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# API Key Authentication

We will start by providing the required configuration for this strategy. You should change all of these values as per your requirement.

  "authentication": {
    "authStrategies": [ ...otherStrategies, "apiKey" ],
    "apiKey": {
      "allowedKeys": [ "API_KEY_1", "API_KEY_2" ],
      "header": "x-access-token"

Note: if all you want is api key authentication, it is still necessary to register a secret, service and entity. Since no other authentication method is used, entity can be `null`.

A fully working example with just API key authentication:
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 3030,
  "public": "../public/",
  "paginate": {
    "default": 10,
    "max": 50
  "authentication": {
    "secret": "some-secret",
    "service": "users",
    "entity": null,
    "authStrategies": ["apiKey"],
    "apiKey": {
      "allowedKeys": [ "API_KEY_1", "API_KEY_2" ],
      "header": "x-access-token"

Next we will be creating a [custom strategy](../../api/authentication/strategy.md) that returns the `params` that you would like to use to identify an authenticated user/request.

<LanguageBlock global-id="ts">

import { AuthenticationBaseStrategy, AuthenticationResult, AuthenticationService } from '@feathersjs/authentication';
import { NotAuthenticated } from '@feathersjs/errors';
import { ServiceAddons } from '@feathersjs/feathers';
import { Application } from './declarations';

declare module './declarations' {
  interface ServiceTypes {
    'authentication': AuthenticationService & ServiceAddons<any>;

class ApiKeyStrategy extends AuthenticationBaseStrategy {
  app: Application;

  constructor(app: Application) {
    this.app = app;

  async authenticate(authentication: AuthenticationResult) {
    const { token } = authentication;

    const config = this.app.get('authentication').apiKey;

    const match = config.allowedKeys.includes(token);
    if (!match) throw new NotAuthenticated('Incorrect API Key');

    return {
      apiKey: true

export default function (app: Application) {
  const authentication = new AuthenticationService(app);

  // This can have multiple .register calls if multiple strategies have been added
  authentication.register('apiKey', new ApiKeyStrategy(app));

  app.use('/authentication', authentication);


<LanguageBlock global-id="js">

In `src/authentication.js`:

const { AuthenticationBaseStrategy, AuthenticationService } = require('@feathersjs/authentication');
const { NotAuthenticated } = require('@feathersjs/errors');

class ApiKeyStrategy extends AuthenticationBaseStrategy {
  async authenticate(authentication) {
    const { token } = authentication;

    const config = this.authentication.configuration[this.name];

    const match = config.allowedKeys.includes(token);
    if (!match) throw new NotAuthenticated('Incorrect API Key');

    return {
      apiKey: true

module.exports = app => {
  const authentication = new AuthenticationService(app);
  // ... authentication service setup
  authentication.register('apiKey', new ApiKeyStrategy());


Next, we create a hook called `allow-apiKey` that sets `params.authentication` if it does not exist and if `params.provider` exists (which means it is an external call) to use that `apiKey` strategy. We will also provide the capability for the apiKey to be read from the request header: (you could also read the token as a query parameter but you will have to filter it out before it's passed to Feathers calls like `get` and `find`.

<LanguageBlock global-id="ts">

import { HookContext, NextFunction } from '@feathersjs/feathers';

export default () => async (context: HookContext, next: NextFunction) => {
  const { params, app } = context;

  const headerField = app.get('authentication').apiKey.header;
  const token = params.headers ? params.headers[headerField] : null;

  if (token && params.provider && !params.authentication) {
    context.params = {
      authentication: {
        strategy: 'apiKey',

  return next();


<LanguageBlock global-id="js">

/* eslint-disable require-atomic-updates */
module.exports = function (options = {}) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
  return async context => {
    const { params, app } = context;

    const headerField = app.get('authentication').apiKey.header;
    const token = params.headers[headerField];

    if (token && params.provider && !params.authentication) {
      context.params = {
        authentication: {
          strategy: 'apiKey',

    return context;


This hook should be added __before__ the [authenticate hook](../../api/authentication/hook.md) wherever API Key authentication should be allowed:

import { authenticate } from '@feathersjs/authentication/lib/hooks';
import allowApiKey from './hooks/allow-api-key';

all: [ allowApiKey(), authenticate('jwt', 'apiKey') ],

If a user now accesses the service externally with the correct apiKey, the service call will succeed and have `params.apiKey` set to `true`.