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## The API and real-time application framework

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Feathers is a lightweight web-framework for creating APIs and real-time applications using TypeScript or JavaScript.

Feathers can interact with any backend technology, supports many databases out of the box and works with any frontend technology like React, VueJS, Angular, React Native, Android or iOS.

## Getting started

You can build your first real-time and REST API in just 4 commands:

$ npm create feathers my-new-app
$ cd my-new-app
$ npm start

## Documentation

To learn more about Feathers visit the website at [feathersjs.com](http://feathersjs.com) or jump right into [the Feathers guides](http://feathersjs.com/guides).

## License

Copyright (c) 2023 [Feathers contributors](https://github.com/feathersjs/feathers/graphs/contributors)

Licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).