.name}Id]: profile.id }` by default.

### createEntity(profile, params)

`oauthStrategy.createEntity(profile, params) -> Promise` creates a new entity for the given OAuth profile. Uses `{ [${this.name}Id]: profile.id }` by default.

### updateEntity(entity, profile, params)

`oauthStrategy.updateEntity(entity, profile, params) -> Promise` updates an existing entity with the given profile. Uses `{ [${this.name}Id]: profile.id }` by default.

### authenticate(authentication, params)

`oauthStrategy.authenticate(authentication, params)` is the main endpoint implemented by any [authentication strategy](./strategy.md). It is usually called for authentication requests for this strategy by the [AuthenticationService](./service.md).

## Customization

Normally, any OAuth provider set up in the [configuration](#configuration) will be initialized with the default [OAuthStrategy](#oauthstrategy). The flow for a specific provider can be customized by extending `OAuthStrategy` class and registering it under that name on the [AuthenticationService](./service.md):

import { Application } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import { AuthenticationService, JWTStrategy } from '@feathersjs/authentication'
import type { OAuthProfile } from '@feathersjs/authentication'
import { OAuthStrategy } from '@feathersjs/authentication-oauth'

declare module './declarations' {
  interface ServiceTypes {
    authentication: AuthenticationService

class MyGithubStrategy extends OAuthStrategy {
  async getEntityData(profile: OAuthProfile) {
    // Include the `email` from the GitHub profile when creating
    // or updating a user that logged in with GitHub
    const baseData = await super.getEntityData(profile)

    return {
      email: profile.email

export default (app: Application) => {
  const authentication = new AuthenticationService(app)

  authentication.register('github', new MyGithubStrategy())

  // ...
  app.use('authentication', authentication)