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import logging

from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from django.db.models import Q

from usaspending_api.common.exceptions import InvalidParameterException
from usaspending_api.common.helpers.generic_helper import dates_are_month_bookends
from usaspending_api.common.helpers.generic_helper import generate_date_from_string
from usaspending_api.common.helpers.sql_helpers import get_connection
from usaspending_api.references.constants import WEBSITE_AWARD_BINS
from usaspending_api.search.models import SubawardSearch

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Range = namedtuple("Range", ["start", "end"])

def merge_date_ranges(date_range_list):
    Given a list of date ranges (using the defined namedtuple "Range"), combine overlapping date ranges
    While adjacent fiscal years do not overlap the desired behavior is to combine them
        FY2010 ends on 2010-09-30, FY2011 start on 2010-10-01.
    To address this, when comparing ranges 1 day is removed from the start date and 1 day is added to the end date
    Then the overlapping ranges must be > 1 instead of > 0
    Inspired by Raymond Hettinger [https://stackoverflow.com/a/9044111]
    ordered_list = sorted([sorted(t) for t in date_range_list])
    saved_range = Range(start=ordered_list[0][0], end=ordered_list[0][1])
    for st, en in ordered_list[1:]:
        r = Range(st, en)
        latest_start = max(r.start, saved_range.start) + timedelta(days=-1)
        earliest_end = min(r.end, saved_range.end) + timedelta(days=1)
        delta = (earliest_end - latest_start).days + 1  # added since ranges are closed on both ends
        if delta > 1:  # since the overlap is potentially extended by 1-2 days, the overlap needs to be at least 2 days
            saved_range = Range(start=min(saved_range.start, st), end=max(saved_range.end, en))
            yield (saved_range.start, saved_range.end)
            saved_range = Range(start=st, end=en)
    yield (saved_range.start, saved_range.end)

def date_list_to_queryset(date_list, table, is_subaward=False):
    or_queryset = Q()
    for v in date_list:
        # Modified May 2018 so that there will always be a start and end value from combine_date_range_queryset()

        date_type_dict = v.get("date_type_dict", {"gte": "action_date", "lte": "action_date"})
        for operand, date_type in date_type_dict.items():
            if date_type not in ["action_date", "last_modified_date", "date_signed"]:
                raise InvalidParameterException("Invalid date_type: {}".format(date_type))
            # When searching subawards, use the subaward equivalent fields
            if is_subaward:
                subaward_mappings = {
                    "action_date": "sub_action_date",
                    "last_modified_date": "last_modified_date",
                    "date_signed": "date_signed",
                date_type_dict[operand] = subaward_mappings[date_type]

        # (StartA <= EndB)  and  (EndA >= StartB)
        # where "A" is an Award and "B" is the date range being searched
        kwargs = {
            "{}__gte".format(date_type_dict["gte"]): v["start_date"],
            "{}__lte".format(date_type_dict["lte"]): v["end_date"],
        or_queryset |= Q(**kwargs)

    return table.objects.filter(or_queryset)

def combine_date_range_queryset(date_dicts, table, min_start, max_end, dt_format="%Y-%m-%d", is_subaward=False):
    final_ranges = []
    date_type_list = []

    for time_period in date_dicts:
        dt_type = time_period.get("date_type", "action_date")
        gte_dt_type = time_period.get("gte_date_type")
        lte_dt_type = time_period.get("lte_date_type")
            (gte_dt_type, lte_dt_type) if gte_dt_type is not None and lte_dt_type is not None else (dt_type, dt_type)

    for date_type_tuple in set(date_type_list):
        list_of_ranges = [
                datetime.strptime(v.get("start_date", None) or min_start, dt_format),
                datetime.strptime(v.get("end_date", None) or max_end, dt_format),
            for v in date_dicts
        ]  # convert date strings to datetime objects

                    "start_date": r[0],
                    "end_date": r[1],
                    "date_type_dict": {"gte": date_type_tuple[0], "lte": date_type_tuple[1]},
                for r in list(merge_date_ranges(list_of_ranges))
    return date_list_to_queryset(final_ranges, table, is_subaward=is_subaward)

def get_total_transaction_column(model):
    """Returns column name based on model"""

    if model == SubawardSearch:
        return "subaward_amount"
        return "award_amount"

def total_obligation_queryset(amount_obj, model, filters, is_subaward=False):
    if can_use_total_obligation_enum(amount_obj):
        bins = []
        for v in amount_obj:
            lower_bound = v.get("lower_bound")
            upper_bound = v.get("upper_bound")
            for key, values in WEBSITE_AWARD_BINS.items():
                if lower_bound == values["lower"] and upper_bound == values["upper"]:
        obl_bin_filter = {f"{'sub_' if is_subaward else ''}total_obl_bin__in": set(bins)}
        or_queryset = model.objects.filter(**obl_bin_filter)
        column = get_total_transaction_column(model)
        bound_filters = Q()

        for v in amount_obj:
            if v.get("lower_bound") is not None and v.get("upper_bound") is not None:
                bound_dict = {f"{column}__gte": v["lower_bound"], f"{column}__lte": v["upper_bound"]}
            elif v.get("lower_bound") is not None:
                bound_dict = {f"{column}__gte": v["lower_bound"]}
            elif v.get("upper_bound") is not None:
                bound_dict = {f"{column}__lte": v["upper_bound"]}
                raise InvalidParameterException("Invalid filter: award amount has incorrect object.")

            bound_filters |= Q(**bound_dict)

        or_queryset = model.objects.filter(bound_filters)

    return or_queryset

def can_use_month_aggregation(time_period):
    time_period is the list of action_date ranges from API
        for v in time_period:
            s = generate_date_from_string(v.get("start_date"))
            e = generate_date_from_string(v.get("end_date"))
            if not dates_are_month_bookends(s, e):
                return False
    except Exception:
        return False
    return True

def can_use_total_obligation_enum(amount_obj):
        for v in amount_obj:
            lower_bound = v.get("lower_bound")
            upper_bound = v.get("upper_bound")
            for key, values in WEBSITE_AWARD_BINS.items():
                if lower_bound == values["lower"] and upper_bound == values["upper"]:
                return False
        return True
    except Exception:
    return False

def only_action_date_type(time_period):
    if a date_type is last_modified_date, don't use the matview this applies to
        for v in time_period:
            if v.get("date_type", "action_date") != "action_date":
                return False
    except Exception:
        return False
    return True

def transform_keyword(request, api_version):
    filter_obj = request.data.get("filters", None)
    if filter_obj:
        if "keyword" not in filter_obj and "keywords" not in filter_obj:
            return request
        keyword_array_passed = filter_obj.get("keywords", False)
        keyword_string_passed = filter_obj.pop("keyword", None)
        if api_version < 3:
            keywords = keyword_array_passed if keyword_array_passed else [keyword_string_passed]
            if keyword_array_passed:
                keywords = keyword_array_passed
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "keyword' is deprecated. Please use 'keywords'. See documentation for more information."
        filter_obj["keywords"] = keywords
        request.data["filters"] = filter_obj
    return request

def get_all_award_ids_in_idv_hierarchy(root_idv_award_id):
    Unfortunately, there's no clean way to get IDV descendants using the Django
    ORM so we will turn to the dark side to get what we need.  For the provided
    IDV award id (surrogate, integer, internal award id), this function will
    return the award id of all awards in the IDV's hierarchy, including the root
    IDV itself.
    sql = """
        with cte as (
            select      award_id
            from        parent_award
            where       award_id = %(root_idv_award_id)s
            union all
            select      cpa.award_id
            from        parent_award ppa
                        inner join parent_award cpa on
                            cpa.parent_award_id = ppa.award_id
            where       ppa.award_id = %(root_idv_award_id)s
        select  ca.id
        from    cte
                inner join vw_awards pa on
                    pa.id = cte.award_id
                inner join vw_awards ca on
                    ca.parent_award_piid = pa.piid and
                    ca.fpds_parent_agency_id = pa.fpds_agency_id
        union   all
        select  %(root_idv_award_id)s
    connection = get_connection()
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, {"root_idv_award_id": root_idv_award_id})
        return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]

def get_descendant_award_ids(root_idv_award_id, include_child_idvs):
    Unfortunately, there's no clean way to get IDV descendants using the Django
    ORM so we will turn to the dark side to get what we need.  For the provided
    IDV award id (surrogate, integer, internal award id), this function will
    return the award id for all child Awards and grandchild Awards and, if
    include_child_idvs is True, all child IDVs as well.
    sql = """
        with cte as (
            select      award_id
            from        parent_award
            where       award_id = %(root_idv_award_id)s
            union all
            select      cpa.award_id
            from        parent_award ppa
                        inner join parent_award cpa on
                            cpa.parent_award_id = ppa.award_id
            where       ppa.award_id = %(root_idv_award_id)s
        select  ca.id
        from    cte
                inner join vw_awards pa on
                    pa.id = cte.award_id
                inner join vw_awards ca on
                    ca.parent_award_piid = pa.piid and
                    ca.fpds_parent_agency_id = pa.fpds_agency_id
    """ + (
        "" if include_child_idvs else " and ca.type not like 'IDV%%'"
    connection = get_connection()
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, {"root_idv_award_id": root_idv_award_id})
        return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]

def add_date_range_comparison_types(filters, is_subaward, gte_date_type, lte_date_type):
    if filters is None:
        return None

    # Use deepcopy to make changes to avoid conflicts when filters are looped over.
    filters_deepcopy = deepcopy(filters)
    if not is_subaward and filters_deepcopy.get("time_period") is not None:
        for time_period in filters_deepcopy["time_period"]:
            time_period["gte_date_type"] = gte_date_type
            time_period["lte_date_type"] = lte_date_type

    return filters_deepcopy