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# mkdocs-macros-adr-summary

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This is a macro plugin to generates summaries from a list of a ADR documents in a directory.

The single ADR documents file names have to respect this format: `0000-my-decision-title.md`

* start with 4 digits followed by the character `-`
* the rest of the file name can contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores (`[A-Za-z0-9_-]` regex)
* end with the `.md` extension

Examples and documentation can be found [here](https://febus982.github.io/mkdocs-macros-adr-summary)

The package should be stable enough for daily use. I'll release 1.0.0, and switch to semantic version,
as soon as support for MADR version 2 has been implemented. Until that breaking changes can be introduced
and will be documented in the GitHub release description.

## Quick start

Enable the plugin in `mkdocs.yml`

  - macros:
        - mkdocs_macros_adr_summary

Create a markdown page in your mkdocs website and use the `adr_summary` macro providing
the path containing your ADR files relative to the `mkdocs.yml` file.

{% raw %}
{{ adr_summary(adr_path="docs/adr", adr_style="nygard") }}
{% endraw %}

`adr_style` can be `nygard` or `MADR3`

## More customization

The page output is generated using a jinja template, but you can provide a custom one. The file path
must still be relative to the `mkdocs.yml` file.

{% raw %}
{{ adr_summary(adr_path="docs/adr", adr_style="MADR3", template_file="other.jinja") }}
{% endraw %}

The default template is:

{% raw %}
| ID | Date | Decision | Status |
{% for d in documents %}| {{ d.document_id }} | {{ d.date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') if d.date else "-"}} | [{{ d.title }}]({{ d.file_path }}) | {{ d.status }}  |
{% endfor %}
{% endraw %}

The `documents` variable in the jinja template is a Sequence of `ADRDocument` models:

class ADRDocument:
    file_path: str
    document_id: Optional[int] = None
    title: Optional[str] = None
    date: Optional[date] = None
    status: Optional[str] = None
    statuses: Sequence[str] = tuple()
    deciders: Optional[str] = None
    consulted: Optional[str] = None
    informed: Optional[str] = None

There are some differences in what metadata is available when using different formats:

|           | Nygard | MADR3 | MADR2 |
| file_path | ✅︎     | ✅︎    | ✅︎    |
| title     | ✅︎     | ✅︎    | ✅︎    |
| date      | ✅︎     | ✅︎    | ✅︎    |
| status    | ⚠      | ✅︎    | ✅︎    |
| statuses  | ✅︎     | ⚠     | ⚠     |
| deciders  | ❌      | ✅︎    | ✅︎    |
| consulted | ❌      | ✅︎    | ❌     |
| informed  | ❌      | ✅︎    | ❌     |

* **Nygard format**
    * `status` is the last item `statuses`. (I don't believe we should use multiple
      statuses, however `adr-tools` allows it)
    * `deciders`, `consulted` and `informed` are not supported by the format
* **MADR2** and **MADR3**
    * I wasn't able to find an automated tool supporting superseding documents.
      By looking at the template it looks like there's a single status.
      `statuses` will return a list with a single status.

## Supported ADR formats

The supported ADR formats are:
* `nygard` format, it is recommended to use [adr-tools](https://github.com/npryce/adr-tools) to manage the directory
* `MADR` [version 3](https://github.com/adr/madr/blob/3.0.0/template/adr-template.md)
* `MADR` [version 2](https://github.com/adr/madr/blob/2.1.2/template/template.md)

## Commands for development

All the common commands used during development can be run using make targets:

* `make dev-dependencies`: Install dev requirements
* `make update-dependencies`: Update dev requirements
* `make test`: Run test suite
* `make check`: Run tests, code style and lint checks
* `make fix`: Run code style and lint automatic fixes (where possible)
* `make docs`: Render the mkdocs website locally