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 * Database abstraction class
 * @package Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib
 * @since 1.0.0

namespace Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib;

use Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Traits\Hook_Service_Trait;
use Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Traits\Container_Service_Trait;
use Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Traits\Translations_Service_Trait;
use Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Translations\Translations_DB;
use WP_Error;

if ( ! class_exists( 'Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\DB' ) ) :

     * Class for database handling.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @method Options options()
    class DB extends Service {
        use Hook_Service_Trait, Container_Service_Trait, Translations_Service_Trait;

         * WordPress database abstraction object.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var \wpdb
        protected $wpdb;

         * Table names with their prefixes.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var array
        protected $tables = array();

         * The database schema SQL queries.
         * The queries contain placeholders for the table names in the form of `%table_name%`.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var string
        protected $schema = '';

         * Version of the database schema.
         * When changing the schema, this number should be increased as well.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var int
        protected $version = 0;

         * The Option API service definition.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @static
         * @var string
        protected static $service_options = Options::class;

         * Constructor.
         * This sets the table prefix and adds the tables.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @global \wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
         * @param string          $prefix       The prefix for all database tables.
         * @param array           $services {
         *     Array of service instances.
         *     @type Options       $options       The Option API class instance.
         *     @type Error_Handler $error_handler The error handler instance.
         * }
         * @param Translations_DB $translations Translations instance.
        public function __construct( $prefix, $services, $translations ) {
            global $wpdb;

            $this->set_prefix( $prefix );
            $this->set_services( $services );
            $this->set_translations( $translations );

            $this->wpdb = $wpdb;

            $this->options()->store_in_network( 'db_version' );


         * Performs any SQL query.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string      $query    SQL query. Should use table placeholder instead of fully qualified table names.
         * @param array|mixed $args     Optional. The array of variables to substitute into the query's placeholders
         *                              if being called like {@link https://secure.php.net/vsprintf vsprintf()}, or the
         *                              first variable to substitute into the query's placeholders if being called like
         *                              {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @param mixed       $args,... Optional. Further variables to substitute into the query's placeholders if being
         *                              called like {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @return int|bool Number of rows affected/selected or false on error.
        public function query( $query, $args = array() ) {
            $_args = func_get_args();

            return $this->generic_query_helper( 'query', $query, $this->process_query_placeholder_args( $_args ) );

         * Retrieves one variable from the database.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string      $query    SQL query. Should use table placeholder instead of fully qualified table names.
         * @param array|mixed $args     Optional. The array of variables to substitute into the query's placeholders
         *                              if being called like {@link https://secure.php.net/vsprintf vsprintf()}, or the
         *                              first variable to substitute into the query's placeholders if being called like
         *                              {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @param mixed       $args,... Optional. Further variables to substitute into the query's placeholders if being
         *                              called like {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @return string|null Database query result or null on failure.
        public function get_var( $query, $args = array() ) {
            $_args = func_get_args();

            return $this->generic_query_helper( 'get_var', $query, $this->process_query_placeholder_args( $_args ) );

         * Retrieves one row from the database.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string      $query    SQL query. Should use table placeholder instead of fully qualified table names.
         * @param array|mixed $args     Optional. The array of variables to substitute into the query's placeholders
         *                              if being called like {@link https://secure.php.net/vsprintf vsprintf()}, or the
         *                              first variable to substitute into the query's placeholders if being called like
         *                              {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @param mixed       $args,... Optional. Further variables to substitute into the query's placeholders if being
         *                              called like {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @return object|null Database query result or null on failure.
        public function get_row( $query, $args = array() ) {
            $_args = func_get_args();

            return $this->generic_query_helper( 'get_row', $query, $this->process_query_placeholder_args( $_args ) );

         * Retrieves one column from the database.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string      $query    SQL query. Should use table placeholder instead of fully qualified table names.
         * @param array|mixed $args     Optional. The array of variables to substitute into the query's placeholders
         *                              if being called like {@link https://secure.php.net/vsprintf vsprintf()}, or the
         *                              first variable to substitute into the query's placeholders if being called like
         *                              {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @param mixed       $args,... Optional. Further variables to substitute into the query's placeholders if being
         *                              called like {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @return array Database query result. Array indexed from 0 by SQL result row number.
        public function get_col( $query, $args = array() ) {
            $_args = func_get_args();

            return $this->generic_query_helper( 'get_col', $query, $this->process_query_placeholder_args( $_args ) );

         * Retrieves an entire SQL result set from the database.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string      $query    SQL query. Should use table placeholder instead of fully qualified table names.
         * @param array|mixed $args     Optional. The array of variables to substitute into the query's placeholders
         *                              if being called like {@link https://secure.php.net/vsprintf vsprintf()}, or the
         *                              first variable to substitute into the query's placeholders if being called like
         *                              {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @param mixed       $args,... Optional. Further variables to substitute into the query's placeholders if being
         *                              called like {@link https://secure.php.net/sprintf sprintf()}.
         * @return array|null Database query result. An array of row objects, or null on failure.
        public function get_results( $query, $args = array() ) {
            $_args = func_get_args();

            return $this->generic_query_helper( 'get_results', $query, $this->process_query_placeholder_args( $_args ) );

         * Inserts a row into a database table.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $table Name of the table. Will be replaced by the fully qualified database table name.
         * @param array  $data  Data to insert (in column => value pairs).
         *                      Both $data columns and $data values should be "raw" (neither should be SQL escaped).
         *                      Sending a null value will cause the column to be set to NULL.
         * @return int|bool The number of rows inserted, or false on error.
        public function insert( $table, $data ) {
            return $this->insert_replace_delete_helper( 'insert', $table, $data );

         * Replaces a row into a database table.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $table Name of the table. Will be replaced by the fully qualified database table name.
         * @param array  $data  Data to replace (in column => value pairs).
         *                      Both $data columns and $data values should be "raw" (neither should be SQL escaped).
         *                      Sending a null value will cause the column to be set to NULL.
         * @return int|bool The number of rows affected, or false on error.
        public function replace( $table, $data ) {
            return $this->insert_replace_delete_helper( 'replace', $table, $data );

         * Updates a row in a database table.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $table Name of the table. Will be replaced by the fully qualified database table name.
         * @param array  $data  Data to update (in column => value pairs).
         *                      Both $data columns and $data values should be "raw" (neither should be SQL escaped).
         *                      Sending a null value will cause the column to be set to NULL.
         * @param array  $where A named array of WHERE clauses (in column => value pairs). Multiple clauses will be
         *                      joined with ANDs. Both $where columns and $where values should be "raw".
         *                      Sending a null value will create an IS NULL comparison.
         * @return int|bool The number of rows updated, or false on error.
        public function update( $table, $data, $where ) {
            return $this->update_helper( $table, $data, $where );

         * Deletes a row in a database table.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $table Name of the table. Will be replaced by the fully qualified database table name.
         * @param array  $where A named array of WHERE clauses (in column => value pairs). Multiple clauses will be
         *                      joined with ANDs. Both $where columns and $where values should be "raw".
         *                      Sending a null value will create an IS NULL comparison.
         * @return int|bool The number of rows updated, or false on error.
        public function delete( $table, $where ) {
            return $this->insert_replace_delete_helper( 'delete', $table, $where );

         * Magic isset-er.
         * Proxies to $wpdb.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $property Property to check for.
         * @return bool True if property is available, false otherwise.
        public function __isset( $property ) {
            switch ( $property ) {
                case 'insert_id':
                    return true;

            return false;

         * Magic getter.
         * Proxies to $wpdb.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $property Property to get.
         * @return mixed Property value if available, null otherwise.
        public function __get( $property ) {
            switch ( $property ) {
                case 'insert_id':
                    return $this->wpdb->$property;

            return null;

         * Checks whether the database tables are up to date for the current site.
         * If outdated, the tables will be refreshed.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param bool $force Optional. Whether to force install regardless of the check. Default false.
        public function check( $force = false ) {
            if ( ! $force && $this->version <= $this->options()->get( 'db_version', 0 ) ) {


            $this->options()->update( 'db_version', $this->version );

         * Uninstalls the database tables.
         * This method is called on plugin deletion.
         * On a Multisite/Multinetwork installation, this method ensures that the database tables
         * for all sites in the entire setup are wiped out.
         * @since 1.0.0
        public function uninstall() {
            if ( is_multisite() ) {
                $network_ids = $this->options()->get_networks_with_option( 'db_version' );
                foreach ( $network_ids as $network_id ) {
                    $versions = $this->options()->get_for_all_sites( 'db_version', $network_id );

                    foreach ( array_keys( $versions ) as $site_id ) {
                        switch_to_blog( $site_id );

                    $this->options()->flush( 'db_version', $network_id );
            } else {

                $this->options()->flush( 'db_version' );

         * Sets the database version.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param int $version The database version.
        public function set_version( $version ) {
            $this->version = $version;

         * Adds a database table.
         * The second parameter $schema must be an array of strings, i.e. lines for the inner part of the table
         * schema used to create the table. Trailing commas must not be included. For example, a line could
         * look like this:
         * `"id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment"`
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $table  Unprefixed name of database table.
         * @param array  $schema Array of lines for the database schema.
         * @return bool|WP_Error True if successful, error object otherwise.
        public function add_table( $table, $schema = array() ) {
            if ( isset( $this->wpdb->$table ) || isset( $this->tables[ $table ] ) ) {
                return new WP_Error( 'table_already_exist', sprintf( $this->get_translation( 'table_already_exist' ), $table ) );

            if ( empty( $schema ) ) {
                return new WP_Error( 'schema_empty', $this->get_translation( 'schema_empty' ) );

            $schemastring = "\n\t" . implode( ",\n\t", $schema ) . "\n";

            if ( ! empty( $this->schema ) ) {
                $this->schema .= "\n";
            $this->schema .= 'CREATE TABLE %' . $table . '% (' . $schemastring . ') ' . $this->wpdb->get_charset_collate() . ';';

            $prefixed_table_name = $this->get_prefix() . $table;

            $this->wpdb->tables[]               = $prefixed_table_name;
            $this->wpdb->{$prefixed_table_name} = $this->wpdb->prefix . $prefixed_table_name;

            $this->tables[ $table ] = $prefixed_table_name;

            return true;

         * Returns the name of a registered table in a specific format.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $table Unprefixed table name.
         * @param string $mode  Optional. Either 'raw', 'prefixed' or 'full'. Default 'raw'.
         * @return string|null The table name according to $mode, or null if table not registered.
        public function get_table( $table, $mode = 'raw' ) {
            if ( ! $this->table_exists( $table ) ) {
                return null;

            if ( 'raw' === $mode ) {
                return $table;

            $prefixed_table_name = $this->tables[ $table ];

            if ( 'prefixed' === $mode ) {
                return $prefixed_table_name;

            return $this->wpdb->$prefixed_table_name;

         * Checks whether a specific plugin database table is registered.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $table  Unprefixed name of database table.
         * @return bool True if the table is registered, false otherwise.
        public function table_exists( $table ) {
            return isset( $this->tables[ $table ] );

         * Handles SELECT queries to the database.
         * Used internally by all `get_*()` methods of the class.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $method_name Method name in `$wpdb` to call.
         * @param string $query       SQL query. Should use table placeholder instead of fully qualified table names.
         * @param array  $args        Optional. The array of variables to substitute into the query's placeholders.
         * @return array|object|string|null Database query result based on method used, or null on failure.
        protected function generic_query_helper( $method_name, $query, $args = array() ) {
            $query = $this->replace_table_placeholders( $query );

            if ( ! empty( $args ) ) {
                $query = $this->wpdb->prepare( $query, $args ); // phpcs:ignore

            $result = call_user_func( array( $this->wpdb, $method_name ), $query );

            if ( empty( $result ) ) {
                return $result;

            if ( is_array( $result ) ) {
                $results = array();

                foreach ( $result as $key => $value ) {
                    $results[ $key ] = $this->prepare_data_from_database( $value );

                return $results;

            return $this->prepare_data_from_database( $result );

         * Handles insert and replace queries to the database.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $method_name Method name in `$wpdb` to call.
         * @param string $table       Name of the table. Will be replaced by the fully qualified database table name.
         * @param array  $data        Data to insert or replace or conditional data for deletion (in column => value pairs).
         *                            Both $data columns and $data values should be "raw" (neither should be SQL escaped).
         *                            Sending a null value will cause the column to be set to NULL.
         * @return int|bool The number of rows affected, or false on error.
        protected function insert_replace_delete_helper( $method_name, $table, $data ) {
            if ( isset( $this->tables[ $table ] ) ) {
                $table = $this->table_to_db_table( $this->tables[ $table ] );

            $data = $this->prepare_data_for_database( $data );

            return call_user_func( array( $this->wpdb, $method_name ), $table, $data, $this->create_format_from_data( $data ) );

         * Handles update queries to the database.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $table Name of the table. Will be replaced by the fully qualified database table name.
         * @param array  $data  Data to update (in column => value pairs).
         *                      Both $data columns and $data values should be "raw" (neither should be SQL escaped).
         *                      Sending a null value will cause the column to be set to NULL.
         * @param array  $where A named array of WHERE clauses (in column => value pairs). Multiple clauses will be
         *                      joined with ANDs. Both $where columns and $where values should be "raw".
         *                      Sending a null value will create an IS NULL comparison.
         * @return int|bool The number of rows updated, or false on error.
        protected function update_helper( $table, $data, $where ) {
            if ( isset( $this->tables[ $table ] ) ) {
                $table = $this->table_to_db_table( $this->tables[ $table ] );

            $data  = $this->prepare_data_for_database( $data );
            $where = $this->prepare_data_for_database( $where );

            return $this->wpdb->update( $table, $data, $where, $this->create_format_from_data( $data ), $this->create_format_from_data( $where ) );

         * Prepares data prior to setting it in the database.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param array $data Data as $column => $value pairs.
         * @return array Prepared data.
        protected function prepare_data_for_database( $data ) {
            $prepared_data = array();

            foreach ( $data as $column => $value ) {
                $prepared_data[ $column ] = maybe_serialize( $value );

            return $prepared_data;

         * Prepares data after retrieving it from the database.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param object|string $data Database object or column value.
         * @return object|string|array Prepared database object or column value.
        protected function prepare_data_from_database( $data ) {
            if ( is_object( $data ) ) {
                $prepared_data = new \stdClass();

                foreach ( get_object_vars( $data ) as $column => $value ) {
                    $prepared_data->$column = maybe_unserialize( $value );

                return $prepared_data;

            return maybe_unserialize( $data );

         * Installs the database tables for the current site.
         * @since 1.0.0
        protected function install_single() {
            require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';

            $queries = $this->replace_table_placeholders( $this->schema );

            dbDelta( $queries );

             * Fires when the plugin is installed on the current site.
             * @since 1.0.0
            do_action( "{$this->get_prefix()}install" );

         * Uninstalls the database tables for the current site.
         * @since 1.0.0
        protected function uninstall_single() {
            foreach ( $this->tables as $prefixed_table_name ) {
                $db_table_name = $this->table_to_db_table( $prefixed_table_name );
                $this->wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE $db_table_name" ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared

             * Fires when the plugin is uninstalled from the current site.
             * @since 1.0.0
            do_action( "{$this->get_prefix()}uninstall" );

         * Processes query placeholder arguments.
         * This method ensures that arguments in both `sprintf()` and `vsprintf()` syntax are supported.
         * Used internally with `func_get_args()` results passed to it. The first argument will be omitted.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param array $args Array of method arguments.
         * @return array Array of query placeholder arguments.
        protected function process_query_placeholder_args( $args ) {
            array_shift( $args );

            if ( isset( $args[0] ) && is_array( $args[0] ) ) {
                $args = $args[0];

            return $args;

         * Creates the format array from data input.
         * The WordPress database abstraction object requires passing the format placeholders for the parameters
         * on several types of queries. This method automatically generates the necessary array.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param array $data Array of data (in column => value pairs).
         * @return array Format array to use with WordPress database methods.
        protected function create_format_from_data( $data ) {
            $format = array();
            foreach ( $data as $value ) {
                if ( is_integer( $value ) ) {
                    $format[] = '%d';
                } elseif ( is_float( $value ) ) {
                    $format[] = '%f';
                } else {
                    $format[] = '%s';

            return $format;

         * Replaces table placeholders in an SQL query.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $query SQL query with table placeholders.
         * @return string Valid SQL query with fully qualified table names.
        protected function replace_table_placeholders( $query ) {
            $search  = array_map( array( $this, 'table_to_placeholder' ), array_keys( $this->tables ) );
            $replace = array_map( array( $this, 'table_to_db_table' ), $this->tables );

            return str_replace( $search, $replace, $query );

         * Transforms a basic table name into a placeholder for it.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $table_name The basic table name, without any prefixes.
         * @return string The table name placeholder.
        protected function table_to_placeholder( $table_name ) {
            return '%' . $table_name . '%';

         * Transforms a prefixed table name into the full database table name for the current site.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $prefixed_table_name The table name with the plugin prefix.
         * @return string The full database table name.
        protected function table_to_db_table( $prefixed_table_name ) {
            return $this->wpdb->$prefixed_table_name;

         * Sets up all action and filter hooks for the service.
         * This method must be implemented and then be called from the constructor.
         * @since 1.0.0
        protected function setup_hooks() {
            $this->actions = array(
                    'name'     => 'admin_init',
                    'callback' => array( $this, 'check' ),
                    'priority' => 10,
                    'num_args' => 0,
