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# Validators

[Ajv](https://ajv.js.org/) is the default JSON Schema validator used by `@feathersjs/schema`. We chose it because it's fully compliant with the JSON Schema spec and it's the fastest JSON Schema validator because it has its own compiler. It pre-compiles code for each validator, instead of dynamically creating validators from schemas during runtime.

<BlockQuote type="warning" label="Important">

Ajv and most other validation libraries are only used for ensuring data is valid and are not designed to convert data to different types. Type conversions and populating data can be done using [resolvers](./resolvers.md). This ensures a clean separation of concern between validating and populating data.


## Usage

The following is the standard `validators.ts` file that sets up a validator for data and queries (for which string types will be coerced automatically). It also sets up a collection of additional formats using [ajv-formats](https://ajv.js.org/packages/ajv-formats.html). The validators in this file can be customized according to the [Ajv documentation](https://ajv.js.org/) and [its plugins](https://ajv.js.org/packages/). You can find the available Ajv options in the [Ajv class API docs](https://ajv.js.org/options.html).

import { Ajv, addFormats } from '@feathersjs/schema'
import type { FormatsPluginOptions } from '@feathersjs/schema'

const formats: FormatsPluginOptions = [

export const dataValidator = addFormats(new Ajv({}), formats)

export const queryValidator = addFormats(
  new Ajv({
    coerceTypes: true

## Validation functions

A validation function takes data and validates them against a schema using a validator. They can be used with any validation library. Currently the `getValidator` functions are available for:

- [TypeBox schema](./typebox.md#validators) to validate a TypeBox definition using an Ajv validator instance
- [JSON schema](./schema.md#validators) to validate a JSON schema object using an Ajv validator instance

## Hooks

The following hooks take a [validation function](#validation-functions) and validate parts of the [hook context](../hooks.md#hook-context).

### validateData

`schemaHooks.validateData` takes a [validation function](#validation-functions) and allows to validate the `data` in a `create`, `update` and `patch` request as well as [custom service methods](../services.md#custom-methods). It can be used as an `around` or `before` hook.

import { Ajv, schemaHooks } from '@feathersjs/schema'
import { Type, getValidator } from '@feathersjs/typebox'
import type { Static } from '@feathersjs/typebox'
import { dataValidator } from '../validators'

const userSchema = Type.Object(
    id: Type.Number(),
    email: Type.String(),
    password: Type.String(),
    avatar: Type.Optional(Type.String())
  { $id: 'User', additionalProperties: false }
type User = Static<typeof userSchema>

const userDataSchema = Type.Pick(userSchema, ['email', 'password'])

// Returns validation functions for `create`, `update` and `patch`
const userDataValidator = getValidator(userDataSchema, dataValidator)

  before: {
    all: [schemaHooks.validateData(userDataValidator)]

### validateQuery

`schemaHooks.validateQuery` takes a [validation function](#validation-functions) and validates the `query` of a request. It can be used as an `around` or `before` hook. When using the `queryValidator` from the [usage](#usage) section, strings will automatically be converted to the right type using [Ajv's type coercion rules](https://ajv.js.org/coercion.html).

import { Ajv, schemaHooks } from '@feathersjs/schema'
import { Type, getValidator } from '@feathersjs/typebox'
import { queryValidator } from '../validators'

// Schema for allowed query properties
const messageQueryProperties = Type.Pick(messageSchema, ['id', 'text', 'createdAt', 'userId'], {
  additionalProperties: false
const messageQuerySchema = querySyntax(messageQueryProperties)
type MessageQuery = Static<typeof messageQuerySchema>

const messageQueryValidator = getValidator(messageQuerySchema, queryValidator)

  around: {
    all: [schemaHooks.validateQuery(messageQueryValidator)]