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Test Coverage
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = "usaspending_api.settings"
addopts = "--cov=usaspending_api"
markers = [
    "signal_handling: Mark all tests that import the signal library and invoke signals. This MUST be done on the main thread, and can cause errors if pytest-xdist subordinates parellel test sessions to background threads.",

    # These are "auto" marked based on fixture usage. See conftest.py pytest_collection_modifyitems
    "spark: Mark all tests using the spark fixture. Can be selected with -m spark or deselected with -m (not spark)",
    "database: Mark all integration tests using a database. Can be selected with -m database or deselected with -m (not database)",
    "elasticsearch: Mark all integration tests using Elasticsearch. Can be selected with -m database or deselected with -m (not elasticsearch)",

omit = [
    # tests themselves don't need coverage measurements
    # nor db migration scripts

# Regexes for lines to exclude from consideration
exclude_lines = [
    # Have to re-enable the standard pragma
    "pragma: no cover"

line-length = 120
target_version = ['py38']
exclude = '/(\.git|\.venv|venv|migrations)/'