FROM python:$PYTHON_VERSION-slim AS base
ARG UID=2000
ARG GID=2000
RUN addgroup --gid $GID nonroot && \
adduser --uid $UID --gid $GID --disabled-password --gecos "" nonroot
RUN chown nonroot:nonroot /app
# Creating a separate directory for venvs allows to easily
# copy them from the builder and to mount the application
# for local development
RUN mkdir /poetryvenvs && chown nonroot:nonroot /poetryvenvs
# Install necessary runtime libraries (e.g. libmysql)
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
make \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Update pip and install poetry
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -U pip
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -U poetry
# We run everything by poetry run from now on, so that PATH will be handled
# for binaries installed in virtual environments
ENTRYPOINT ["poetry", "run"]
FROM base AS base_builder
# Install build system requirements (gcc, library headers, etc.)
# for compiled Python requirements like psycopg2
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential gcc git \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# From here we shouldn't need anymore a root user
# Switch to nonroot and config poetry
USER nonroot
RUN poetry config virtualenvs.path /poetryvenvs
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot pyproject.toml .
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot poetry.lock .
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot Makefile .
# Test image, contains all files and dependencies
FROM base_builder AS dev
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot . .
RUN make dev-dependencies
# Note that opentelemetry doesn't play well together with uvicorn reloader
# when signals are propagated, we disable it in dev image default CMD
CMD ["uvicorn", "http_app:create_app", "--host", "", "--port", "8000", "--factory", "--reload"]
# Installs requirements to run production celery application
FROM base_builder AS celery_builder
RUN poetry install --no-root
# Installs requirements to run production http application
FROM base_builder AS http_builder
RUN poetry install --no-root --with http
# Copy the shared python packages
FROM base AS base_app
USER nonroot
RUN poetry config virtualenvs.path /poetryvenvs
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot pyproject.toml .
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot poetry.lock .
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot src/alembic ./alembic
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot src/domains ./domains
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot src/gateways ./gateways
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot src/bootstrap ./bootstrap
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot src/alembic.ini .
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot Makefile .
# Copy the http python package and requirements from relevant builder
FROM base_app AS http_app
COPY --from=http_builder /poetryvenvs /poetryvenvs
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot src/http_app ./http_app
# Run CMD using array syntax, so it's uses `exec` and runs as PID1
CMD ["opentelemetry-instrument", "uvicorn", "http_app:create_app", "--host", "", "--port", "8000", "--factory"]
# Copy the celery python package and requirements from relevant builder
FROM base_app AS celery_app
COPY --from=celery_builder /poetryvenvs /poetryvenvs
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot src/celery_worker ./celery_worker
# Run CMD using array syntax, so it's uses `exec` and runs as PID1
CMD ["opentelemetry-instrument", "celery", "-A", "celery_worker:app", "worker", "-l", "INFO"]