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# Querying

All official database adapters support a common way for querying, sorting, limiting and selecting `find` and `get` method calls as part of `params.query`. Querying also applies `update`, `patch` and `remove` method calls.

<BlockQuote label="Note">

When used via REST URLs all query values are strings and may need to be converted to the correct type. In a v5 application this is done automatically using [schemas](../schema/index.md).


## Filters

Filters are special properties (starting with a `$`) added at the top level of a query. They can determine page settings, the properties to select and more.

### $limit

`$limit` will return only the number of results you specify:

// Retrieves the first two unread messages
  query: {
    $limit: 2,
    read: false

GET /messages?$limit=2&read=false


With [pagination enabled](common.md#pagination), to just get the number of available records set `$limit` to `0`. This will only run a (fast) counting query against the database and return a page object with the `total` and an empty `data` array.


### $skip

`$skip` will skip the specified number of results:

// Retrieves the next two unread messages
  query: {
    $limit: 2,
    $skip: 2,
    read: false

GET /messages?$limit=2&$skip=2&read=false

### $sort

`$sort` will sort based on the object you provide. It can contain a list of properties by which to sort mapped to the order (`1` ascending, `-1` descending).

// Find the 10 newest messages
  query: {
    $limit: 10,
    $sort: {
      createdAt: -1


### $select

`$select` allows to pick which fields to include in the result. This will work for any service method.

// Only return the `text` and `userId` field in a message
  query: {
    $select: ['text', 'userId']

app.service('messages').get(1, {
  query: {
    $select: ['text']

GET /messages?$select[]=text&$select[]=userId
GET /messages/1?$select[]=text

### $or

Find all records that match any of the given criteria.

// Find all messages that are not marked as archived
// or any message from room 2
  query: {
    $or: [{ archived: { $ne: true } }, { roomId: 2 }]

GET /messages?$or[0][archived][$ne]=true&$or[1][roomId]=2

### $and

Find all records that match all of the given criteria.

// Find all messages that are not marked as archived and in room 2
  query: {
    $and: [{ archived: { $ne: true } }, { roomId: 2 }]

GET /messages?$and[0][archived][$ne]=true&$and[1][roomId]=2

## Operators

Operators either query a property for a specific value or determine nested special properties (starting with a `$`) that allow querying the property for certain conditions. When multiple operators are set, all conditions have to apply for a property to match.

### Equality

All fields that do not contain special query parameters are compared directly for equality.

// Find all unread messages in room #2
  query: {
    read: false,
    roomId: 2

GET /messages?read=false&roomId=2

### $in, $nin

Find all records where the property does (`$in`) or does not (`$nin`) match any of the given values.

// Find all messages in room 2 or 5
  query: {
    roomId: {
      $in: [2, 5]

GET /messages?roomId[$in][]=2&roomId[$in][]=5

### $lt, $lte

Find all records where the value is less (`$lt`) or less and equal (`$lte`) to a given value.

// Find all messages older than a day
const DAY_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

  query: {
    createdAt: {
      $lt: new Date().getTime() - DAY_MS

GET /messages?createdAt[$lt]=1479664146607

### $gt, $gte

Find all records where the value is more (`$gt`) or more and equal (`$gte`) to a given value.

// Find all messages within the last day
const DAY_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

  query: {
    createdAt: {
      $gt: new Date().getTime() - DAY_MS

GET /messages?createdAt[$gt]=1479664146607

### $ne

Find all records that do not equal the given property value.

// Find all messages that are not marked as archived
  query: {
    archived: {
      $ne: true

GET /messages?archived[$ne]=true

## Search

Searching is not part of the common querying syntax since it is very specific to the database you are using. For built in databases, see the [SQL search](./knex.md#search) and [MongoDb search](./mongodb.md#search) documentation. If you are using [a community supported adapter](/ecosystem/?cat=Database&sort=lastPublish) their documentation may contain additional information on how to implement search functionality.