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 * List page class
 * @package Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib
 * @since 1.0.0

namespace Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\DB_Objects;

use Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Components\Admin_Pages;
use Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Assets;
use WP_Screen;
use WP_Error;

if ( ! class_exists( 'Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\DB_Objects\Models_List_Page' ) ) :

     * Class for a models list page.
     * @since 1.0.0
    abstract class Models_List_Page extends Manager_Page {
         * The list table.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var Models_List_Table
        protected $list_table;

         * The list table class name.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var string
        protected $list_table_class_name = Models_List_Table::class;

         * The slug of the admin page to create or edit a model.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var string
        protected $edit_page_slug = '';

         * Constructor.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string      $slug          Page slug.
         * @param Admin_Pages $manager       Admin page manager instance.
         * @param Manager     $model_manager Model manager instance.
        public function __construct( $slug, $manager, $model_manager ) {
            parent::__construct( $slug, $manager, $model_manager );

            if ( empty( $this->title ) ) {
                $this->title = $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_items' );

            if ( empty( $this->menu_title ) ) {
                $this->menu_title = $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_items' );

            if ( empty( $this->capability ) ) {
                $capabilities = $this->model_manager->capabilities();
                if ( $capabilities ) {
                    $base_capabilities = $capabilities->get_capabilities( 'base' );

                    $this->capability = $base_capabilities['edit_items'];

            if ( empty( $this->edit_page_slug ) ) {
                $this->edit_page_slug = $this->manager->get_prefix() . 'edit_' . $this->model_manager->get_singular_slug();

         * Handles a request to the page.
         * @since 1.0.0
        public function handle_request() {
            if ( ! $this->current_user_can() ) {
                wp_die( wp_kses_data( $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_cannot_edit_items' ) ), '', 403 );

            $this->setup_screen( get_current_screen() );

         * Enqueues assets to load on the page.
         * @since 1.0.0
        public function enqueue_assets() {
            $assets = Assets::get_library_instance();

                    'deps'          => array( 'jquery' ),
                    'ver'           => \Leaves_And_Love_Plugin_Loader::VERSION,
                    'in_footer'     => true,
                    'enqueue'       => true,
                    'localize_name' => 'pluginLibListModelsData',
                    'localize_data' => array(
                        'i18n' => array(
                            'confirm_deletion' => $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_confirm_deletion' ),

            $prefix      = $this->model_manager->get_prefix();
            $plural_slug = $this->model_manager->get_plural_slug();

             * Fires when models list page assets should be enqueued.
             * The dynamic parts of the hook name refer to the manager's prefix and
             * its plural slug respectively.
             * @since 1.0.0
             * @param Manager $manager Model manager instance.
            do_action( "{$prefix}list_{$plural_slug}_enqueue_assets", $this->model_manager );

         * Renders the list page header.
         * @since 1.0.0
        protected function render_header() {
            $capabilities = $this->model_manager->capabilities();

            $new_page_url = '';
            if ( ! empty( $this->edit_page_slug ) ) {
                $new_page_url = add_query_arg( 'page', $this->edit_page_slug, $this->url );

            $search = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 's' );

            <h1 class="wp-heading-inline">
                <?php echo esc_html( $this->title ); ?>

            <?php if ( ! empty( $new_page_url ) && $capabilities && $capabilities->user_can_create() ) : ?>
                <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $new_page_url ); ?>" class="page-title-action"><?php echo esc_html( $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_add_new' ) ); ?></a>
            <?php endif; ?>

            <?php if ( ! empty( $search ) ) : ?>
                <span class="subtitle"><?php printf( $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_search_results_for' ), esc_html( $search ) ); /* phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped */ ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?>

            <hr class="wp-header-end">


            $this->print_current_message( 'bulk_action' );
            $this->print_current_message( 'row_action' );

         * Renders the list page form.
         * @since 1.0.0
        protected function render_form() {

            <form id="<?php echo esc_attr( $this->model_manager->get_plural_slug() . '-filter' ); ?>" method="get">

                <?php $this->list_table->search_box( $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_search_items' ), $this->model_manager->get_singular_slug() ); ?>

                if ( $this->parent_slug && false !== strpos( $this->parent_slug, '?' ) ) {
                    $query_string = wp_parse_url( self_admin_url( $this->parent_slug ), PHP_URL_QUERY );
                    if ( $query_string ) {
                        wp_parse_str( $query_string, $query_vars );
                        foreach ( $query_vars as $key => $value ) {
                            <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>" />

                <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $this->slug ); ?>" />

                if ( method_exists( $this->model_manager, 'get_author_property' ) ) {
                    $author_property = $this->model_manager->get_author_property();
                    $author          = filter_input( INPUT_GET, $author_property );
                    if ( ! empty( $author ) ) {
                        <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $author_property ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $author ); ?>" />

                <?php $this->list_table->display(); ?>

         * Sets up the list table instance.
         * @since 1.0.0
        protected function setup_list_table() {
            $class_name = $this->list_table_class_name;

            $edit_page_url = '';
            if ( ! empty( $this->edit_page_slug ) ) {
                $edit_page_url = add_query_arg( 'page', $this->edit_page_slug, $this->url );

            $this->list_table = new $class_name(
                    'screen'      => $this->hook_suffix,
                    'models_page' => $this->url,
                    'model_page'  => $edit_page_url,

         * Handles bulk actions when necessary.
         * @since 1.0.0
        protected function handle_actions() {
            $doaction = $this->list_table->current_action();

            if ( ! $doaction ) {

            check_admin_referer( $this->get_nonce_action( 'bulk_action' ) );

            $sendback = $this->get_referer();
            $sendback = add_query_arg( 'paged', $this->list_table->get_pagenum(), $sendback );

            $plural_slug = $this->model_manager->get_plural_slug();

            $ids = array();
            if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ $plural_slug ] ) ) {
                $ids = array_map( 'absint', $_REQUEST[ $plural_slug ] );

            if ( empty( $ids ) ) {
                wp_safe_redirect( $sendback );

            $message = '';
            if ( method_exists( $this, 'bulk_action_' . $doaction ) ) {
                $message = call_user_func( array( $this, 'bulk_action_' . $doaction ), $ids );
            } else {
                $prefix = $this->model_manager->get_prefix();

                 * Fires when a custom bulk action should be handled.
                 * The hook callback should return a success message or an error object which
                 * will then be used to display feedback to the user.
                 * The dynamic parts of the hook name refer to the manager's prefix, its plural slug
                 * and the slug of the action to handle respectively.
                 * @since 1.0.0
                 * @param string                                        $message Empty message to be modified.
                 * @param array                                         $ids     Array of model IDs.
                 * @param Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\DB_Objects\Manager $manager The manager instance.
                $message = apply_filters( "{$prefix}{$plural_slug}_handle_bulk_action_{$doaction}", $message, $ids, $this->model_manager );

            $sendback = remove_query_arg( array( 'action', 'action2', $plural_slug ), $sendback );

            if ( $message ) {
                $sendback = $this->redirect_with_message( $sendback, $message, 'bulk_action' );

            wp_safe_redirect( $sendback );

         * Prepares the models in the list table.
         * @since 1.0.0
        protected function prepare_list_table() {

         * Sets up the screen with screen reader content, options and help tabs.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param WP_Screen $screen Current screen.
        protected function setup_screen( $screen ) {
                    'heading_views'      => $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_filter_items_list' ),
                    'heading_pagination' => $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_items_list_navigation' ),
                    'heading_list'       => $this->model_manager->get_message( 'list_page_items_list' ),

                    'default' => 20,
                    'option'  => 'list_' . $this->model_manager->get_prefix() . $this->model_manager->get_plural_slug() . '_per_page',

         * Handles the 'delete' bulk action.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param array $ids IDs of the models to delete.
         * @return string|WP_Error Feedback message, or error object on failure.
        protected function bulk_action_delete( $ids ) {
            $errors = new WP_Error();

            $capabilities   = $this->model_manager->capabilities();
            $title_property = method_exists( $this->model_manager, 'get_title_property' ) ? $this->model_manager->get_title_property() : '';

            foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
                $model = $this->model_manager->get( $id );
                if ( ! $model ) {

                $model_name = $id;
                if ( ! empty( $title_property ) ) {
                    $model_name = $model->$title_property;

                if ( ! $capabilities || ! $capabilities->user_can_delete( null, $id ) ) {
                    $errors->add( 'bulk_action_cannot_delete_item', sprintf( $this->model_manager->get_message( 'bulk_action_cannot_delete_item' ), $model_name ) );

                $result = $model->delete();
                if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
                    $errors->add( 'bulk_action_delete_item_internal_error', sprintf( $this->model_manager->get_message( 'bulk_action_delete_item_internal_error' ), $model_name ) );

            $total_count = count( $ids );

            if ( ! empty( $errors->errors ) ) {
                $error_count = count( $errors->errors );

                $message  = '<p>' . sprintf( translate_nooped_plural( $this->model_manager->get_message( 'bulk_action_delete_has_errors', true ), $error_count ), number_format_i18n( $error_count ) ) . '</p>';
                $message .= '<ul>';
                foreach ( $errors->get_error_messages() as $error_message ) {
                    $message .= '<li>' . $error_message . '</li>';
                $message .= '</ul>';
                $message .= '<p>' . sprintf( translate_nooped_plural( $this->model_manager->get_message( 'bulk_action_delete_other_items_success', true ), $total_count - $error_count ), number_format_i18n( $total_count - $error_count ) ) . '</p>';

                return new WP_Error( 'bulk_action_delete_has_errors', $message );

            return sprintf( translate_nooped_plural( $this->model_manager->get_message( 'bulk_action_delete_success', true ), $total_count ), number_format_i18n( $total_count ) );
