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Test Coverage
 * File footer-widget-areas.customize-controls.js.
 * Theme Customizer handling for the footer widget areas.

import CustomizeControlsUtil from './customize/customize-controls-util';
import getCustomizeAction from './customize/get-customize-action';

( ( wp, data, _ ) => {
    const api    = wp.customize;
    const util   = new CustomizeControlsUtil( api );
    const { __ } = wp.i18n;

    api.bind( 'ready', () => {
        api.when( 'wide_footer_widget_area', ( wideFooterWidgetArea ) => {
            wideFooterWidgetArea.transport = 'postMessage';

        api.panel.instance( 'layout', () => {
            api.section.add( new api.Section( 'footer_widgets', {
                panel:           'layout',
                title:           __( 'Footer Widgets', 'super-awesome-theme' ),
                customizeAction: getCustomizeAction( 'layout' ),
            }) );

            api.control.add( new api.Control( 'wide_footer_widget_area', {
                setting:     'wide_footer_widget_area',
                section:     'footer_widgets',
                label:       __( 'Wide Footer Column', 'super-awesome-theme' ),
                description: __( 'If you like to reserve more space for one of your footer widget columns, you can select that one here.', 'super-awesome-theme' ),
                type:        'select',
                choices:     _.extend( {}, data.wideFooterWidgetAreaChoices ),
            }) );

        // Handle visibility and choices of the wide footer widget area control.
        util.bindSettingsToControls( data.footerWidgetAreas.map( widgetArea => 'sidebars_widgets[' + widgetArea + ']' ), [ 'wide_footer_widget_area' ], ( values, control ) => {
            let currentValue   = control.setting.get();
            let hasWidgets     = false;
            let newChoices     = _.extend( {}, data.wideFooterWidgetAreaChoices );
            let newChoicesHtml = [];

            _.each( values, ( value, settingId ) => {
                const widgetAreaId = settingId.replace( 'sidebars_widgets[', '' ).replace( ']', '' );

                if ( value.length ) {
                    hasWidgets = true;

                if ( ! newChoices[ widgetAreaId ] ) {

                delete newChoices[ widgetAreaId ];

            if ( ! newChoices[ currentValue ] ) {
                currentValue = Object.keys( newChoices )[0];
                control.setting.set( currentValue );

            _.each( newChoices, ( label, value ) => {
                newChoicesHtml.push( '<option value="' + value + '"' + ( currentValue === value ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) + '>' + label + '</option>' );

            control.active.set( hasWidgets );
            control.params.choices = newChoices;
            control.container.find( 'select' ).html( newChoicesHtml.join( '' ) );

} )( window.wp, window.themeFooterWidgetAreasControlsData, window._ );