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Test Coverage
syntax = "proto2";
package proto;

message WidevineCencHeader {
    enum Algorithm {
        UNENCRYPTED = 0;
        AESCTR = 1;
    optional Algorithm algorithm = 1;
    repeated bytes key_id = 2;

    // Content provider name.
    optional string provider = 3;

    // A content identifier, specificed by content provider.
    optional bytes content_id = 4;

    // Track type. Acceptable values are SD, HD, and AUDIO. Used to
    // differentiate content keys used by an asset.
    optional string track_type_deprecated = 5;

    // The name of a registered policy to be used for this asset.
    optional string policy = 6;

    // Crypto period index, for media using key rotation.
    optional uint32 crypto_period_index = 7;

    // Optional protected context for group content. The grouped_license is a
    // serialized SignedMessage.
    optional bytes grouped_license = 8;

    // Protection scheme identifying the encryption algorithm.
    // Represented as one of the following 4CC values:
    // 'cenc' (AES­CTR), 'cbc1' (AES­CBC),
    // 'cens' (AES­CTR subsample), 'cbcs' (AES­CBC subsample).
    optional uint32 protection_scheme = 9;

    // Optional. For media using key rotation, this represents the duration
    // of each crypto period in seconds.
    optional uint32 crypto_period_seconds = 10;