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== Changelog ==

= 0.6.7 =
* Enhanced: on WordPress 4.7 settings are now registered globally using the enhanced `register_meta()` implementation
* Fixed: datetime and time fields no longer switch the time back by an hour automatically
* Fixed: in datetime and date fields it is no longer possible to accidentally change the month by scrolling
* Fixed: datetime and date fields better support locale special characters

= 0.6.6 =
* Fixed: select fields no longer show twice when a placeholder is specified

= 0.6.5 =
* Tweaked: updated the plugin initialization library
* Tweaked: updated the Select2 and Datetimepicker JavaScript plugins
* Fixed: dropdowns no longer close immediately after opening them

= 0.6.4 =
* Fixed: WPDLib now has type "wordpress-muplugin" so that it is not loaded outside of a project

= 0.6.3 =
* Fixed: uncaught JavaScript error with datetimepicker

= 0.6.2 =
* Enhanced: WYSIWYG field experience is now more similar to the default post editor, including media and link buttons
* Tweaked: updated the Select2 and Datetimepicker JavaScript plugins
* Fixed: the selected value of a multiselect field is now properly displayed
* Fixed: the `rows` attribute now works correctly for textareas and WYSIWYG
* Fixed: updated the media picker JavaScript plugin for more flexibility and some bug fixes
* Fixed: updated the map picker JavaScript plugin for more flexibility and some bug fixes

= 0.6.1 =
* Tweaked: plugin now uses wordpress.org language packs
* Tweaked: updated plugin initialization library
* Fixed: "Settings saved" message does not show twice anymore on an options screen
* Fixed: admin notice no longer shows on each site when the plugin is activated network-wide
* Fixed: numeric validation of floating point numbers
* Fixed: formatting floating point numbers more precise than 2 digits

= 0.6.0 =
* Added: a new action is available to easily enqueue scripts on specific settings pages only
* Added: new field type map (can store either address or latitude and longitude)
* Enhanced: the plugin can now easily be used as a must-use plugin or as a library in any plugin or theme
* Enhanced: media field type can now alternatively store URL instead of attachment ID
* Enhanced: options keys 'terms' and 'users' (for related objects) now accept 'any' as value (similar to 'posts')
* Fixed: critical validation bug in WYSIWYG
* Fixed: step validation for decimal numbers
* Fixed: images now display correctly in media preview

= 0.5.1 =
* Fixed: critical issue in `wpod_get_options()`
* Fixed: on PHP 5.2 the plugin now terminates appropriately

= 0.5.0 =
* First stable version