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# Copyright (C) 2018 wp-site-identity
# This file is distributed under the same license as the wp-site-identity package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: wp-site-identity\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Project-Id-Version: WP Site Identity 1.0.0\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;"
"report-msgid-bugs-to: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/"
"x-generator: gulp-wp-pot\n"
"x-poedit-basepath: .\n"
"x-poedit-bookmars: \n"
"x-poedit-country: UNITED STATES\n"
"x-poedit-keywordslist: __;_e;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2; _nx:1,2,4c;"
"_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;esc_attr__; esc_html__;esc_attr_e; esc_html_e;"
"esc_attr_x:1,2c; esc_html_x:1,2c;\n"
"x-poedit-language: English\n"
"x-poedit-searchpath-0: .\n"
"x-poedit-sourcecharset: uft-8\n"
"x-textdomain-support: yes\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.12\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: de_DE@formal\n"

#. translators: %s: URL to deactivate plugin
#: wp-site-identity.php:155
msgid ""
"Please note: WP Site Identity requires WordPress 4.7 or higher. <a href=\"%s"
"\">Deactivate plugin</a>."
msgstr ""
"Bitte beachten Sie: WP Site Identity erfordert WordPress 4.7 oder höher. <a "
"href=\"%s\">Plugin deaktivieren</a>."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-admin-pages.php:55
msgid "Site Identity Settings"
msgstr "Website-Identitätseinstellungen"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-admin-pages.php:60,
#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-customizer.php:57
msgid "Site Identity"
msgstr "Website-Identität"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-admin-pages.php:258
msgid "Manage with Live Preview"
msgstr "Mit Live-Vorschau verwalten"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-customizer.php:64
msgid "Title and Logo"
msgstr "Titel und Logo"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-customizer.php:66
msgid "Title and Tagline"
msgstr "Titel und Untertitel"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-customizer.php:215,
#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:57
msgid "Owner Data"
msgstr "Eigentümerdaten"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-customizer.php:352
msgid "Brand Data"
msgstr "Markendaten"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:58
msgid "Data about the owner of the website."
msgstr "Daten über den Eigentümer der Website."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:63
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:64
msgid "Select the type of entity that is the owner of the site."
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie den Typ Entität aus, welcher auf den Eigentümer der Website "

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:72
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Vorname"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:73
msgid "The owner&#8217;s first name."
msgstr "Der Vorname des Eigentümers."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:79
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Nachname"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:80
msgid "The owner&#8217;s last name."
msgstr "Der Nachname des Eigentümers"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:86
msgid "Organization Name"
msgstr "Organisationsname"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:87
msgid "The organization&#8217;s name."
msgstr "Der Name der Organisation."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:93
msgid "Organization Legal Name"
msgstr "Offizieller Organisationsname"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:94
msgid "The organization&#8217;s full legal name as registered."
msgstr ""
"Der vollständige rechtlich offiziell registrierte Name der Organisation."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:100
msgid "Address Line 1"
msgstr "Adresszeile 1"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:106
msgid "Address Line 2 (optional)"
msgstr "Adresszeile 2 (optional)"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:112
msgid "City"
msgstr "Ort"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:118
msgid "Zip / Postal Code"
msgstr "Postleitzahl"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:124
msgid "State"
msgstr "Bundesstaat"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:130
msgid "State (Abbrev.)"
msgstr "Bundesstaat (Abkürzung)"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:136
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Land"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:142
msgid "Country (Abbrev.)"
msgstr "Land (Abkürzung)"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:158
msgctxt "single line address template"
msgid "{line_1} {line_2}, {city}, {state_abbrev} {zip}"
msgstr "{line_1} {line_2}, {zip} {city}"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:159
msgctxt "multiple lines address template"
msgid "{line_1}<br />{line_2}<br />{city}, {state_abbrev} {zip}"
msgstr "{line_1}<br />{line_2}<br />{zip} {city}"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:162
msgid "Address Format (Single Line)"
msgstr "Adressformat (einzeilig)"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:172
msgid "Address Format (Multiple Lines)"
msgstr "Adressformat (mehrzeilig)"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:182
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Email-Adresse"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:190
msgid "Website URL"
msgstr "Website-URL"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:198
msgid "Phone Number (Machine Readable)"
msgstr "Telefonnummer (maschinenlesbar)"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:199
msgid ""
"The contact phone number, in machine readable format (for example <code>"
msgstr ""
"Die Kontakt-Telefonnummer, im maschinenlesbaren Format (zum Beispiel <code>"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:205
msgid "Phone Number (Human Readable)"
msgstr "Telefonnummer (formatiert)"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:206
msgid ""
"The contact phone number, in human readable format (for example <code>(555) "
"123 456</code>)."
msgstr ""
"Die Kontakt-Telefonnummer, in formatiertem Format (zum Beispiel <code>(555) "
"123 456</code>)."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:214
msgid "Brand"
msgstr "Marke"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:215
msgid "Appearance information representing the brand_data."
msgstr "Designinformationen zur Repräsentation der Markendaten."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:219
msgid "Upload the logo."
msgstr "Laden Sie das Logo hoch."

#. translators: 1: image width, 2: image height
#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:224
msgid ""
"The image should have a resolution of %1$sx%2$s pixels, or at least have a "
"similar aspect ratio."
msgstr ""
"Das Bild sollte eine Auflösung von %1$sx%2$s Pixeln haben oder zumindest "
"ein vergleichbares Seitenverhältnis aufweisen."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:228
msgid "Logo"
msgstr "Logo"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:236
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Icon"

#. translators: 1: image width, 2: image height
#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:238
msgid ""
"Upload the icon. The image should be in square format and have a resolution "
"of at least %1$sx%2$s pixels."
msgstr ""
"Laden Sie das Icon hoch. Das Bild sollte quadratisch sein und eine "
"Auflösung von mindestens %1$sx%2$s Pixeln haben."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:245
msgid "Primary Color"
msgstr "Primärfarbe"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:252
msgid "Secondary Color"
msgstr "Sekundärfarbe"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:259
msgid "Tertiary Color"
msgstr "Tertiärfarbe"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:291
msgid "The address format must not be empty."
msgstr "Das Adressformat darf nicht leer sein."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:295
msgid "The address format must contain at least one placeholder."
msgstr "Das Adressformat muss mindestens einen Platzhalter enthalten."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:320
msgid "The specified attachment does not exist."
msgstr "Die angegebene Mediendatei existiert nicht."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:324
msgid "The specified attachment is not an image."
msgstr "Die angegebene Mediendatei ist kein Bild."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-settings.php:352
msgid "The color must be specified in hexadecimal format."
msgstr "Die Farbe muss im Hexadezimalformat angegeben werden."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-shortcodes.php:62
msgid "Site Identity:"
msgstr "Website-Identität:"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-shortcodes.php:67
msgctxt "shortcode UI title"
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Feld"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-shortcodes.php:68
msgctxt "shortcode UI description"
msgid "Select the field for which to display the value."
msgstr "Wählen Sie das Feld aus, dessen Wert angezeigt werden soll."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-shortcodes.php:72
msgctxt "dropdown placeholder"
msgid "Please Select..."
msgstr "Bitte wählen…"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-shortcodes.php:89
msgid "Address (Single Line)"
msgstr "Adresse (einzeilig)"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-shortcodes.php:93
msgid "Address (Multiple Lines)"
msgstr "Adresse (mehrzeilig)"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-shortcodes.php:96
msgctxt "shortcode label"
msgid "Phone Number Link"
msgstr "Telefonnummer-Link"

#. translators: %s: setting title
#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-shortcodes.php:101
msgctxt "shortcode label"
msgid "%s Link"
msgstr "%s-Link"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-widgets.php:54
msgid "Site Identity Data"
msgstr "Website-Identitätsdaten"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-widgets.php:54
msgid "Your site identity owner data."
msgstr "Ihre Website-Identitäts-Eigentümerdaten."

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-widgets.php:56
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-widgets.php:60
msgid "Show name?"
msgstr "Name anzeigen?"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-widgets.php:65
msgid "Show address?"
msgstr "Adresse anzeigen?"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-widgets.php:70
msgid "Show contact information?"
msgstr "Kontaktinformationen anzeigen?"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-widgets.php:122
msgid "Phone:"
msgstr "Telefon:"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-widgets.php:127
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap-widgets.php:132
msgid "Website:"
msgstr "Website:"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap.php:125
msgid "Basic Information"
msgstr "Basisinformationen"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap.php:136
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap.php:152
msgid "Contact Data"
msgstr "Kontaktdaten"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap.php:185
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Medien"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap.php:193
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Farben"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap.php:222
msgid "Individual"
msgstr "Individuum"

#: src/class-wp-site-identity-bootstrap.php:223
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "Organisation"

#. translators: %s: service identifier
#: src/class-wp-site-identity-service-container.php:46
msgid "The service with the identifier %s could not be found."
msgstr "Der Service mit dem Bezeichner %s konnte nicht gefunden werden."

#. translators: %s: service identifier
#: src/class-wp-site-identity-service-container.php:97
msgid "The service with the identifier %s is already registered."
msgstr "Der Service mit dem Bezeichner %s ist bereits registriert."

#. translators: %s: admin page slug
#: src/admin-pages/class-wp-site-identity-standard-admin-page-registry.php:87
msgid "The admin page with the slug %s could not be found."
msgstr "Die Admin-Seite mit dem Bezeichner %s konnte nicht gefunden werden."

#. translators: %s: setting name
#. translators: %s: setting name
#. translators: %s: setting name
#. translators: %s: setting name
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-aggregate-setting.php:98,
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-aggregate-setting.php:134,
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-standard-setting-registry.php:125,
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-standard-setting-registry.php:155
msgid "The setting with the name %s could not be found."
msgstr "Die Einstellung mit dem Bezeichner %s konnte nicht gefunden werden."

#. translators: 1: value, 2: type name
#. translators: 1: value, 2: type name
#. translators: 1: value, 2: type name
#. translators: 1: value, 2: type name
#. translators: 1: value, 2: type name
#. translators: 1: value, 2: type name
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-aggregate-setting.php:278,
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:108,
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:138,
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:165,
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:185,
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:190
msgid "%1$s is not of type %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s hat nicht den Typ %2$s."

#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-aggregate-setting.php:310
msgid "All remaining settings were successfully saved."
msgstr "Alle weiteren Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert."

#. translators: 1: value, 2: minimum number
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:195
msgid "%1$s must be greater than or equal to %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s muss größer oder gleich %2$s sein."

#. translators: 1: value, 2: maximum number
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:200
msgid "%1$s must be less than or equal to %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s muss kleiner oder gleich %2$s sein."

#. translators: 1: value, 2: list of valid values
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:222
msgid "%1$s is not one of %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s ist kein Wert aus %2$s."

#. translators: %s: value
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:230
msgid "%s is not a valid date."
msgstr "%s ist kein gültiges Datum."

#. translators: %s: value
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:236
msgid "%s is not a valid email address."
msgstr "%s ist keine gültige Email-Adresse."

#. translators: %s: value
#: src/settings/class-wp-site-identity-setting-validator.php:242
msgid "%s is not a valid IP address."
msgstr "%s ist keine gültige IP-Adresse."

#. translators: %s: shortcode tag
#: src/shortcodes/class-wp-site-identity-standard-shortcode-registry.php:79
msgid "The shortcode with the tag %s could not be found."
msgstr "Der Shortcode mit dem Tag %s konnte nicht gefunden werden."

#. translators: %s: widget ID base
#: src/widgets/class-wp-site-identity-standard-widget-registry.php:79
msgid "The widget with the ID base %s could not be found."
msgstr "Das Widget mit der ID-Basis %s konnte nicht gefunden werden."

#. translators: %s: settings field slug
#: src/admin-pages/settings-fields/class-wp-site-identity-standard-settings-field-registry.php:76
msgid "The settings field with the slug %s could not be found."
msgstr ""
"Das Einstellungsfeld mit dem Bezeichner %s konnte nicht gefunden werden."

#. translators: %s: settings form slug
#: src/admin-pages/settings-forms/class-wp-site-identity-standard-settings-form-registry.php:65
msgid "The settings form with the slug %s could not be found."
msgstr ""
"Das Einstellungsformular mit dem Bezeichner %s konnte nicht gefunden werden."

#. translators: %s: settings section slug
#: src/admin-pages/settings-sections/class-wp-site-identity-standard-settings-section-registry.php:76
msgid "The settings section with the slug %s could not be found."
msgstr ""
"Der Einstellungsabschnitt mit dem Bezeichner %s konnte nicht gefunden "