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from django.db import connection
from django.db.models import CharField, Expression
from psycopg2.sql import Identifier, Literal, SQL
from usaspending_api.common.helpers.sql_helpers import convert_composable_query_to_string
from usaspending_api.recipient.models import RecipientLookup, RecipientProfile
from usaspending_api.recipient.v2.lookups import SPECIAL_CASES

def obtain_recipient_uri(
    """Return a valid string to be used for api/v2/recipient/duns/<recipient-hash>/ (or None)

    Keyword Arguments:
    recipient_name -- Legal Entity Name from the record
    recipient_uei -- UEI from the record
    parent_recipient_uei -- parent UEI from the record
    recipient_unique_id -- DUNS from the record
    parent_recipient_unique_id -- parent DUNS from the record
    is_parent_recipient -- boolean flag to force the recipient level to be "P" (default False)
        By the nature of transaction records, the listed recipient can only be "R" or "C"
        This flag is for the parent recipient link (as appropriate)

    Return example string: 11fcdf15-3490-cdad-3df4-3b410f3d9b20-C

    # Checks for two cases to return early:
    # - Parent recipient requires a unique identifier (UEI or DUNS)
    # - When all components of the Recipient Hash are NULL (UEI, DUNS, or Name)
    if (is_parent_recipient and (recipient_uei is None and recipient_unique_id is None)) or (
        recipient_name is None and recipient_uei is None and recipient_unique_id is None
        return None

    if recipient_uei is not None:
        recipient = RecipientProfile.objects.filter(uei=recipient_uei).values("recipient_hash").first()
    elif recipient_unique_id is not None:
        recipient = RecipientLookup.objects.filter(duns=recipient_unique_id).values("recipient_hash").first()
        recipient = None
    recipient_hash = recipient.get("recipient_hash") if recipient else None

    if recipient_hash is None:
        recipient_hash = generate_missing_recipient_hash(recipient_uei, recipient_unique_id, recipient_name)

    recipient_level = obtain_recipient_level(
            "uei": recipient_uei,
            "parent_uei": parent_recipient_uei,
            "duns": recipient_unique_id,
            "parent_duns": parent_recipient_unique_id,
            "is_parent_recipient": is_parent_recipient,

    # Confirm that a recipient profile exists for the recipient information we have collected/generated.
    if RecipientProfile.objects.filter(recipient_hash=recipient_hash, recipient_level=recipient_level).exists():
        return combine_recipient_hash_and_level(recipient_hash, recipient_level)

    return None

def generate_missing_recipient_hash(recipient_uei, recipient_unique_id, recipient_name):
    if recipient_uei is not None:
        prefix = "uei"
        value = recipient_uei
    elif recipient_unique_id is not None:
        prefix = "duns"
        value = recipient_unique_id
        prefix = "name"
        value = recipient_name

    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT MD5(UPPER(CONCAT(%s, '-', %s)))::uuid", [prefix, value])
        row = cursor.fetchone()

    return row[0] if row else None

def obtain_recipient_level(recipient_record: dict) -> str:
    level = None
    if recipient_record["is_parent_recipient"]:
        level = "P"
    elif recipient_record["parent_uei"] is None:
        level = "R"
    elif recipient_record["parent_uei"] is not None:
        level = "C"
    return level

def combine_recipient_hash_and_level(recipient_hash, recipient_level):
    return f"{recipient_hash}-{recipient_level.upper()}"

def _annotate_recipient_id(field_name, queryset, annotation_sql):
    Add recipient id (recipient hash + recipient level) to a queryset.  The assumption here is that
    the queryset is based on a data source that contains recipient_unique_id and
    parent_recipient_unique_id which, currently, all of our advanced search materialized views do.

    class RecipientId(Expression):
        Used to graft a subquery into a queryset that can build recipient ids.

        This is a bit less than ideal, but I just couldn't construct an ORM query to mimic this
        logic.  There are several issues including but not limited to:

            - There are currently no relations between these tables in the Django ORM which makes
              joining them... challenging.
            - Adding relations to the ORM changes how the fields behave making this a much bigger
              enhancement than originally planned.
            - When I did add relations to the ORM, I couldn't figure out how to make the Django
              OuterRef expression check for nulls since the subquery needs to check to see if the
              parent_recipient_unique_id in the outer query is null.

        Anyhow, this works and is encapsulated so if someone smart figures out how to use pure ORM,
        it should be easy to patch in.

        def __init__(self):
            super(RecipientId, self).__init__(CharField())

        def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
            return (
                        special_cases=Literal(tuple(sc for sc in SPECIAL_CASES)),

    return queryset.annotate(**{field_name: RecipientId()})

def annotate_prime_award_recipient_id(field_name, queryset):
    return _annotate_recipient_id(
                rp.recipient_hash || '-' ||  rp.recipient_level
                rpt.subaward_search bs
                inner join recipient_lookup rl on (rl.uei = bs.awardee_or_recipient_uei OR rl.duns = bs.awardee_or_recipient_uniqu)
                inner join recipient_profile rp on rp.recipient_hash = rl.recipient_hash
                bs.broker_subaward_id = {outer_table}.broker_subaward_id and
                rp.recipient_level = case
                    when bs.ultimate_parent_uei is null or bs.ultimate_parent_uei = '' then 'R'
                    else 'C'
                end and
                rp.recipient_name not in {special_cases}