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# SQL Databases


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Support for SQL databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite or MSSQL is provided in Feathers via the `@feathersjs/knex` database adapter which uses [KnexJS](https://knexjs.org/). Knex is a fast and flexible query builder for SQL and supports many databases without the overhead of a full blown ORM like Sequelize. It still provides an intuitive syntax and more advanced tooling like migration support.

$ npm install --save @feathersjs/knex


The Knex adapter implements the [common database adapter API](./common) and [querying syntax](./querying).


## API

### KnexService(options)

`new KnexService(options)` returns a new service instance initialized with the given options. The following example extends the `KnexService` and then uses the `sqliteClient` (or relevant client for your SQL database type) from the app configuration and provides it to the `Model` option, which is passed to the new `MessagesService`.

import type { Params } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import { KnexService } from '@feathersjs/knex'
import type { KnexAdapterParams, KnexAdapterOptions } from '@feathersjs/knex'

import type { Application } from '../../declarations'
import type { Messages, MessagesData, MessagesQuery } from './messages.schema'

export interface MessagesParams extends KnexAdapterParams<MessagesQuery> {}

export class MessagesService<ServiceParams extends Params = MessagesParams> extends KnexService<
> {}

export const messages = (app: Application) => {
  const options: KnexAdapterOptions = {
    paginate: app.get('paginate'),
    Model: app.get('sqliteClient'),
    name: 'messages'
  app.use('messages', new MessagesService(options))

### Options

The Knex specific adapter options are:

- `Model {Knex}` (**required**) - The KnexJS database instance
- `name {string}` (**required**) - The name of the table
- `schema {string}` (_optional_) - The name of the schema table prefix (example: `schema.table`)

The [common API options](./common.md#options) are:

- `id {string}` (_optional_, default: `'id'`) - The name of the id field property. By design, Knex will always add an `id` property.
- `paginate {Object}` (_optional_) - A [pagination object](#pagination) containing a `default` and `max` page size
- `multi {string[]|boolean}` (_optional_, default: `false`) - Allow `create` with arrays and `patch` and `remove` with id `null` to change multiple items. Can be `true` for all methods or an array of allowed methods (e.g. `[ 'remove', 'create' ]`)

There are additionally several legacy options in the [common API options](./common.md#options)

### getModel([params])

`service.getModel([params])` returns the [Knex](https://knexjs.org/guide/query-builder.html) client for this table.

### db(params)

`service.db([params])` returns the Knex database instance for a request. This will include the `schema` table prefix and use a transaction if passed in `params`.

### createQuery(params)

`service.createQuery(params)` returns a query builder for a service request, including all conditions matching the query syntax. This method can be overriden to e.g. [include associations](#associations) or used in a hook customize the query and then passing it to the service call as [params.knex](#paramsknex).

  before: {
    find: [
      async (context: HookContext) => {
        const query = context.service.createQuery(context.params)

        // do something with query here
        query.orderBy('name', 'desc')

        context.params.knex = query

### params.knex

When making a [service method](https://docs.feathersjs.com/api/services.html) call, `params` can contain an `knex` property which allows to modify the options used to run the KnexJS query. See [createQuery](#createqueryparams) for an example.

## Querying

In addition to the [common querying mechanism](./querying.md), this adapter also supports the following operators. Note that these operators need to be added for each query-able property to the [TypeBox query schema](../schema/typebox.md#query-schemas) or [JSON query schema](../schema/schema.md#querysyntax) like this:

const messageQuerySchema = Type.Intersect(
    // This will additionally allow querying for `{ name: { $ilike: 'Dav%' } }`
    querySyntax(messageQueryProperties, {
      name: {
        $ilike: Type.String()
    // Add additional query properties here
  { additionalProperties: false }

### $like

Find all records where the value matches the given string pattern. The following query retrieves all messages that start with `Hello`:

  query: {
    text: {
      $like: 'Hello%'

Through the REST API:


### $notlike

The opposite of `$like`; resulting in an SQL condition similar to this: `WHERE some_field NOT LIKE 'X'`

  query: {
    text: {
      $notlike: '%bar'

Through the REST API:


### $ilike

For PostgreSQL only, the keywork $ilike can be used instead of $like to make the match case insensitive. The following query retrieves all messages that start with `hello` (case insensitive):

  query: {
    text: {
      $ilike: 'hello%'

Through the REST API:


## Search

Basic search can be implemented with the [query operators](#querying).

## Associations

While [resolvers](../schema/resolvers.md) offer a reasonably performant way to fetch associated entities, it is also possible to join tables to populate and query related data. This can be done by overriding the [createQuery](#createqueryparams) method and using the [Knex join methods](https://knexjs.org/guide/query-builder.html#join) to join the tables of related services.

### Querying

Considering a table like this:

await db.schema.createTable('todos', (table) => {
  return table

To query based on properties from the `people` table, join the tables you need in `createQuery` like this:

class TodoService<ServiceParams = KnexAdapterParams<TodoQuery>> extends KnexService<Todo> {
  createQuery(params: KnexAdapterParams<AdapterQuery>) {
    const query = super.createQuery(params)

    query.join('people as person', 'todos.personId', 'person.id')

    return query

This will alias the table name from `people` to `person` (since our Todo only has a single person) and then allow to query all related properties as dot separated properties like `person.name`, including the [Feathers query syntax](./querying.md):

// Find the Todos for all Daves older than 100
  query: {
    'person.name': 'Dave',
    'person.age': { $gt: 100 }

Note that in most applications, the query-able properties have to explicitly be added to the [TypeBox query schema](../schema/typebox.md#query-schemas) or [JSON query schema](../schema/schema.md#querysyntax). Support for the query syntax for a single property can be added with the `queryProperty` helper:

import { queryProperty } from '@feathersjs/typebox'

export const todoQueryProperties = Type.Pick(userSchema, ['text'])
export const todoQuerySchema = Type.Intersect(
    // Add additional query properties here
        // Only query the name for strings
        'person.name': Type.String(),
        // Support the query syntax for the age
        'person.age': queryProperty(Type.Number())
      { additionalProperties: false }
  { additionalProperties: false }

### Populating

Related properties from the joined table can be added as aliased properties with [query.select](https://knexjs.org/guide/query-builder.html#select):

class TodoService<ServiceParams = KnexAdapterParams<TodoQuery>> extends KnexService<Todo> {
  createQuery(params: KnexAdapterParams<AdapterQuery>) {
    const query = super.createQuery(params)

      .join('people as person', 'todos.personId', 'person.id')
      // This will add a `personName` property
      .select('person.name as personName')
      // This will add a `person.age' property

    return query

<BlockQuote type="warning" label="important">

Since SQL does not have a concept of nested objects, joined properties will be dot separated strings, **not nested objects**. Conversion can be done by e.g. using Lodash `_.set` in a [resolver converter](../schema/resolvers.md#options).


This works well for individual properties, however if you require the complete (and safe) representation of the entire related data, use a [resolver](../schema/resolvers.md) instead.

## Transactions

The Knex adapter comes with three hooks that allows to run service method calls in a transaction. They can be used as application wide hooks or per service.

To use the transactions feature, you must ensure that the three hooks (start, end and rollback) are being used.

At the start of any request, a new transaction will be started. All the changes made during the request to the services that are using knex will use the transaction. At the end of the request, if successful, the changes will be commited. If an error occurs, the changes will be forfeit, all the `creates`, `patches`, `updates` and `deletes` are not going to be commited.

The object that contains `transaction` is stored in the `params.transaction` of each request.

<BlockQuote type="warning" label="Important">

If you call another Knex service within a hook and want to share the transaction you will have to pass `context.params.transaction` in the parameters of the service call.


Sometimes it can be important to know when the transaction has been completed (committed or rolled back). For example, we might want to wait for transaction to complete before we send out any realtime events. This can be done by awaiting on the `transaction.committed` promise which will always resolve to either `true` in case the transaction has been committed, or `false` in case the transaction has been rejected.

app.service('messages').publish(async (data, context) => {
  const { transaction } = context.params

  if (transaction) {
    const success = await transaction.committed

    if (!success) {
      return []

  return app.channel(`rooms/${data.roomId}`)

This also works with nested service calls and nested transactions. For example, if a service calls `transaction.start()` and passes the transaction param to a nested service call, which also calls `transaction.start()` in it's own hooks, they will share the top most `committed` promise that will resolve once all of the transactions have successfully committed.

### Example Transaction Setup

We will be using TypeBox schemas throughout, but that is not a requirement.

We will have two services `Order` and `ShippingOrder`

When we create an `Order` we want to automatically create a `ShippingOrder`, but if `Order` or `ShippingOrder` fail to be created we want to roll everything back and not save either.

#### Order Schema

export const orderSchema = Type.Object(
    id: Type.String({ format: 'uuid' }),
    item: Type.String(),
    address: Type.String(),
    quantity: Type.Number()
  { $id: 'Order', additionalProperties: false }

#### Shipping Order Schema

export const shippingOrderSchema = Type.Object(
    id: Type.String({ format: 'uuid' }),
    order_id: Type.String({ format: 'uuid', $schema: 'Order' }),
    expedited: Type.Boolean(),
    shipped: Type.Boolean()
  { $id: 'ShippingOrder', additionalProperties: false }

#### After hook

Let's start by adding our logic to automatically create our `ShippingOrder`.

In our `order.ts` file we can add this hook

after: {
  create: [
    async (context: HookContext<OrderService>) => {
      const ourOrder = context.result as Order //Let's not deal with arrays or pagination for now

      await context.app
        .create({ expedited: true, shipped: false, order_id: ourOrder.id })

#### The problem

Now that we have our logic in, `Order` will automatically create `ShippingOrder`. But what if something goes wrong and the `Order` is created but `ShippingOrder` isn't. This could cause an order to never be shipped.

We can solve this problem in two ways outlined below.


You can emulate an error by throwing an error in the before create hook of your `shipping-order.ts` file

create: [
  async () => {
    throw new Error('Fail')


#### Application wide wrapping transaction

Using the global hooks in `src/app.ts` we are able to wrap all of our `create`, `update`, and `patch` hooks.

const transactionHandler = async (context: HookContext<any>, next: NextFunction) => {
  try {
    console.log('Start our work')
    await transaction.start()(context)
    await next()
    await transaction.end()(context)
    console.log('Work done')
  } catch (err) {
    await transaction.rollback()(context)
    throw err

// Register hooks that run on all service methods
  around: {
    create: [transactionHandler],
    patch: [transactionHandler],
    update: [transactionHandler],
    delete: [transactionHandler]

What this does is for any `create`/`update`/`patch`/`delete` request, we are starting a transaction that will be available in `context.params.transaction`.

Note this does not mean we are done, when a `create` request is made to `Order`, it will have `context.params.transaction` available to it but we have to pass that along to `ShippingOrder` create request.

Let's revisit our hook that automatically creates `ShippingOrder` and modify it to pass our transaction with the request.

after: {
  create: [
    async (context: HookContext<OrderService>) => {
      const ourOrder = context.result as Order

      await context.app.service(shippingOrderPath).create(
        { expedited: true, shipped: false, order_id: ourOrder.id },
        { transaction: context.params.transaction } // <--

We have to use await here otherwise the transaction will close before the creation is finished. For something like sending an email, you can opt to not await.

context.params.transaction?.committed.then((success: any) => {
  if (!success) return
  //Send Email


### Service wide wrapping transaction

The simplest way of doing this is

- Add `transaction.start()` in the before create hook.
- Add `transaction.end()` in the after create hook.
- Add `transaction.rollback()` in the error all hook.

  around: {
    // ...
  before: {
    // ...
    create: [
  after: {
    create: [
      async (context: HookContext<OrderService>) => {
        const ourOrder = context.result as Order //Let's not deal with arrays or pagination for now

        await context.app
            { expedited: true, shipped: false, order_id: ourOrder.id },
            { transaction: context.params.transaction }
  error: {
    all: [transaction.rollback()]

#### Example with around hook

When utilizing the around hook, you must pass the context manually. Remember to handle your errors as well, since `around` hooks will not throw into the `error` hook

  around: {
    create: [
      async (context: HookContext<OrderService>, next: NextFunction) => {
        console.log('Start Work')
        await transaction.start()(context)
        try {
          //We can do any work here, similar to a before hook
          await next()
          const ourOrder = context.result as Order

          await context.app
              { expedited: true, shipped: false, order_id: ourOrder.id },
              { transaction: context.params.transaction }
          console.log('End Work')
        } catch (err) {
          throw err

## Error handling

The adapter only throws [Feathers Errors](https://docs.feathersjs.com/api/errors.html) with the message to not leak sensitive information to a client. On the server, the original error can be retrieved through a secure symbol via `import { ERROR } from '@feathersjs/knex'`

import { ERROR } from 'feathers-knex'

try {
  await knexService.doSomething()
} catch (error: any) {
  // error is a FeathersError with just the message
  // Safely retrieve the Knex error
  const knexError = error[ERROR]

## Migrations

In a generated application, migrations are already set up. See the [CLI guide](../../guides/cli/knexfile.md) and the [KnexJS migrations documentation](https://knexjs.org/guide/migrations.html) for more information.