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import copy
import logging
import re

from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime, timezone

from django.core.management import BaseCommand, call_command
from django.db import connection
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, StringType
from pyspark.sql.utils import AnalysisException

from usaspending_api.awards.delta_models.awards import AWARDS_COLUMNS
from usaspending_api.broker.helpers.build_business_categories_boolean_dict import fpds_boolean_columns
from usaspending_api.broker.helpers.get_business_categories import (
from usaspending_api.broker.helpers.last_load_date import (
from usaspending_api.common.data_classes import TransactionColumn
from usaspending_api.common.etl.spark import create_ref_temp_views
from usaspending_api.common.helpers.spark_helpers import (
from usaspending_api.config import CONFIG
from usaspending_api.transactions.delta_models.transaction_fabs import (
from usaspending_api.transactions.delta_models.transaction_fpds import (
from usaspending_api.transactions.delta_models.transaction_normalized import TRANSACTION_NORMALIZED_COLUMNS

class Command(BaseCommand):

    help = """
        This command reads transaction data from source / bronze tables in delta and creates the delta silver tables
        specified via the "etl_level" argument. Each "etl_level" uses an exclusive value for "last_load_date" from the
        "external_data_load_date" table in Postgres to determine the subset of transactions to load. For a full
        pipeline run the "award_id_lookup" and "transaction_id_lookup" levels should be run first in order to populate the
        lookup tables. These lookup tables are used to keep track of PK values across the different silver tables.

        *****NOTE*****: Before running this command for the first time on a usual basis, it should be run with the
            "etl_level" set to "initial_run" to set up the needed lookup tables and populate the needed sequences and
            "last_load_date" values for the lookup tables.

    etl_level: str
    last_etl_date: str
    spark_s3_bucket: str
    no_initial_copy: bool
    logger: logging.Logger
    spark: SparkSession
    # See comments in delete_records_sql, transaction_id_lookup ETL level, for more info about logic in the
    # query below.
    award_id_lookup_delete_subquery: str = """
        -- Adding CTEs to pre-filter award_id_lookup table for significant speedups when joining
        aidlu_fpds AS (
            SELECT * FROM int.award_id_lookup
            WHERE is_fpds = TRUE
        aidlu_fabs AS (
            SELECT * FROM int.award_id_lookup
            WHERE is_fpds = FALSE
        SELECT aidlu.transaction_unique_id AS id_to_remove
        FROM aidlu_fpds AS aidlu LEFT JOIN raw.detached_award_procurement AS dap ON (
            aidlu.transaction_unique_id = ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique)
        WHERE dap.detached_award_proc_unique IS NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT aidlu.transaction_unique_id AS id_to_remove
        FROM aidlu_fabs AS aidlu LEFT JOIN raw.published_fabs AS pfabs ON (
            aidlu.transaction_unique_id = ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique)
        WHERE pfabs.afa_generated_unique IS NULL

    def add_arguments(self, parser):
            help="The silver delta table that should be updated from the bronze delta data.",
            help="The destination bucket in S3 for creating the tables.",
            help="Whether to skip copying tables from the 'raw' database to the 'int' database during initial_run.",

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        with self.prepare_spark():
            self.etl_level = options["etl_level"]
            self.spark_s3_bucket = options["spark_s3_bucket"]
            self.no_initial_copy = options["no_initial_copy"]

            # Capture earliest last load date of the source tables to update the "last_load_date" after completion
            next_last_load = get_earliest_load_date(
                ("source_procurement_transaction", "source_assistance_transaction"), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)

            if self.etl_level == "initial_run":
                self.logger.info("Running initial setup")

            # Do this check now to avoid uncaught errors later when running queries
            # Use 'int' because that is what will be targeted for deletes/updates/etc.
            table_exists = self.spark._jsparkSession.catalog().tableExists(f"int.{self.etl_level}")
            if not table_exists:
                raise Exception(f"Table: int.{self.etl_level} does not exist.")

            if self.etl_level == "award_id_lookup":
                self.logger.info(f"Running pre-delete SQL for '{self.etl_level}' ETL")
                possibly_modified_award_ids = self.award_id_lookup_pre_delete()

            self.logger.info(f"Running delete SQL for '{self.etl_level}' ETL")

            if self.etl_level == "award_id_lookup":
                self.logger.info(f"Running post-delete SQL for '{self.etl_level}' ETL")

            last_etl_date = get_last_load_date(self.etl_level)
            if last_etl_date is None:
                # Table has not been loaded yet.  To avoid checking for None in all the locations where
                # last_etl_date is used, set it to a long time ago.
                last_etl_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
            self.last_etl_date = str(last_etl_date)

            self.logger.info(f"Running UPSERT SQL for '{self.etl_level}' ETL")
            if self.etl_level == "transaction_id_lookup":
            elif self.etl_level == "award_id_lookup":
            elif self.etl_level in ("transaction_fabs", "transaction_fpds"):
            elif self.etl_level == "transaction_normalized":
            elif self.etl_level == "awards":

            update_last_load_date(self.etl_level, next_last_load)

    def prepare_spark(self):
        extra_conf = {
            # Config for additional packages needed
            # "spark.jars.packages": "org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.23,io.delta:delta-core_2.12:1.2.1,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:3.3.1,org.apache.spark:spark-hive_2.12:3.2.1",
            # Config for Delta Lake tables and SQL. Need these to keep Dela table metadata in the metastore
            "spark.sql.extensions": "io.delta.sql.DeltaSparkSessionExtension",
            "spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog": "org.apache.spark.sql.delta.catalog.DeltaCatalog",
            # See comment below about old date and time values cannot parsed without these
            "spark.sql.parquet.datetimeRebaseModeInWrite": "LEGACY",  # for dates at/before 1900
            "spark.sql.parquet.int96RebaseModeInWrite": "LEGACY",  # for timestamps at/before 1900
            "spark.sql.jsonGenerator.ignoreNullFields": "false",  # keep nulls in our json

        # Create the Spark Session
        self.spark = get_active_spark_session()
        spark_created_by_command = False
        if not self.spark:
            spark_created_by_command = True
            self.spark = configure_spark_session(**extra_conf, spark_context=self.spark)  # type: SparkSession

        # Setup Logger
        self.logger = get_jvm_logger(self.spark, __name__)

        # Create UDFs for Business Categories
            name="get_business_categories_fabs", f=get_business_categories_fabs, returnType=ArrayType(StringType())
            name="get_business_categories_fpds", f=get_business_categories_fpds, returnType=ArrayType(StringType())

        yield  # Going to wait for the Django command to complete then stop the spark session if needed

        if spark_created_by_command:

    def award_id_lookup_pre_delete(self):
        Return a list of the award ids corresponding to the transaction_unique_ids that are about to be deleted.
        sql = f"""
            WITH txns_to_delete AS (
            SELECT DISTINCT(award_id) AS award_id
            FROM int.award_id_lookup AS aidlu INNER JOIN txns_to_delete AS to_del ON (
                aidlu.transaction_unique_id = to_del.id_to_remove

        # TODO: The values returned here are put into a list in an 'IN' clause in award_id_lookup_post_delete.
        #       However, there is a limit on the number of values one can manually put into an 'IN' cluase (i.e., not
        #       returned by a SELECT subquery inside the 'IN').  Thus, this code should return a dataframe directly,
        #       create a temporary view from the dataframe in award_id_lookup_post_delete, and use that temporary
        #       view to either do a subquery in the 'IN' clause or to JOIN against.
        possibly_modified_award_ids = [str(row["award_id"]) for row in self.spark.sql(sql).collect()]
        return possibly_modified_award_ids

    def delete_records_sql(self):
        if self.etl_level == "transaction_id_lookup":
            id_col = "transaction_id"
            subquery = """
                -- Adding CTEs to pre-filter transaction_id_lookup table for significant speedups when joining
                tidlu_fpds AS (
                    SELECT * FROM int.transaction_id_lookup
                    WHERE is_fpds = TRUE
                tidlu_fabs AS (
                    SELECT * FROM int.transaction_id_lookup
                    WHERE is_fpds = FALSE
                SELECT transaction_id AS id_to_remove
                /* Joining on tidlu.transaction_unique_id = ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique) for consistency with
                     fabs records, even though fpds records *shouldn't* update the same way as fabs records might (see
                     comment below).
                   Using fpds pre-filtered table to avoid having this part of the query think that everything
                     in transaction_id_lookup that corresponds to a fabs transaction needs to be deleted.       */
                FROM tidlu_fpds AS tidlu LEFT JOIN raw.detached_award_procurement AS dap ON (
                    tidlu.transaction_unique_id = ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique)
                WHERE dap.detached_award_proc_unique IS NULL
                UNION ALL
                SELECT transaction_id AS id_to_remove
                /* Need to join on tidlu.transaction_unique_id = ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique) rather than on
                     tidlu.published_fabs_id = pfabs.published_fabs_id because a newer record with a different
                     published_fabs_id could come in with the same afa_generated_unique as a prior record, as an update
                     to the transaction.  When this happens, the older record should also be deleted from the
                     raw.published_fabs table, but we don't actually want to delete the record in the lookup table
                     because that transaction is still valid.
                   Same logic as above as to why we are using the fabs pre-filtered table to avoid
                     deleting all of the fpds records.                                                        */
                FROM tidlu_fabs AS tidlu LEFT JOIN raw.published_fabs AS pfabs ON (
                    tidlu.transaction_unique_id = ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique)
                WHERE pfabs.afa_generated_unique IS NULL
        elif self.etl_level == "award_id_lookup":
            id_col = "transaction_unique_id"
            subquery = self.award_id_lookup_delete_subquery
        elif self.etl_level in ("transaction_fabs", "transaction_fpds", "transaction_normalized"):
            id_col = "id" if self.etl_level == "transaction_normalized" else "transaction_id"
            subquery = f"""
                SELECT {self.etl_level}.{id_col} AS id_to_remove
                FROM int.{self.etl_level} LEFT JOIN int.transaction_id_lookup ON (
                    {self.etl_level}.{id_col} = transaction_id_lookup.transaction_id
                WHERE {self.etl_level}.{id_col} IS NOT NULL AND transaction_id_lookup.transaction_id IS NULL
        elif self.etl_level == "awards":
            id_col = "id"
            subquery = f"""
                SELECT awards.id AS id_to_remove
                FROM int.awards LEFT JOIN int.award_id_lookup ON awards.id = award_id_lookup.award_id
                WHERE awards.id IS NOT NULL AND award_id_lookup.award_id IS NULL

        sql = f"""
            MERGE INTO int.{self.etl_level}
            USING (
            ) AS deleted_records
            ON {self.etl_level}.{id_col} = deleted_records.id_to_remove
            WHEN MATCHED
            THEN DELETE

        return sql

    def award_id_lookup_post_delete(self, possibly_modified_award_ids):
        Now that deletion from the award_id_lookup table is done, we need to figure out which awards in
        possibly_modified_award_ids remain.

        # Of those possibly_modified_award_ids, find those that remain after deleting transactions.  Those are
        #   the award_ids which have had some, but not all, transactions deleted from them.
        # This function will always append to int.award_ids_delete_modified because award_id_lookup ETL
        #   level could be run more than once before awards ETL level is run.
        # Avoid SQL error if possibly_modified_award_ids is empty
        if possibly_modified_award_ids:
            # TODO: see award_id_lookup_pre_delete
                    INSERT INTO int.award_ids_delete_modified
                        SELECT award_id
                        FROM int.award_id_lookup
                        WHERE award_id IN ({", ".join(possibly_modified_award_ids)})

    def update_awards(self):
        load_datetime = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

        set_insert_special_columns = ["total_subaward_amount", "create_date", "update_date"]
        subquery_ignored_columns = set_insert_special_columns + ["id", "subaward_count"]

        # Use a UNION in award_ids_to_update, not UNION ALL because there could be duplicates among the award ids
        # between the query parts or in int.award_ids_delete_modified.
        subquery = f"""
            award_ids_to_update AS (
                SELECT DISTINCT(award_id)
                FROM int.award_id_lookup
                WHERE transaction_unique_id IN (SELECT transaction_unique_id
                                                FROM int.transaction_normalized
                                                WHERE update_date >= '{self.last_etl_date}')
                SELECT award_id FROM int.award_ids_delete_modified
            transaction_earliest AS (
                SELECT * FROM (
                        tn.award_id AS id,
                        tn.id AS earliest_transaction_id,
                        tn.action_date AS date_signed,
                        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
                            PARTITION BY tn.award_id
                            /* NOTE: In Postgres, the default sorting order sorts NULLs as larger than all other values.
                               However, in Spark, the default sorting order sorts NULLs as smaller than all other
                               values.  In the Postgres transaction loader the default sorting behavior was used, so to
                               be consistent with the behavior of the previous loader, we need to reverse the default
                               Spark NULL sorting behavior for any field that can be NULL. */
                            ORDER BY tn.award_id, tn.action_date ASC NULLS LAST, tn.modification_number ASC NULLS LAST,
                                     tn.transaction_unique_id ASC
                        ) AS rank
                    FROM int.transaction_normalized AS tn
                    WHERE tn.award_id IN (SELECT * FROM award_ids_to_update)
                WHERE rank = 1
            transaction_latest AS (
                SELECT * FROM (
                        -- General update columns (id at top, rest alphabetically by alias/name)
                        tn.award_id AS id,
                            WHEN tn.type IN ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')      THEN 'contract'
                            WHEN tn.type IN ('02', '03', '04', '05')  THEN 'grant'
                            WHEN tn.type IN ('06', '10')              THEN 'direct payment'
                            WHEN tn.type IN ('07', '08')              THEN 'loans'
                            WHEN tn.type = '09'                       THEN 'insurance'
                            WHEN tn.type = '11'                       THEN 'other'
                            WHEN tn.type LIKE 'IDV%%'                 THEN 'idv'
                            ELSE NULL
                        END AS category,
                        tn.action_date AS certified_date,
                            WHEN month(tn.action_date) > 9 THEN year(tn.action_date) + 1
                            ELSE year(tn.action_date)
                        END AS fiscal_year,
                        tn.unique_award_key AS generated_unique_award_id,
                        tn.id AS latest_transaction_id,
                        -- FPDS Columns
                        fpds.agency_id AS fpds_agency_id,
                        fpds.referenced_idv_agency_iden AS fpds_parent_agency_id,
                        fpds.parent_award_id AS parent_award_piid,
                        -- FABS Columns
                        -- Other
                        'DBR' AS data_source,
                        -- Windowing Function
                        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
                            PARTITION BY tn.award_id
                            -- See note in transaction_earliest about NULL ordering.
                            ORDER BY tn.award_id, tn.action_date DESC NULLS FIRST,
                                     tn.modification_number DESC NULLS FIRST, tn.transaction_unique_id DESC
                        ) as rank
                    FROM int.transaction_normalized AS tn
                    LEFT JOIN int.transaction_fpds AS fpds ON fpds.transaction_id = tn.id
                    LEFT JOIN int.transaction_fabs AS fabs ON fabs.transaction_id = tn.id
                    WHERE tn.award_id IN (SELECT * FROM award_ids_to_update)
                WHERE rank = 1
            -- For executive compensation information, we want the latest transaction for each award
            -- for which there is at least an officer_1_name.
            transaction_ec AS (
                SELECT * FROM (
                        tn.award_id AS id,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_1_amount, fabs.officer_1_amount) AS officer_1_amount,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_1_name, fabs.officer_1_name)     AS officer_1_name,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_2_amount, fabs.officer_2_amount) AS officer_2_amount,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_2_name, fabs.officer_2_name)     AS officer_2_name,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_3_amount, fabs.officer_3_amount) AS officer_3_amount,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_3_name, fabs.officer_3_name)     AS officer_3_name,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_4_amount, fabs.officer_4_amount) AS officer_4_amount,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_4_name, fabs.officer_4_name)     AS officer_4_name,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_5_amount, fabs.officer_5_amount) AS officer_5_amount,
                        COALESCE(fpds.officer_5_name, fabs.officer_5_name)     AS officer_5_name,
                        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
                            PARTITION BY tn.award_id
                            -- See note in transaction_earliest about NULL ordering.
                            ORDER BY tn.award_id, tn.action_date DESC NULLS FIRST,
                                     tn.modification_number DESC NULLS FIRST, tn.transaction_unique_id DESC
                        ) as rank
                    FROM int.transaction_normalized AS tn
                    LEFT JOIN int.transaction_fpds AS fpds ON fpds.transaction_id = tn.id
                    LEFT JOIN int.transaction_fabs AS fabs ON fabs.transaction_id = tn.id
                         tn.award_id IN (SELECT * FROM award_ids_to_update)
                         AND (fpds.officer_1_name IS NOT NULL OR fabs.officer_1_name IS NOT NULL)
                WHERE rank = 1
            transaction_totals AS (
                    -- Transaction Normalized Fields
                    tn.award_id AS id,
                    SUM(tn.federal_action_obligation)   AS total_obligation,
                    SUM(tn.original_loan_subsidy_cost)  AS total_subsidy_cost,
                    SUM(tn.funding_amount)              AS total_funding_amount,
                    SUM(tn.face_value_loan_guarantee)   AS total_loan_value,
                    SUM(tn.non_federal_funding_amount)  AS non_federal_funding_amount,
                    SUM(tn.indirect_federal_sharing)    AS total_indirect_federal_sharing,
                    -- Transaction FPDS Fields
                    SUM(CAST(fpds.base_and_all_options_value AS NUMERIC(23, 2))) AS base_and_all_options_value,
                    SUM(CAST(fpds.base_exercised_options_val AS NUMERIC(23, 2))) AS base_exercised_options_val
                FROM int.transaction_normalized AS tn
                LEFT JOIN int.transaction_fpds AS fpds ON tn.id = fpds.transaction_id
                WHERE tn.award_id IN (SELECT * FROM award_ids_to_update)
                GROUP BY tn.award_id
                0 AS subaward_count,  -- for consistency with Postgres table
                {", ".join([col_name for col_name in AWARDS_COLUMNS if col_name not in subquery_ignored_columns])}
            FROM transaction_latest AS latest
            INNER JOIN transaction_earliest AS earliest ON latest.id = earliest.id
            INNER JOIN transaction_totals AS totals on latest.id = totals.id
            -- Not every award will have a record in transaction_ec, so need to do a LEFT JOIN on it.
            LEFT JOIN transaction_ec AS ec ON latest.id = ec.id

        # On set, create_date will not be changed and update_date will be set below.  The subaward columns will not
        # be changed, and id is used to match.  All other column values will come from the subquery.
        set_cols = [
            f"int.awards.{col_name} = source_subquery.{col_name}"
            for col_name in AWARDS_COLUMNS
            if col_name not in set_insert_special_columns
        set_cols.append(f"""int.awards.update_date = '{load_datetime.isoformat(" ")}'""")

        # Move insert_special_columns to the end of the list of column names for ease of handling
        # during record insert
        insert_col_name_list = [col_name for col_name in AWARDS_COLUMNS if col_name not in set_insert_special_columns]
        insert_col_names = ", ".join([col_name for col_name in insert_col_name_list])

        # On insert, all values except for those in insert_special_columns will come from the subquery
        insert_value_list = insert_col_name_list[:-3]
        insert_value_list.extend([f"""'{load_datetime.isoformat(" ")}'"""] * 2)
        insert_values = ", ".join([value for value in insert_value_list])

        sql = f"""
            MERGE INTO int.awards
            USING (
            ) AS source_subquery
            ON awards.id = source_subquery.id
            WHEN MATCHED
                THEN UPDATE SET
                {", ".join(set_cols)}
            WHEN NOT MATCHED
                THEN INSERT
                    VALUES ({insert_values})


        # Now that the award table update is done, we can empty the award_ids_delete_modified table.
        # Note that an external (unmanaged) table can't be TRUNCATED; use blanket DELETE instead.
        self.spark.sql("DELETE FROM int.award_ids_delete_modified")

    def source_subquery_sql(self, transaction_type=None):
        def build_date_format_sql(col: TransactionColumn, is_casted_to_date: bool = True) -> str:
            """Builder function to wrap a column in date-parsing logic.

            It will either parse it in mmddYYYY format with - or / as a required separator, or in YYYYmmdd format
            with or without either of - or / as a separator.
                is_casted_to_date (bool): if true, the parsed result will be cast to DATE to provide a DATE datatype,
                    otherwise it remains a STRING in YYYY-mm-dd format
            # Each of these regexps allows for an optional timestamp portion, separated from the date by some character,
            #   and the timestamp allows for an optional UTC offset.  In any case, the timestamp is ignored, though.
            regexp_mmddYYYY = (
            regexp_YYYYmmdd = (

            mmddYYYY_fmt = f"""
                (regexp_extract({bronze_table_name}.{col.source}, '{regexp_mmddYYYY}', 5)
                || '-' ||
                regexp_extract({bronze_table_name}.{col.source}, '{regexp_mmddYYYY}', 1)
                || '-' ||
                regexp_extract({bronze_table_name}.{col.source}, '{regexp_mmddYYYY}', 3))
            YYYYmmdd_fmt = f"""
                (regexp_extract({bronze_table_name}.{col.source}, '{regexp_YYYYmmdd}', 1)
                || '-' ||
                regexp_extract({bronze_table_name}.{col.source}, '{regexp_YYYYmmdd}', 3)
                || '-' ||
                regexp_extract({bronze_table_name}.{col.source}, '{regexp_YYYYmmdd}', 5))

            if is_casted_to_date:
                mmddYYYY_fmt = f"""CAST({mmddYYYY_fmt}
                            AS DATE)
                YYYYmmdd_fmt = f"""CAST({YYYYmmdd_fmt}
                            AS DATE)

            sql_snippet = f"""
                CASE WHEN regexp({bronze_table_name}.{col.source}, '{regexp_mmddYYYY}')
                          THEN {mmddYYYY_fmt}
                     ELSE {YYYYmmdd_fmt}

            return sql_snippet

        def handle_column(col: TransactionColumn, bronze_table_name, is_result_aliased=True):
                is_result_aliased (bool) if true, aliases the parsing result with the given ``col``'s ``dest_name``
            if col.handling == "cast":
                retval = f"CAST({bronze_table_name}.{col.source} AS {col.delta_type})"
            elif col.handling == "literal":
                # Use col.source directly as the value
                retval = f"{col.source}"
            elif col.handling == "parse_string_datetime_to_date":
                # These are string fields that actually hold DATES/TIMESTAMPS and need to be cast as dates.
                # However, they may not be properly parsed when calling CAST(... AS DATE).
                retval = build_date_format_sql(col, is_casted_to_date=True)
            elif col.handling == "string_datetime_remove_timestamp":
                # These are string fields that actually hold DATES/TIMESTAMPS, but need the non-DATE part discarded,
                # even though they remain as strings
                retval = build_date_format_sql(col, is_casted_to_date=False)
            elif col.delta_type.upper() == "STRING":
                # Capitalize and remove leading & trailing whitespace from all string values
                retval = f"ucase(trim({bronze_table_name}.{col.source}))"
            elif col.delta_type.upper() == "BOOLEAN" and not col.handling == "leave_null":
                # Unless specified, convert any nulls to false for boolean columns
                retval = f"COALESCE({bronze_table_name}.{col.source}, FALSE)"
                retval = f"{bronze_table_name}.{col.source}"

            # Handle scalar transformations if the column requires it
            if col.scalar_transformation is not None:
                retval = col.scalar_transformation.format(input=retval)

            retval = f"{retval}{' AS ' + col.dest_name if is_result_aliased else ''}"
            return retval

        def select_columns_transaction_fabs_fpds(bronze_table_name):
            if self.etl_level == "transaction_fabs":
                col_info = copy.copy(TRANSACTION_FABS_COLUMN_INFO)
            elif self.etl_level == "transaction_fpds":
                col_info = copy.copy(TRANSACTION_FPDS_COLUMN_INFO)
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Function called with invalid 'etl_level': {self.etl_level}. "
                    "Only for use with 'transaction_fabs' or 'transaction_fpds' etl_level."

            select_cols = []
            for col in filter(lambda x: x.dest_name not in ["transaction_id"], col_info):
                select_cols.append(handle_column(col, bronze_table_name))

            return select_cols

        def select_columns_transaction_normalized(bronze_table_name):
            action_date_col = next(
                    lambda c: c.dest_name == "action_date" and c.source == "action_date",
                    FABS_TO_NORMALIZED_COLUMN_INFO if transaction_type == "fabs" else DAP_TO_NORMALIZED_COLUMN_INFO,
            parse_action_date_sql_snippet = handle_column(action_date_col, bronze_table_name, is_result_aliased=False)
            select_cols = [
                "awarding_agency.id AS awarding_agency_id",
                f"""CASE WHEN month({parse_action_date_sql_snippet}) > 9
                             THEN year({parse_action_date_sql_snippet}) + 1
                         ELSE year({parse_action_date_sql_snippet})
                    END AS fiscal_year""",
                "funding_agency.id AS funding_agency_id",

            if transaction_type == "fabs":
                        # business_categories
                        f"get_business_categories_fabs({bronze_table_name}.business_types) AS business_categories",
                        # funding_amount
                        # In theory, this should be equal to
                        #   CAST(COALESCE({bronze_table_name}.federal_action_obligation, 0)
                        #        + COALESCE({bronze_table_name}.non_federal_funding_amount, 0)
                        #        AS NUMERIC(23, 2))
                        #   However, for some historical records, this isn't true.
                        CAST({bronze_table_name}.total_funding_amount AS NUMERIC(23, 2)) AS funding_amount
                map_col_info = copy.copy(FABS_TO_NORMALIZED_COLUMN_INFO)
                fpds_business_category_columns = copy.copy(fpds_boolean_columns)
                # Add a couple of non-boolean columns that are needed in the business category logic
                fpds_business_category_columns.extend(["contracting_officers_deter", "domestic_or_foreign_entity"])
                named_struct_text = ", ".join(
                    [f"'{col}', {bronze_table_name}.{col}" for col in fpds_business_category_columns]

                        # business_categories
                        f"get_business_categories_fpds(named_struct({named_struct_text})) AS business_categories",
                        # type
                        CASE WHEN {bronze_table_name}.pulled_from <> 'IDV' THEN {bronze_table_name}.contract_award_type
                             WHEN {bronze_table_name}.idv_type = 'B' AND {bronze_table_name}.type_of_idc IS NOT NULL
                               THEN 'IDV_B_' || {bronze_table_name}.type_of_idc
                             WHEN {bronze_table_name}.idv_type = 'B'
                                 AND {bronze_table_name}.type_of_idc_description = 'INDEFINITE DELIVERY / REQUIREMENTS'
                               THEN 'IDV_B_A'
                             WHEN {bronze_table_name}.idv_type = 'B'
                                 AND {bronze_table_name}.type_of_idc_description =
                                     'INDEFINITE DELIVERY / INDEFINITE QUANTITY'
                               THEN 'IDV_B_B'
                             WHEN {bronze_table_name}.idv_type = 'B'
                                 AND {bronze_table_name}.type_of_idc_description =
                                     'INDEFINITE DELIVERY / DEFINITE QUANTITY'
                               THEN 'IDV_B_C'
                             ELSE 'IDV_' || {bronze_table_name}.idv_type
                        END AS type
                        # type_description
                        CASE WHEN {bronze_table_name}.pulled_from <> 'IDV'
                               THEN {bronze_table_name}.contract_award_type_desc
                             WHEN {bronze_table_name}.idv_type = 'B'
                                 AND {bronze_table_name}.type_of_idc_description IS NOT NULL
                                 AND ucase({bronze_table_name}.type_of_idc_description) <> 'NAN'
                               THEN {bronze_table_name}.type_of_idc_description
                             WHEN {bronze_table_name}.idv_type = 'B'
                               THEN 'INDEFINITE DELIVERY CONTRACT'
                             ELSE {bronze_table_name}.idv_type_description
                        END AS type_description
                map_col_info = copy.copy(DAP_TO_NORMALIZED_COLUMN_INFO)

            for col in map_col_info:
                select_cols.append(handle_column(col, bronze_table_name))

            return select_cols

        if self.etl_level == "transaction_fabs":
            bronze_table_name = "raw.published_fabs"
            unique_id = "afa_generated_unique"
            id_col_name = "transaction_id"
            select_columns = select_columns_transaction_fabs_fpds(bronze_table_name)
            additional_joins = ""
        elif self.etl_level == "transaction_fpds":
            bronze_table_name = "raw.detached_award_procurement"
            unique_id = "detached_award_proc_unique"
            id_col_name = "transaction_id"
            select_columns = select_columns_transaction_fabs_fpds(bronze_table_name)
            additional_joins = ""
        elif self.etl_level == "transaction_normalized":
            if transaction_type == "fabs":
                bronze_table_name = "raw.published_fabs"
                unique_id = "afa_generated_unique"
            elif transaction_type == "fpds":
                bronze_table_name = "raw.detached_award_procurement"
                unique_id = "detached_award_proc_unique"
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Invalid value for 'transaction_type': {transaction_type}; " "must select either: 'fabs' or 'fpds'"

            id_col_name = "id"
            select_columns = select_columns_transaction_normalized(bronze_table_name)
            additional_joins = f"""
                INNER JOIN int.award_id_lookup AS award_id_lookup ON (
                    ucase({bronze_table_name}.{unique_id}) = award_id_lookup.transaction_unique_id
                LEFT OUTER JOIN global_temp.subtier_agency AS funding_subtier_agency ON (
                    funding_subtier_agency.subtier_code = {bronze_table_name}.funding_sub_tier_agency_co
                LEFT OUTER JOIN global_temp.agency AS funding_agency ON (
                    funding_agency.subtier_agency_id = funding_subtier_agency.subtier_agency_id
                LEFT OUTER JOIN global_temp.subtier_agency AS awarding_subtier_agency ON (
                    awarding_subtier_agency.subtier_code = {bronze_table_name}.awarding_sub_tier_agency_c
                LEFT OUTER JOIN global_temp.agency AS awarding_agency ON (
                    awarding_agency.subtier_agency_id = awarding_subtier_agency.subtier_agency_id
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Function called with invalid 'etl_level': {self.etl_level}. "
                "Only for use with 'transaction_fabs', 'transaction_fpds', or 'transaction_normalized' "

        # Since the select columns may have complicated logic, put them on separate lines for debugging.
        # However, strings inside {} expressions in f-strings can't contain backslashes, so will join them first
        # before inserting into overall sql statement.
        select_columns_str = ",\n    ".join(select_columns)
        sql = f"""
                transaction_id_lookup.transaction_id AS {id_col_name},
            FROM {bronze_table_name}
            INNER JOIN int.transaction_id_lookup ON (
                ucase({bronze_table_name}.{unique_id}) = transaction_id_lookup.transaction_unique_id
            WHERE {bronze_table_name}.updated_at >= '{self.last_etl_date}'

        return sql

    def transaction_fabs_fpds_merge_into_sql(self):
        if self.etl_level == "transaction_fabs":
            col_info = copy.copy(TRANSACTION_FABS_COLUMN_INFO)
        elif self.etl_level == "transaction_fpds":
            col_info = copy.copy(TRANSACTION_FPDS_COLUMN_INFO)
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Function called with invalid 'etl_level': {self.etl_level}. "
                "Only for use with 'transaction_fabs' or 'transaction_fpds' etl_level."

        set_cols = [f"silver_table.{col.dest_name} = source_subquery.{col.dest_name}" for col in col_info]
        silver_table_cols = ", ".join([col.dest_name for col in col_info])

        sql = f"""
            MERGE INTO int.{self.etl_level} AS silver_table
            USING (
            ) AS source_subquery
            ON silver_table.transaction_id = source_subquery.transaction_id
            WHEN MATCHED
                THEN UPDATE SET
                    {", ".join(set_cols)}
            WHEN NOT MATCHED
                THEN INSERT
                    VALUES ({silver_table_cols})

        return sql

    def transaction_normalized_merge_into_sql(self, transaction_type):
        if transaction_type != "fabs" and transaction_type != "fpds":
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid value for 'transaction_type': {transaction_type}. " "Must select either: 'fabs' or 'fpds'"

        load_datetime = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
        special_columns = ["create_date", "update_date"]

        # On set, create_date will not be changed and update_date will be set below.  All other column
        # values will come from the subquery.
        set_cols = [
            f"int.transaction_normalized.{col_name} = source_subquery.{col_name}"
            for col_name in TRANSACTION_NORMALIZED_COLUMNS
            if col_name not in (special_columns + ["id"])
        set_cols.append(f"""int.transaction_normalized.update_date = '{load_datetime.isoformat(" ")}'""")

        # Move create_date and update_date to the end of the list of column names for ease of handling
        # during record insert
        insert_col_name_list = [
            col_name for col_name in TRANSACTION_NORMALIZED_COLUMNS if col_name not in special_columns
        insert_col_names = ", ".join([col_name for col_name in insert_col_name_list])

        # On insert, all values except for create_date and update_date will come from the subquery
        insert_value_list = insert_col_name_list[:-2]
        insert_value_list.extend([f"""'{load_datetime.isoformat(" ")}'"""] * 2)
        insert_values = ", ".join([value for value in insert_value_list])

        sql = f"""
            MERGE INTO int.transaction_normalized
            USING (
            ) AS source_subquery
            ON transaction_normalized.id = source_subquery.id
            WHEN MATCHED
                THEN UPDATE SET
                {", ".join(set_cols)}
            WHEN NOT MATCHED
                THEN INSERT
                    VALUES ({insert_values})

        return sql

    def update_transaction_lookup_ids(self):
        self.logger.info("Getting the next transaction_id from transaction_id_seq")
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT nextval('transaction_id_seq')")
            # Since all calls to setval() set the is_called flag to false, nextval() returns the actual maximum id
            previous_max_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

        self.logger.info("Creating new 'transaction_id_lookup' records for new transactions")
            dap_filtered AS (
                SELECT detached_award_proc_unique
                FROM raw.detached_award_procurement
                WHERE updated_at >= '{self.last_etl_date}'
            pfabs_filtered AS (
                SELECT afa_generated_unique
                FROM raw.published_fabs
                WHERE updated_at >= '{self.last_etl_date}'
            -- Adding CTEs to pre-filter transaction_id_lookup table for significant speedups when joining
            tidlu_fpds AS (
                SELECT * FROM int.transaction_id_lookup
                WHERE is_fpds = TRUE
            tidlu_fabs AS (
                SELECT * FROM int.transaction_id_lookup
                WHERE is_fpds = FALSE
            INSERT INTO int.transaction_id_lookup
                {previous_max_id} + ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
                    ORDER BY all_new_transactions.transaction_unique_id
                ) AS transaction_id,
            FROM (
                        TRUE AS is_fpds,
                        -- The transaction loader code will convert this to upper case, so use that version here.
                        ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique) AS transaction_unique_id
                         dap_filtered AS dap LEFT JOIN tidlu_fpds AS tidlu ON (
                            ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique) = tidlu.transaction_unique_id
                    WHERE tidlu.transaction_unique_id IS NULL
                UNION ALL
                        FALSE AS is_fpds,
                        -- The transaction loader code will convert this to upper case, so use that version here.
                        ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique) AS transaction_unique_id
                        pfabs_filtered AS pfabs LEFT JOIN tidlu_fabs AS tidlu ON (
                            ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique) = tidlu.transaction_unique_id
                    WHERE tidlu.transaction_unique_id IS NULL
            ) AS all_new_transactions

        self.logger.info("Updating transaction_id_seq to the new maximum id value seen so far")
        poss_max_id = self.spark.sql("SELECT MAX(transaction_id) AS max_id FROM int.transaction_id_lookup").collect()[
        if poss_max_id is None:
            # Since initial_run will always start the id sequence from at least 1, and we take the max of
            # poss_max_id and previous_max_id below, this can be set to 0 here.
            poss_max_id = 0
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            # Set is_called flag to false so that the next call to nextval() will return the specified value, and
            #     avoid the possibility of gaps in the transaction_id sequence
            #     https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/functions-sequence.html
            # If load_transactions_to_delta is called with --etl-level of transaction_id_lookup, and records are
            #     deleted which happen to correspond to transactions at the end of the transaction_id_lookup table,
            #     but no records are inserted, then poss_max_id will be less than previous_max_id above. Just assigning
            #     the current value of transaction_id_seq to poss_max_id would cause problems in a subsequent call
            #     with inserts, as it would assign the new transactions the same ids as the previously deleted ones.
            #     To avoid this possibility, set the current value of transaction_id_seq to the maximum of poss_max_id
            #     and previous_max_id.
            cursor.execute(f"SELECT setval('transaction_id_seq', {max(poss_max_id, previous_max_id)}, false)")

    def update_award_lookup_ids(self):
        self.logger.info("Getting the next award_id from award_id_seq")
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute("SELECT nextval('award_id_seq')")
            # Since all calls to setval() set the is_called flag to false, nextval() returns the actual maximum id
            previous_max_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

        self.logger.info("Creating new 'award_id_lookup' records for new awards")
            dap_filtered AS (
                SELECT detached_award_proc_unique, unique_award_key
                FROM raw.detached_award_procurement
                WHERE updated_at >= '{self.last_etl_date}'
            pfabs_filtered AS (
                SELECT afa_generated_unique, unique_award_key
                FROM raw.published_fabs
                WHERE updated_at >= '{self.last_etl_date}'
            -- Adding CTEs to pre-filter award_id_lookup table for significant speedups when joining
            aidlu_fpds AS (
                SELECT * FROM int.award_id_lookup
                WHERE is_fpds = TRUE
            aidlu_fpds_map AS (
                SELECT award_id, generated_unique_award_id FROM aidlu_fpds
                GROUP BY award_id, generated_unique_award_id
            aidlu_fabs AS (
                SELECT * FROM int.award_id_lookup
                WHERE is_fpds = FALSE
            aidlu_fabs_map AS (
                SELECT award_id, generated_unique_award_id FROM aidlu_fabs
                GROUP BY award_id, generated_unique_award_id
            INSERT INTO int.award_id_lookup
                    {previous_max_id} + DENSE_RANK(all_new_awards.unique_award_key) OVER (
                        ORDER BY all_new_awards.unique_award_key
                ) AS award_id,
                all_new_awards.unique_award_key AS generated_unique_award_id
            FROM (
                        TRUE AS is_fpds,
                        -- The transaction loader code will convert these to upper case, so use those versions here.
                        ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique) AS transaction_unique_id,
                        ucase(dap.unique_award_key) AS unique_award_key,
                        award_aidlu.award_id AS existing_award_id
                         dap_filtered AS dap
                    LEFT JOIN aidlu_fpds AS trans_aidlu ON (
                            ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique) = trans_aidlu.transaction_unique_id
                    LEFT JOIN aidlu_fpds_map AS award_aidlu ON (
                            ucase(dap.unique_award_key) = award_aidlu.generated_unique_award_id
                    WHERE trans_aidlu.transaction_unique_id IS NULL
                UNION ALL
                        FALSE AS is_fpds,
                        -- The transaction loader code will convert these to upper case, so use those versions here.
                        ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique) AS transaction_unique_id,
                        ucase(pfabs.unique_award_key) AS unique_award_key,
                        award_aidlu.award_id AS existing_award_id
                        pfabs_filtered AS pfabs
                    LEFT JOIN aidlu_fabs AS trans_aidlu ON (
                            ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique) = trans_aidlu.transaction_unique_id
                    LEFT JOIN aidlu_fabs_map AS award_aidlu ON (
                            ucase(pfabs.unique_award_key) = award_aidlu.generated_unique_award_id
                    WHERE trans_aidlu.transaction_unique_id IS NULL
            ) AS all_new_awards

        self.logger.info("Updating award_id_seq to the new maximum id value seen so far")
        poss_max_id = self.spark.sql("SELECT MAX(award_id) AS max_id FROM int.award_id_lookup").collect()[0]["max_id"]
        if poss_max_id is None:
            # Since initial_run will always start the id sequence from at least 1, and we take the max of
            # poss_max_id and previous_max_id below, this can be set to 0 here.
            poss_max_id = 0
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            # Set is_called flag to false so that the next call to nextval() will return the specified value, and
            #     avoid the possibility of gaps in the transaction_id sequence
            #     https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/functions-sequence.html
            # If load_transactions_to_delta is called with --etl-level of award_id_lookup, and records are deleted
            #     which happen to correspond to transactions at the end of the award_id_lookup table, but no records
            #     are inserted, then poss_max_id will be less than previous_max_id above. Just assigning the current
            #     value of award_id_seq to poss_max_id would cause problems in a subsequent call with inserts, as it
            #     would assign the new awards the same ids as the previously deleted ones.  To avoid this possibility,
            #     set the current value of award_id_seq to the maximum of poss_max_id and previous_max_id.
            cursor.execute(f"SELECT setval('award_id_seq', {max(poss_max_id, previous_max_id)}, false)")

    def initial_run(self, next_last_load):
        Procedure to create & set up transaction_id_lookup and award_id_lookup tables and create other tables in
        int database that will be populated by subsequent calls.

        # Creating 2 context managers to be able to handle error if either temp table is not created correctly.
        def prepare_orphaned_transaction_temp_table():
            # Since the table to track the orphaned transactions is only needed for this function, just using a
            # managed table in the temp database.
            self.spark.sql(f"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS temp")
                    CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE temp.orphaned_transaction_info (
                        transaction_id        LONG NOT NULL,
                        transaction_unique_id STRING NOT NULL,
                        is_fpds               BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
                        unique_award_key      STRING NOT NULL
                    USING DELTA

            # Need a try...finally here to properly handle the case where an inner context manager raises an error
            # during its __enter__ phase.
                self.spark.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp.orphaned_transaction_info")

        def prepare_orphaned_award_temp_table():
            # We actually need another temporary table to handle orphaned awards
                    CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE temp.orphaned_award_info (
                        award_id LONG NOT NULL
                    USING DELTA

            # Using another try...finally here just in case another context manager is used.
                self.spark.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp.orphaned_award_info")

        delta_lake_s3_path = CONFIG.DELTA_LAKE_S3_PATH
        destination_database = "int"

        # transaction_id_lookup
        destination_table = "transaction_id_lookup"
        set_last_load_date = True

        self.logger.info(f"Creating database {destination_database}, if not already existing.")
        self.spark.sql(f"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {destination_database}")

        self.logger.info(f"Creating {destination_table} table")
                CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE {destination_database}.{destination_table} (
                    transaction_id LONG NOT NULL,
                    -- The is_fpds flag is needed in this table to allow the transaction_id_lookup ETL level to choose
                    -- the correct rows for deleting.
                    is_fpds BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
                    transaction_unique_id STRING NOT NULL
                USING DELTA
                LOCATION 's3a://{self.spark_s3_bucket}/{delta_lake_s3_path}/{destination_database}/{destination_table}'

        # Although there SHOULDN'T be any "orphaned" transactions (transactions that are missing records
        #   in one of the source tables) by the time this code is ultimately run in production, putting in
        #   code to avoid copying orphaned transactions to the int tables, just in case.
        # Due to the size of the dataset, need to keep information about the orphaned transactions in a table.
        #   If we tried to insert the data directly into a SQL statement, it could break the Spark driver.
        with prepare_orphaned_transaction_temp_table(), prepare_orphaned_award_temp_table():
            # To avoid re-testing for raw.transaction_normalized, use a variable to keep track.  Initially
            # assume that the table does exist.
            raw_transaction_normalized_exists = True

            # Test to see if raw.transaction_normalized exists
                self.spark.sql("SELECT 1 FROM raw.transaction_normalized")
            except AnalysisException as e:
                if re.match(
                    r"^\[TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND\] The table or view `raw`\.`transaction_normalized` cannot be found\..*$",
                    # In this case, we just don't populate transaction_id_lookup
                        "Skipping population of transaction_id_lookup table; no raw.transaction_normalized table."
                    raw_transaction_normalized_exists = False
                    # Without a raw.transaction_normalized table, can't get a maximum id from it, either.
                    max_id = None
                    # Don't try to handle anything else
                    raise e

                # Extend the orphaned transactions to any transactions found in raw.transaction_normalized that
                # don't have a corresponding entry in raw.transaction_fabs|fpds.  Beyond the records found above,
                # this will find problematic records that are duplicated (have the same transaction_unique_id) in
                # raw.transaction_normalized, but only have single records with that transaction_unique_id in
                # raw.transaction_fabs|fpds.

                # First, check that raw.transaction_fabs|fpds exist
                    self.spark.sql("SELECT 1 FROM raw.transaction_fabs")
                except AnalysisException as e:
                    if re.match(
                        r"^\[TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND\] The table or view `raw`\.`transaction_fabs` cannot be found\..*$",
                        # In this case, we just skip extending the orphaned transactions with this table
                            "Skipping extension of orphaned_transaction_info table using raw.transaction_fabs table."

                        fabs_join = ""
                        fabs_transaction_id_where = ""
                        fabs_is_fpds_where = ""
                        # Don't try to handle anything else
                        raise e
                    fabs_join = """
                        LEFT JOIN raw.transaction_fabs AS fabs ON (
                            tn.id = fabs.transaction_id
                    fabs_transaction_id_where = "fabs.transaction_id IS NULL"
                    fabs_is_fpds_where = "is_fpds = FALSE"

                    self.spark.sql("SELECT 1 FROM raw.transaction_fpds")
                except AnalysisException as e:
                    if re.match(
                        r"^\[TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND\] The table or view `raw`\.`transaction_fpds` cannot be found\..*$",
                        # In this case, we just skip extending the orphaned transactions with this table
                            "Skipping extension of orphaned_transaction_info table using raw.transaction_fpds table."

                        fpds_join = ""
                        fpds_transaction_id_where = ""
                        fpds_is_fpds_where = ""
                        # Don't try to handle anything else
                        raise e
                    fpds_join = """
                        LEFT JOIN raw.transaction_fpds AS fpds ON (
                            tn.id = fpds.transaction_id
                    fpds_transaction_id_where = "fpds.transaction_id IS NULL"
                    fpds_is_fpds_where = "is_fpds = TRUE"

                # As long as one of raw.transaction_fabs|fpds exists, extend temp.orphaned_transaction_info table
                if fabs_join or fpds_join:
                    if fabs_join and fpds_join:
                        # If both raw.transaction_fabs and raw.transaction_fpds exist, don't need *_is_fpds_where
                        # in WHERE clause
                        where_str = "".join(("WHERE ", fabs_transaction_id_where, " AND ", fpds_transaction_id_where))
                    elif fabs_join:
                        # raw.transaction_fabs exists, but not raw.transaction_fpds
                        where_str = "".join(("WHERE ", fabs_transaction_id_where, " AND ", fabs_is_fpds_where))
                        # raw.transaction_fpds exists, but not raw.transaction_fabs
                        where_str = "".join(("WHERE ", fpds_transaction_id_where, " AND ", fpds_is_fpds_where))

                        "Finding additional orphaned transactions in raw.transaction_normalized (those with missing "
                        "records in raw.transaction_fabs or raw.transaction_fpds)"
                            INSERT INTO temp.orphaned_transaction_info
                                    tn.id AS transaction_id, tn.transaction_unique_id, tn.is_fpds, tn.unique_award_key
                                FROM raw.transaction_normalized AS tn
                        "No raw.transaction_fabs or raw.transaction_fpds tables, so not finding additional orphaned "
                        "transactions in raw.transaction_normalized"

                # Insert existing non-orphaned transactions into the lookup table
                self.logger.info("Populating transaction_id_lookup table")

                # Note that the transaction loader code will convert string fields to upper case, so we have to match
                # on the upper-cased versions of the strings.
                    INSERT OVERWRITE {destination_database}.{destination_table}
                            tn.id AS transaction_id,
                            TRUE AS is_fpds,
                        FROM raw.transaction_normalized AS tn INNER JOIN raw.detached_award_procurement AS dap ON (
                            tn.transaction_unique_id = ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique)
                        -- Want to exclude orphaned transactions, as they will not be copied into the int schema.
                        WHERE tn.id NOT IN (SELECT transaction_id FROM temp.orphaned_transaction_info WHERE is_fpds)
                        UNION ALL
                            tn.id AS transaction_id,
                            FALSE AS is_fpds,
                        FROM raw.transaction_normalized AS tn INNER JOIN raw.published_fabs AS pfabs ON (
                            tn.transaction_unique_id = ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique)
                        -- Want to exclude orphaned transactions, as they will not be copied into the int schema.
                        WHERE tn.id NOT IN (SELECT transaction_id FROM temp.orphaned_transaction_info WHERE NOT is_fpds)

                self.logger.info("Updating transaction_id_seq to the max transaction_id value")
                # Make sure to get the maximum transaction id from the raw table in case there are records in
                # raw.transaction_normalized that don't correspond to a record in either of the source tables.
                # This way, new transaction_ids won't repeat the ids of any of those "orphaned" transaction records.
                max_id = self.spark.sql(f"SELECT MAX(id) AS max_id FROM raw.transaction_normalized").collect()[0][

            if max_id is None:
                # Can't set a Postgres sequence to 0, so set to 1 in this case.  If this happens, the transaction IDs
                # will start at 2.
                max_id = 1
                # Also, don't set the last load date in this case
                set_last_load_date = False
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                # Set is_called flag to false so that the next call to nextval() will return the specified value
                # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/functions-sequence.html
                cursor.execute(f"SELECT setval('transaction_id_seq', {max_id}, false)")

            if set_last_load_date:
                update_last_load_date(destination_table, next_last_load)
                # es_deletes should remain in lockstep with transaction load dates, so if they are reset,
                # it should be reset
                update_last_load_date("es_deletes", next_last_load)

            # Need a table to keep track of awards in which some, but not all, transactions are deleted.
            destination_table = "award_ids_delete_modified"

            self.logger.info(f"Creating {destination_table} table")
                    CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE {destination_database}.{destination_table} (
                        award_id LONG NOT NULL
                    USING DELTA
            # Nothing to add to this table yet.

            # award_id_lookup
            destination_table = "award_id_lookup"
            set_last_load_date = True

            if raw_transaction_normalized_exists:
                # Before creating table or running INSERT, make sure unique_award_key has no NULLs
                # (nothing needed to check before transaction_id_lookup table creation)
                self.logger.info("Checking for NULLs in unique_award_key")
                num_nulls = self.spark.sql(
                    "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM raw.transaction_normalized WHERE unique_award_key IS NULL"

                if num_nulls > 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Found {num_nulls} NULL{'s' if num_nulls > 1 else ''} in 'unique_award_key' in table "

            self.logger.info(f"Creating {destination_table} table")
                    CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE {destination_database}.{destination_table} (
                        award_id LONG NOT NULL,
                        -- The is_fpds flag is needed in this table to allow the award_id_lookup ETL level to choose
                        -- the correct rows for deleting so that it can be run in parallel with the
                        -- transaction_id_lookup ETL level
                        is_fpds BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
                        transaction_unique_id STRING NOT NULL,
                        generated_unique_award_id STRING NOT NULL
                    USING DELTA

            if not raw_transaction_normalized_exists:
                # In this case, we just don't populate award_id_lookup
                self.logger.warn("Skipping population of award_id_lookup table; no raw.transaction_normalized table.")

                # Without a raw.transaction_normalized table, can't get a maximum award_id from it, either.
                max_id = None
                # Insert existing non-orphaned transactions and their corresponding award_ids into the lookup table
                self.logger.info("Populating award_id_lookup table")

                # Once again we have to match on the upper-cased versions of the strings from published_fabs
                # and detached_award_procurement.
                        INSERT OVERWRITE {destination_database}.{destination_table}
                            FROM (
                                        TRUE AS is_fpds,
                                        -- The transaction loader code will convert these to upper case, so use those
                                        -- versions here.
                                        ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique) AS transaction_unique_id,
                                        ucase(dap.unique_award_key) AS generated_unique_award_id
                                    FROM raw.transaction_normalized AS tn
                                    INNER JOIN raw.detached_award_procurement AS dap ON (
                                        tn.transaction_unique_id = ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique)
                                    /* Again, want to exclude orphaned transactions, as they will not be copied into the
                                       int schema.  We have to be careful and only exclude transactions based on their
                                       transaction_id, though!  There shouldn't be, but there can be multiple
                                       transactions with the same transaction_unique_id in raw.transaction_normalized!
                                       We only want to exclude those records in transaction_normalized that don't have
                                       matching records in raw.transaction_fabs|fpds.                                */
                                    WHERE tn.id NOT IN (
                                        SELECT transaction_id FROM temp.orphaned_transaction_info WHERE is_fpds
                                UNION ALL
                                        FALSE AS is_fpds,
                                        -- The transaction loader code will convert these to upper case, so use those
                                        -- versions here.
                                        ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique) AS transaction_unique_id,
                                        ucase(pfabs.unique_award_key) AS generated_unique_award_id
                                    FROM raw.transaction_normalized AS tn
                                    INNER JOIN raw.published_fabs AS pfabs ON (
                                        tn.transaction_unique_id = ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique)
                                    -- See note above about excluding orphaned transactions.
                                    WHERE tn.id NOT IN (
                                        SELECT transaction_id FROM temp.orphaned_transaction_info WHERE NOT is_fpds
                            ) AS existing_awards

                # Any award that has a transaction inserted into award_id_lookup table that also has an orphaned
                # transaction is an award that will have to be updated the first time this command is called with the
                # awards ETL level, so add those awards to the award_ids_delete_modified table.
                self.logger.info("Updating award_ids_delete_modified table")
                        INSERT INTO int.award_ids_delete_modified
                            SELECT DISTINCT(award_id)
                            FROM int.award_id_lookup
                            WHERE transaction_unique_id IN (
                                SELECT transaction_unique_id FROM temp.orphaned_transaction_info

                # Awards that have orphaned transactions, but that *aren't* in the award_ids_delete_modified table are
                # orphaned awards (those with no remaining transactions), so put those into the orphaned_award_info
                # table.
                self.logger.info("Populating orphaned_award_info table")
                        INSERT INTO temp.orphaned_award_info
                            SELECT DISTINCT(aidlu.award_id)
                            FROM temp.orphaned_transaction_info AS oti INNER JOIN int.award_id_lookup AS aidlu ON (
                                oti.transaction_unique_id = aidlu.transaction_unique_id
                            WHERE aidlu.award_id NOT IN (SELECT * FROM int.award_ids_delete_modified)

                self.logger.info("Updating award_id_seq to the max award_id value")
                # As for transaction_id_seq, make sure to get the maximum award id from the raw table in case there are
                # records in raw.awards that don't correspond to any records in either of the source tables.
                # This way, new award_ids won't repeat the ids of any of those "orphaned" award records.
                max_id = self.spark.sql(f"SELECT MAX(award_id) AS max_id FROM raw.transaction_normalized").collect()[0][

            if max_id is None:
                # Can't set a Postgres sequence to 0, so set to 1 in this case.  If this happens, the award IDs
                # will start at 2.
                max_id = 1
                # Also, don't set the last load date in this case
                set_last_load_date = False
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                # Set is_called flag to false so that the next call to nextval() will return the specified value
                # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/functions-sequence.html
                cursor.execute(f"SELECT setval('award_id_seq', {max_id}, false)")

            if set_last_load_date:
                update_last_load_date(destination_table, next_last_load)
                # es_deletes should remain in lockstep with transaction load dates, so if they are reset,
                # it should be reset
                update_last_load_date("es_deletes", next_last_load)

            # Create other tables in 'int' database
            for destination_table, col_names, orphaned_record_key in zip(
                ("transaction_fabs", "transaction_fpds", "transaction_normalized", "awards"),
                ("transaction_id", "transaction_id", "id", "id"),

                if not self.no_initial_copy:
                    # Test to see if the raw table exists
                        self.spark.sql(f"SELECT 1 FROM raw.{destination_table}")
                    except AnalysisException as e:
                        if re.match(
                            rf"^\[TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND\] The table or view `raw`\.`{destination_table}` cannot be found\..*$",
                            # In this case, we just don't copy anything over
                                f"Skipping copy of {destination_table} table from 'raw' to 'int' database; "
                                f"no raw.{destination_table} table."
                            # Don't try to handle anything else
                            raise e
                        # Handle exclusion of orphaned records
                        if destination_table != "awards":
                            orphan_str = f"""
                                WHERE {orphaned_record_key} NOT IN (
                                    SELECT transaction_id FROM temp.orphaned_transaction_info
                            orphan_str = (
                                f"WHERE {orphaned_record_key} NOT IN (SELECT award_id FROM temp.orphaned_award_info)"

                        # Handle the possibility that the order of columns is different between the raw and int tables.
                            INSERT OVERWRITE {destination_database}.{destination_table} ({", ".join(col_names)})
                                SELECT {", ".join(col_names)} FROM raw.{destination_table}

                        count = self.spark.sql(
                            f"SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {destination_database}.{destination_table}"
                        if count > 0:
                            update_last_load_date(destination_table, next_last_load)
                            # es_deletes should remain in lockstep with transaction load dates, so if they are reset,
                            # it should be reset
                            update_last_load_date("es_deletes", next_last_load)

    def _insert_orphaned_transactions(self):
        # First, find orphaned transactions
            "Finding orphaned transactions in raw.transaction_normalized (those with missing records in "
            "the source tables)"
                INSERT OVERWRITE temp.orphaned_transaction_info
                    SELECT tn.id AS transaction_id, tn.transaction_unique_id, tn.is_fpds, tn.unique_award_key
                    FROM raw.transaction_normalized AS tn
                    LEFT JOIN raw.detached_award_procurement AS dap ON (
                        tn.transaction_unique_id = ucase(dap.detached_award_proc_unique)
                    LEFT JOIN raw.published_fabs AS pfabs ON (
                        tn.transaction_unique_id = ucase(pfabs.afa_generated_unique)
                    WHERE dap.detached_award_proc_unique IS NULL AND pfabs.afa_generated_unique IS NULL