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 * Options abstraction class
 * @package Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib
 * @since 1.0.0

namespace Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib;

use Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Traits\Hook_Service_Trait;

if ( ! class_exists( 'Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Options' ) ) :

     * Class for Options API
     * The class is a wrapper for the WordPress Option API with one significant difference.
     * It supports specific site options being stored in the network settings (if Multisite
     * is enabled). This can be useful in some cases for various reasons.
     * @since 1.0.0
    class Options extends Service {
        use Hook_Service_Trait;

         * An array of options stored in network.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @var array
        protected $network_stored = array();

         * Constructor.
         * This sets the option prefix and initializes the default options stored in network.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $prefix The prefix for all options.
        public function __construct( $prefix ) {
            $this->set_prefix( $prefix );


         * Retrieves an option value based on the option name.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string  $option  Name of the option to retrieve.
         * @param boolean $default Optional. Value to return if the option doesn't exist. Default false.
         * @return mixed Value set for the option.
        public function get( $option, $default = false ) {
            if ( $this->is_stored_in_network( $option ) && is_multisite() ) {
                $site_id = get_current_blog_id();

                $options = get_network_option( null, $this->get_prefix() . $option, array() );
                if ( ! isset( $options[ $site_id ] ) ) {
                    return $default;

                return $options[ $site_id ];

            return get_option( $this->get_prefix() . $option, $default );

         * Adds a new option.
         * Existing options will not be updated.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $option Name of the option to add.
         * @param mixed  $value  Option value, can be anything.
         * @return bool True if option was added, otherwise false.
        public function add( $option, $value ) {
            if ( $this->is_stored_in_network( $option ) && is_multisite() ) {
                $site_id = get_current_blog_id();

                $options = get_network_option( null, $this->get_prefix() . $option, array() );
                if ( isset( $options[ $site_id ] ) ) {
                    return false;

                $options[ $site_id ] = $value;

                return update_network_option( null, $this->get_prefix() . $option, $options );

            return add_option( $this->get_prefix() . $option, $value );

         * Updates the value of an option that was already added.
         * If not existing, it will be added.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $option Name of the option to update.
         * @param mixed  $value  Option value, can be anything.
         * @return bool True if option was updated, otherwise false.
        public function update( $option, $value ) {
            if ( $this->is_stored_in_network( $option ) && is_multisite() ) {
                $site_id = get_current_blog_id();

                $options             = get_network_option( null, $this->get_prefix() . $option, array() );
                $options[ $site_id ] = $value;

                return update_network_option( null, $this->get_prefix() . $option, $options );

            return update_option( $this->get_prefix() . $option, $value );

         * Removes an option by name.
         * Returns false if option was already removed.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $option Name of the option to remove.
         * @return bool True if option was removed, otherwise false.
        public function delete( $option ) {
            if ( $this->is_stored_in_network( $option ) && is_multisite() ) {
                $site_id = get_current_blog_id();

                $options = get_network_option( null, $this->get_prefix() . $option, array() );
                if ( ! isset( $options[ $site_id ] ) ) {
                    return false;

                if ( count( $options ) > 1 ) {
                    unset( $options[ $site_id ] );
                    return update_network_option( null, $this->get_prefix() . $option, $options );

                return delete_network_option( null, $this->get_prefix() . $option );

            return delete_option( $this->get_prefix() . $option );

         * Retrieves the option values based on the option name for all sites in a network.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $option     Name of the option to retrieve.
         * @param int    $network_id Optional. Network ID to receive the option values for. Default is
         *                           the current network.
         * @return array Array of site IDs with their values for the option name.
        public function get_for_all_sites( $option, $network_id = null ) {
            if ( ! $this->is_stored_in_network( $option ) || ! is_multisite() ) {
                $value = $this->get( $option );
                if ( false === $value ) {
                    return array();
                return array( 1 => $value );

            return get_network_option( $network_id, $this->get_prefix() . $option, array() );

         * Retrieves the networks where a specific option is stored.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
         * @param string $option Name of the option to check.
         * @return array Array of network IDs.
        public function get_networks_with_option( $option ) {
            global $wpdb;

            if ( ! $this->is_stored_in_network( $option ) || ! is_multisite() ) {
                $value = $this->get( $option );
                if ( false === $value ) {
                    return array();
                return array( 1 );

            return array_map( 'absint', $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT site_id FROM $wpdb->sitemeta WHERE meta_key = %s", $this->get_prefix() . $option ) ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery

         * Flushes an option's storage by name.
         * For a non-Multisite setup, this will do essentially the same as the `delete()` method.
         * On Multisite however, it will remove all values of that option name for the entire network.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $option     Name of the option to flush.
         * @param int    $network_id Optional. Network ID to flush the option in. Default is the current network.
         * @return bool True if option was flushed, otherwise false.
        public function flush( $option, $network_id = null ) {
            if ( $this->is_stored_in_network( $option ) && is_multisite() ) {
                return delete_network_option( $network_id, $this->get_prefix() . $option );

            return delete_option( $this->get_prefix() . $option );

         * Checks whether an option is registered to be stored in network.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $option Name of the option to check for.
         * @return boolean True if option is registered to be stored in network, otherwise false.
        public function is_stored_in_network( $option ) {
            return in_array( $option, $this->network_stored, true );

         * Registers an option to be stored in network.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string|array $option Name of the option (or an array of option names) to register.
        public function store_in_network( $option ) {
            $option_names = (array) $option;

            $this->network_stored = array_unique( array_merge( $this->network_stored, $option_names ) );

         * Migrates network stored options to a network when switching from single to multisite.
         * The method checks whether the options exist on the single site, and if they do, it
         * adds them to the network options array and removes the option from the single site.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param array $network_options The array of network options to add to the network.
         * @return array The modified network options including the options to migrate.
        protected function migrate_to_network( $network_options ) {
            // Only migrate when switching from single to multisite.
            if ( is_multisite() ) {
                return $network_options;

            foreach ( $this->network_stored as $option ) {
                $value = get_option( $this->get_prefix() . $option );
                if ( false === $value ) {

                $network_options[ $this->get_prefix() . $option ] = array( 1 => $value );

                delete_option( $this->get_prefix() . $option );

            return $network_options;

         * Sets up all action and filter hooks for the service.
         * This method must be implemented and then be called from the constructor.
         * @since 1.0.0
        protected function setup_hooks() {
            $this->filters = array(
                    'name'     => 'populate_network_meta',
                    'callback' => array( $this, 'migrate_to_network' ),
                    'priority' => 10,
                    'num_args' => 1,
