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 * Map field class
 * @package Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib
 * @since 1.0.0

namespace Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Fields;

use WP_Error;

if ( ! class_exists( 'Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Fields\Map' ) ) :

     * Class for a map field.
     * @since 1.0.0
    class Map extends Text_Base {
         * Field type identifier.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var string
        protected $slug = 'map';

         * Backbone view class name to use for this field.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var string
        protected $backbone_view = 'MapFieldView';

         * What type of data to store in the field value.
         * Accepts either 'address' or 'coords'.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var string
        protected $store = 'address';

         * Constructor.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param Field_Manager $manager Field manager instance.
         * @param string        $id      Field identifier.
         * @param array         $args    {
         *     Optional. Field arguments. Anything you pass in addition to the default supported arguments
         *     will be used as an attribute on the input. Default empty array.
         *     @type string          $section       Section identifier this field belongs to. Default empty.
         *     @type string          $label         Field label. Default empty.
         *     @type string          $description   Field description. Default empty.
         *     @type mixed           $default       Default value for the field. Default null.
         *     @type bool|int        $repeatable    Whether this should be a repeatable field. An integer can also
         *                                          be passed to set the limit of repetitions allowed. Default false.
         *     @type array           $input_classes Array of CSS classes for the field input. Default empty array.
         *     @type array           $label_classes Array of CSS classes for the field label. Default empty array.
         *     @type callable        $validate      Custom validation callback. Will be executed after doing the regular
         *                                          validation if no errors occurred in the meantime. Default none.
         *     @type callable|string $before        Callback or string that should be used to generate output that will
         *                                          be printed before the field. Default none.
         *     @type callable|string $after         Callback or string that should be used to generate output that will
         *                                          be printed after the field. Default none.
         * }
        public function __construct( $manager, $id, $args = array() ) {
            if ( isset( $args['data-store'] ) ) {
                if ( ! isset( $args['store'] ) ) {
                    $args['store'] = $args['data-store'];
                } else {
                    $args['data-store'] = $args['store'];

            if ( isset( $args['store'] ) && 'coords' !== $args['store'] ) {
                $args['store'] = 'address';

            if ( ! isset( $args['data-store'] ) ) {
                $args['data-store'] = $args['store'];

            parent::__construct( $manager, $id, $args );

         * Enqueues the necessary assets for the field.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @return array Array where the first element is an array of script handles and the second element
         *               is an associative array of data to pass to the main script.
        public function enqueue() {
            $ret = parent::enqueue();

            $assets = $this->manager->library_assets();

            $locale = explode( '_', get_locale() );
            $locale = $locale[0] . '-' . $locale[1];

            $gmaps_url  = 'https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js';
            $gmaps_args = array(
                'language' => $locale,

            $api_key = self::get_api_key();
            if ( $api_key ) {
                $gmaps_args['key'] = $api_key;

            $gmaps_url = add_query_arg( $gmaps_args, $gmaps_url );

                    'in_footer' => true,
                    'enqueue'   => true,

            $mappicker_version = '0.7.1';

                    'ver'     => $mappicker_version,
                    'enqueue' => true,

                    'deps'      => array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-widget', 'jquery-ui-autocomplete', 'google-maps' ),
                    'ver'       => $mappicker_version,
                    'in_footer' => true,
                    'enqueue'   => true,

            $ret[0][] = 'wp-map-picker';

            return $ret;

         * Transforms single field data into an array to be passed to JavaScript applications.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param mixed $current_value Current value of the field.
         * @return array Field data to be JSON-encoded.
        protected function single_to_json( $current_value ) {
            $data          = parent::single_to_json( $current_value );
            $data['store'] = $this->store;

            return $data;

         * Validates a single value for the field.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param mixed $value Value to validate. When null is passed, the method
         *                     assumes no value was sent.
         * @return mixed|WP_Error The validated value on success, or an error
         *                        object on failure.
        protected function validate_single( $value = null ) {
            $value = parent::validate_single( $value );
            if ( is_wp_error( $value ) ) {
                return $value;

            if ( 'coords' === $this->store && ! empty( $value ) ) {
                $pattern = '([0-9\.]+)\|([0-9\.]+)';

                if ( ! preg_match( '/^' . $pattern . '$/', $value ) ) {
                    return new WP_Error( 'field_text_no_pattern_match', sprintf( $this->manager->get_message( 'field_text_no_pattern_match' ), $value, $this->label, '<code>' . $pattern . '</code>' ) );

            return $value;

         * Returns the API key for Google Maps.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @return string Google Maps API Key or an empty string
        public static function get_api_key() {
            $api_key = '';
            if ( defined( 'PLUGIN_LIB_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY' ) ) {
                $api_key = PLUGIN_LIB_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY;
            } elseif ( defined( 'GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY' ) ) {
                $api_key = GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY;

             * Filters the API key for Google Maps.
             * @since 1.0.0
             * @param string $api_key Defined API key or empty string to fill.
             * @param int    $site_id Current site ID.
            return apply_filters( 'plugin_lib_google_maps_api_key', $api_key, get_current_blog_id() );
