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 * WPDLib\Util\Util class
 * @package WPDLib
 * @subpackage Util
 * @author Felix Arntz <felix-arntz@leaves-and-love.net>
 * @since 0.5.0

namespace WPDLib\Util;

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

if ( ! class_exists( 'WPDLib\Util\Util' ) ) {
     * This class contains some utility functions.
     * @since 0.5.0
    final class Util {
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @var string Temporarily holds the property to sort by in the below methods.
        private static $sort_by = '';

         * Transforms a component object into its slug.
         * This can be used in `array_map()` for example.
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param WPDLib\Components\Base $component the component to transform
         * @return string the component's slug
        public static function component_to_slug( $component ) {
            return $component->slug;

         * Checks whether the current user can access a specific component.
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param WPDLib\Components\Base $component the component to check access for
         * @return bool whether the user can access the component
        public static function current_user_can( $component ) {
            $cap = $component->capability;

            if ( null === $cap || current_user_can( $cap ) ) {
                return true;

            return false;

         * Returns an array of post IDs and their titles.
         * Those can be used to generate dropdown options for example.
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param string|array $post_type the post type / post types to get posts for
         * @return array the array of `$post_id => $post_title`
        public static function get_posts_options( $post_type = 'any' ) {
            if ( ! is_string( $post_type ) && ! is_array( $post_type ) || empty( $post_type ) ) {
                $post_type = 'any';

            $posts = get_posts( array(
                'posts_per_page'    => -1,
                'post_type'            => $post_type,
                'post_status'        => 'publish',
                'orderby'            => 'post_title',
                'order'                => 'asc',
                'fields'            => 'ids',
            ) );

            $results = array();
            foreach ( $posts as $post_id ) {
                $results[ $post_id ] = get_the_title( $post_id );

            return $results;

         * Returns an array of term IDs and their names.
         * Those can be used to generate dropdown options for example.
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param string|array $taxonomy the taxonomy / taxonomies to get terms for
         * @return array the array of `$term_id => $term_name`
        public static function get_terms_options( $taxonomy = 'any' ) {
            if ( ! is_string( $taxonomy ) && ! is_array( $taxonomy ) || empty( $taxonomy ) || 'any' === $taxonomy ) {
                $taxonomy = array();

            return get_terms( $taxonomy, array(
                'number'            => 0,
                'hide_empty'        => false,
                'orderby'            => 'name',
                'order'                => 'asc',
                'fields'            => 'id=>name',
            ) );

         * Returns an array of user IDs and their names.
         * Those can be used to generate dropdown options for example.
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param string $role the role to get users for
         * @return array the array of `$user_id => $user_display_name`
        public static function get_users_options( $role = 'any' ) {
            if ( is_array( $role ) ) {
                if ( count( $role ) > 0 ) {
                    $role = $role[0];

            if ( ! is_string( $role ) || 'any' === $role ) {
                $role = '';

            $users = get_users( array(
                'number'            => 0,
                'role'                => $role,
                'orderby'            => 'display_name',
                'order'                => 'asc',
                'fields'            => array( 'ID', 'display_name' ),
            ) );

            $results = array();
            foreach ( $users as $user ) {
                $results[ $user->ID ] = $user->display_name;

            return $results;

         * Formats a numeric value with a specific unit, depending on how big the value is.
         * You need to specify a $units array and a base value.
         * The keys of the units in the $units array are used to exponentiate the base value.
         * The $base_unit must be the unit that the $value is specified in (usually this would be the first unit in the array).
         * Two examples of how to use the function:
         * - `format_unit( 244, array( 'mm', 'cm', 'dm', 'm' ), 10, 'mm' );` will produce 2.44 dm
         * - `format_unit( 1235, array( 'B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB' ), 1024, 'B' );` will produce 1.21 kB
         * @param integer|float $value the value to format with a unit
         * @param array $units the array of units in an ascending order
         * @param integer|float $base the base value (for exponentiation)
         * @param string $base_unit the base unit (optional, default is the first unit in the array)
         * @param integer $decimals (number of decimals to display, default is 2)
         * @return string the formatted value
        public static function format_unit( $value, $units, $base, $base_unit = '', $decimals = 2 ) {
            $value = floatval( $value );

            if ( empty( $base_unit ) ) {
                $base_unit = $units[0];

            if ( $base_unit != $units[0] ) {
                $value *= pow( $base, array_search( $base_unit, $units ) );

            for ( $i = count( $units ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
                if ( $value > pow( $base, $i ) ) {
                    return number_format_i18n( $value / pow( $base, $i ), $decimals ) . ' ' . $units[ $i ];
                } elseif ( 0 == $i ) {
                    return number_format_i18n( $value, $decimals ) . ' ' . $units[0];

            return $value;

         * Checks whether the rest of a division of two numbers equals zero.
         * This is a reliable implementation that checks the rest for both integers and floats.
         * While the check for integers is trivial, floating point numbers work differently.
         * This function works around that to get proper results.
         * @internal
         * @since 0.6.1
         * @param integer|float $divident the divident
         * @param integer|float $divisor the divisor
         * @return boolean true if the rest of the division is zero, otherwise false
        public static function is_rest_zero( $divident, $divisor ) {
            $divident = abs( $divident );
            $divisor = abs( $divisor );

            if ( is_int( $divident ) && is_int( $divisor ) ) {
                // prevent division by zero
                if ( 0 === $divisor ) {
                    return false;
                return 0 === $divident % $divisor;

            if ( 0.0 === $divisor ) {
                return false;

            $compare = round( $divident / $divisor ) * $divisor;

            return strval( $divident ) === strval( $compare );

         * A flexible PHP modulo function.
         * Modulo for integers works properly using the % operator, but for floating point numbers it is not as accurate.
         * Using `fmod()` does not actually provide the expected results.
         * This function correctly calculates the rest of a division for both integers and floats.
         * If both arguments are integers, the function will return an integer.
         * Otherwise it will return a float.
         * Note: This function still only works in some cases.
         * Therefore it has been deprecated. WPDLib now uses `WPDLib\Util\Util::is_rest_zero()`.
         * @internal
         * @since 0.6.0
         * @deprecated 0.6.1
         * @param integer|float $divident the divident
         * @param integer|float $divisor the divisor
         * @return integer|float the rest of the division (modulo)
        public static function mod( $divident, $divisor ) {
            if ( is_int( $divident ) && is_int( $divisor ) ) {
                // prevent division by zero
                if ( 0 === $divisor ) {
                    return 0;
                return $divident % $divisor;

            $divident = floatval( $divident );
            $divisor = floatval( $divisor );

            // prevent division by zero
            if ( 0.0 === $divisor ) {
                return 0.0;

            $i = round( $divident / $divisor );

            return $divident - $i * $divisor;

         * Inserts an object into an array in a sorted manner.
         * If no $sort_by parameter is provided, the arrays won't be sorted.
         * @internal
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param array $arr the array to insert the item into
         * @param object $item the object to insert
         * @param string $key the property in the object to use as array key (default is 'slug')
         * @param string $sort_by the property in the object to sort by (default is none for no sort order)
         * @return array the array containing the object
        public static function object_array_insert( $arr, $item, $key = 'slug', $sort_by = '' ) {
            if ( empty( $sort_by ) ) {
                $arr[ $item->$key ] = $item;
                return $arr;
            } elseif ( ! isset( $item->$sort_by ) || null === $item->$sort_by || 0 == count( $arr ) ) {
                $arr[ $item->$key ] = $item;
                return $arr;

            return self::object_array_insert_sorted( $arr, $item, $sort_by, $key );

         * Merges multiple sorted arrays of objects into a single sorted array.
         * If no $sort_by parameter is provided, the arrays won't be sorted.
         * PHP's native (unstable) sort will be run on all the items that have the $sort_by property defined.
         * This way the sorting is "almost" stable.
         * This means that items where the $sort_by property is 'null' will be ordered in the way they were originally specified in.
         * @internal
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param array $arrs the arrays to merge into one array
         * @param string $key the property in the objects to use as array key (default is 'slug')
         * @param string $sort_by the property in the objects to sort by (default is none for no sort order)
         * @return array the resulting array
        public static function object_array_merge( $arrs, $key = 'slug', $sort_by = '' ) {
            if ( empty( $sort_by ) ) {
                $result = $instance_counts = array();

                foreach ( $arrs as $arr ) {
                    $result = self::object_array_merge_items( $arr, $result, $instance_counts, $key );

                return $result;

            return self::object_array_merge_sorted( $arrs, $sort_by, $key );

         * Sorts an array of objects with PHP's native unstable sort.
         * @internal
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param array $arr the array to sort
         * @param string $sort_by the property in the objects to sort by
         * @param bool $associative whether the array is associative
         * @return array the sorted array
        public static function object_array_sort( $arr, $sort_by, $associative = false ) {
            if ( ! empty( $sort_by ) ) {
                self::$sort_by = $sort_by;

                if ( $associative ) {
                    uasort( $arr, array( __CLASS__, 'sort_objects_callback' ) );
                } else {
                    usort( $arr, array( __CLASS__, 'sort_objects_callback' ) );

                self::$sort_by = '';

            return $arr;

         * Integrates an object into an array of objects in a way that the array is properly sorted.
         * @internal
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param array $arr the array to integrate the item into
         * @param object $item the object to integrate
         * @param string $sort_by the property in the object to sort by
         * @param string $key the property in the object to use as array key (default is 'slug')
         * @return array the array containing the object
        private static function object_array_insert_sorted( $arr, $item, $sort_by, $key = 'slug' ) {
            $new_arr = array();
            $new_arr[ $item->$key ] = $item;

            $split_key = 0;
            foreach ( $arr as $c ) {
                if ( null === $c->$sort_by || $c->$sort_by > $item->$sort_by ) {

            if ( 0 == $split_key ) {
                $arr = array_merge( $new_arr, $arr );
            } else {
                $begin_arr = array_slice( $arr, 0, $split_key );
                $end_arr = array_slice( $arr, $split_key );
                $arr = array_merge( $begin_arr, $new_arr, $end_arr );

            return $arr;

         * Merges multiple sorted arrays of objects into a single sorted array.
         * The function splits the arrays into two arrays, one where the objects have a valid $sort_by property, the other with objects without one.
         * Those arrays are then merged together, the array with valid $sort_by properties first.
         * @internal
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param array $arrs the arrays to merge into one array
         * @param string $sort_by the property in the objects to sort by
         * @param string $key the property in the objects to use as array key (default is 'slug')
         * @return array the resulting array
        private static function object_array_merge_sorted( $arrs, $sort_by, $key = 'slug' ) {
            $result = $instance_counts = array();

            list( $sortables, $nulls ) = self::object_array_merge_split( $arrs, $sort_by );

            $result = self::object_array_merge_items( $sortables, $result, $instance_counts, $key );

            $result = self::object_array_merge_items( $nulls, $result, $instance_counts, $key );

            return $result;

         * Splits arrays into two big arrays.
         * The first array will be a sorted array where the objects have a valid $sort_by property.
         * The second array will be an array where the objects do not have a valid $sort_by property.
         * @internal
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param array $arrs the arrays to split
         * @param string $sort_by the property in the objects to sort by
         * @return array the resulting array
        private static function object_array_merge_split( $arrs, $sort_by ) {
            $sortables = array();
            $nulls = array();

            foreach ( $arrs as $arr ) {
                foreach ( $arr as $item ) {
                    if ( ! isset( $item->$sort_by ) || null === $item->$sort_by ) {
                        $nulls[] = $item;
                    } else {
                        $sortables[] = $item;

            $sortables = self::object_array_sort( $sortables, $sort_by );

            return array( $sortables, $nulls );

         * Merges objects of one array into another array.
         * If an object's key property already exists in the array, the array key will be counted up so that nothing gets overwritten.
         * @internal
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param array $items the array of items to merge into $result
         * @param array $result the array the $items should be merged into
         * @param array $instance_counts an array of counts of how many items of a certain key exist in the target array
         * @param string $key the property in the objects to use as array key (default is 'slug')
         * @return array the resulting array
        private static function object_array_merge_items( $items, $result, &$instance_counts, $key = 'slug' ) {
            foreach ( $items as $item ) {
                if ( ! isset( $result[ $item->$key ] ) ) {
                    $result[ $item->$key ] = $item;
                } else {
                    if ( ! isset( $instance_counts[ $item->$key ] ) ) {
                        $instance_counts[ $item->$key ] = 1;
                    $instance_counts[ $item->$key ]++;
                    $result[ $item->$key . '-' . $instance_counts[ $item->$key ] ] = $item;

            return $result;

         * Callback function for PHP's native array sorting functionality.
         * It will sort objects by the $sort_by property (temporarily stored in a class-wide helper variable).
         * @internal
         * @since 0.5.0
         * @param object $a an object to compare
         * @param object $b another object to compare
         * @return integer -1 if the first item should be before the second, 1 if the second item should be before the first, 0 if they are equal
        private static function sort_objects_callback( $a, $b ) {
            $sort_by = self::$sort_by;

            if ( ( ! isset( $a->$sort_by ) || null === $a->$sort_by ) && ( ! isset( $b->$sort_by ) || null === $b->$sort_by ) ) {
                return 0;
            } elseif ( ! isset( $a->$sort_by ) || null === $a->$sort_by ) {
                return 1;
            } elseif ( ! isset( $b->$sort_by ) || null === $b->$sort_by ) {
                return -1;

            if ( $a->$sort_by == $b->$sort_by ) {
                return 0;

            return ( $a->$sort_by < $b->$sort_by ? -1 : 1 );
