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from django.db.models import Avg, Count, F, Q, Max, Min, Sum, Func, IntegerField, ExpressionWrapper
from django.db.models.functions import ExtractDay, ExtractMonth, ExtractYear

from usaspending_api.common.api_request_utils import FilterGenerator, AutoCompleteHandler
from usaspending_api.common.exceptions import InvalidParameterException

class AggregateQuerysetMixin(object):
    Aggregate a queryset.
    Any pre-aggregation operations on the queryset (e.g. filtering) is already done (it's handled at the view level,
    in the get_queryset method).

    def aggregate(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """Perform an aggregate function on a Django queryset with an optional group by field."""
        # create a single dict that contains the requested aggregate parameters, regardless of request type
        # (e.g., GET, POST) (not sure if this is a good practice, or we should be more prescriptive that aggregate
        # requests can only be of one type)
        params = dict(request.query_params)

        # get the queryset to be aggregated
        queryset = kwargs.get("queryset", None)

        # validate request parameters
        agg_field, group_fields, date_part = self.validate_request(params, queryset)

        # Check for null opt-in, and filter instances where all group fields are null
        if not params.get("show_null_groups", False) and not params.get("show_nulls", False):
            q_object = Q()
            for field in group_fields:
                q_object = q_object | Q(**{"{}__isnull".format(field): False})
            queryset = queryset.filter(q_object)

        # Check for null opt-in, and filter instances where the aggregate field is null
        if not params.get("show_null_aggregates", False) and not params.get("show_nulls", False):
            q_object = Q(**{"{}__isnull".format(agg_field): False})
            queryset = queryset.filter(q_object)

        # get the aggregate function to use (default is Sum)
        agg_map = {"avg": Avg, "count": Count, "min": Min, "max": Max, "sum": Sum}
        agg_function = params.get("aggregate", "sum").lower()
        agg_function = agg_map.get(agg_function, Sum)

        if group_fields and date_part:
            # group queryset by a date field and aggregate
            group_func_map = {"year": ExtractYear, "month": ExtractMonth, "day": ExtractDay}
            group_func = group_func_map.get(date_part)
            aggregate = (
            # item is deprecated and should be removed soon group queryset by a non-date field and aggregate

            # Support expression wrappers on all items in the group field array
            # We must do this so users can specify a __fy request on any field
            # in any order, rather than being required to do so as the first item
            item_annotations = {"item": self._wrapped_f_expression(group_fields[0])}
            for gf in group_fields:
                expr = self._wrapped_f_expression(gf)
                if isinstance(expr, ExpressionWrapper):
                    item_annotations[gf] = expr
            aggregate = (

        return aggregate

    _sql_function_transformations = {"fy": IntegerField}

    def _wrapped_f_expression(self, col_name):
        """F-expression of col, wrapped if needed with SQL function call

        Assumes that there's an SQL function defined for each registered lookup.
        for suffix in self._sql_function_transformations:
            full_suffix = "__" + suffix
            if col_name.endswith(full_suffix):
                col_name = col_name[: -(len(full_suffix))]
                result = Func(F(col_name), function=suffix)
                output_type = self._sql_function_transformations[suffix]
                result = ExpressionWrapper(result, output_field=output_type())
                return result
        return F(col_name)

    def validate_request(self, params, queryset):
        """Validate request parameters."""

        agg_field = params.get("field")
        group_fields = params.get("group")
        date_part = params.get("date_part")
        model = queryset.model

        # field to aggregate is required
        if agg_field is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Request is missing the name of the field to aggregate")

        # make sure the field we're aggregating exists in the model
        if hasattr(model, agg_field) is False:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Field {} not found in model {}. "
                "Please specify a valid field in the request.".format(agg_field, model)

        # make sure the field we're aggregating on is numeric
        # (there is likely a better way to do this?)
        numeric_fields = [
        if model._meta.get_field(agg_field).get_internal_type() not in numeric_fields:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Aggregate field {} is not a numeric type (e.g., integer, decimal)".format(agg_field)

        # field to group by is required
        if group_fields is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Request is missing the field to group by")

        # make sure group fields is a list
        if not isinstance(group_fields, list):
            group_fields = [group_fields]

        # if a groupby date part is specified, make sure the groupby field is
        # a date and the groupby value is year, quarter, or month
        if date_part is not None:
            # only allow date parts when grouping by a single field (for now)
            if len(group_fields) > 1:
                raise InvalidParameterException("Date parts are only valid when grouping by a single field.")
            # if the request is asking to group by a date component, the field
            # we're grouping by must be a date-related field (there is probably a better way to do this?)
            date_fields = ["DateField", "DateTimeField"]
            if model._meta.get_field(group_fields[0]).get_internal_type() not in date_fields:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "Group by date part ({}) requested for a non-date group by ({})".format(date_part, group_fields[0])
            # date_part must be a supported date component
            supported_date_parts = ["year", "month", "quarter", "day"]
            date_part = date_part.lower()
            if date_part not in supported_date_parts:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "Date part {} is unsupported. Supported date parts are {}".format(date_part, supported_date_parts)

        return agg_field, group_fields, date_part

class FilterQuerysetMixin(object):
    """Handles queryset filtering."""

    def filter_records(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """Filter a queryset based on request parameters"""
        queryset = kwargs.get("queryset")

        # If there is data in the request body, use that to create filters. Otherwise, use information in the request's
        # query params to create filters. Eventually, we should refactor the filter creation process to accept a list
        # of parameters and create filters without needing to know about the structure of the request itself.
        filters = None
        filter_map = kwargs.get("filter_map", {})
        fg = FilterGenerator(queryset.model, filter_map=filter_map)

        if len(request.data):
            fg = FilterGenerator(queryset.model)
            filters = fg.create_from_request_body(request.data)
            filters = Q(**fg.create_from_query_params(request.query_params))

        # Handle FTS vectors
        if len(fg.search_vectors) > 0:
            vector_sum = fg.search_vectors[0]
            for vector in fg.search_vectors[1:]:
                vector_sum += vector
            queryset = queryset.annotate(search=vector_sum)

        subwhere = filters
        # Create structure the query so we don't need to use distinct
        # This happens by reforming the request as 'WHERE pk_id IN (SELECT pk_id FROM queryset WHERE filters)'
        if len(filters) > 0:
            subwhere = Q(
                    + "__in": queryset.filter(filters).values_list(queryset.model._meta.pk.name, flat=True)

        return queryset.filter(subwhere)

    def order_records(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """Order a queryset based on request parameters."""
        queryset = kwargs.get("queryset")

        # create a single dict that contains the requested aggregate parameters,
        # regardless of request type (e.g., GET, POST)
        # (not sure if this is a good practice, or we should be more
        # prescriptive that aggregate requests can only be of one type)

        params = dict(request.query_params)
        ordering = params.get("order")
        if ordering is not None:
            return queryset.order_by(*ordering)
            return queryset

    def get_submission_id_filters(self):
        Returns the federal_account_id and the list of fiscal_years from the list of incoming
        filters if they exist. If not, return None and an empty list respectively
        federal_account_id = None
        fiscal_years = []
        if "filters" in self.request.data:
            for filter in self.request.data["filters"]:
                if filter["field"] == "treasury_account__federal_account_id":
                    federal_account_id = filter["value"]
                if filter["field"] == "submission__reporting_fiscal_year":
                    fiscal_years = filter["value"]
        return federal_account_id, fiscal_years

class AutocompleteResponseMixin(object):
    """Handles autocomplete responses and requests"""

    def build_response(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        queryset = kwargs.get("queryset")

        serializer = kwargs.get("serializer")

        params = request.query_params.copy()  # copy() creates mutable copy of a QueryDict

        return AutoCompleteHandler.handle(queryset, params, serializer)