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Test Coverage
 * @file MMM-Fuel.js
 * @author fewieden
 * @license MIT
 * @see  https://github.com/fewieden/MMM-Fuel

/* global google Module Log config */

 * @external Module
 * @see https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/blob/master/js/module.js

 * @external Log
 * @see https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/blob/master/js/logger.js

 * @external google
 * @see https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js

 * @module MMM-Fuel
 * @description Frontend for the module to display data.
 * @requires external:Module
 * @requires external:Log
 * @requires external:google
Module.register('MMM-Fuel', {
    /** @member {boolean} sortByPrice - Flag to switch between sorting (price and distance). */
    sortByPrice: true,
    /** @member {?Interval} interval - Toggles sortByPrice */
    interval: null,

     * @member {Object} defaults - Defines the default config values.
     * @property {int} radius - Lookup area for gas stations.
     * @property {int} max - Amount of gas stations to display.
     * @property {boolean|string} map_api_key - API key for Google Maps.
     * @property {int} zoom - Zoom level of the map.
     * @property {int} width - Width of the map.
     * @property {int} height - Height of the map.
     * @property {boolean} colored - Flag to render map in colour or greyscale.
     * @property {boolean} open - Flag to render column to indicate if the gas stations are open or closed.
     * @property {boolean|int} shortenText - Max characters to be shown for name and address.
     * @property {boolean} showAddress - Flag to show the gas station's address.
     * @property {boolean} showAddressCity - Flag to show the gas station's city.
     * @property {boolean} showOpenOnly - Flag to show only open gas stations or all.
     * @property {boolean} showDistance - Flag to show the distance to your specified position.
     * @property {boolean} showBrand - Flag to show the brand instead of the name.
     * @property {boolean} iconHeader - Flag to display the car icon in the header.
     * @property {boolean} rotate - Flag to enable/disable rotation between sort by price and distance.
     * @property {string[]} types - Fuel types to show.
     * @property {string} sortBy - Type to sort by price.
     * @property {int} rotateInterval - Speed of rotation.
     * @property {int} updateInterval - Speed of update.
     * @property {string} provider - API provider of the data.
     * @property {boolean} toFixed - Flag to show price with only 2 decimals.
     * @property {boolean} fade - Fade the list of gas stations.
    defaults: {
        radius: 5,
        max: 5,
        map_api_key: false,
        zoom: 12,
        width: 600,
        height: 600,
        colored: false,
        open: false,
        shortenText: false,
        showAddress: true,
        showAddressCity: true,
        showOpenOnly: false,
        showDistance: true,
        showBrand: false,
        iconHeader: true,
        rotate: true,
        types: ['diesel'],
        sortBy: 'diesel',
        rotateInterval: 60 * 1000, // every minute
        updateInterval: 15 * 60 * 1000, // every 15 minutes
        provider: 'tankerkoenig',
        toFixed: false,
        stationIds: [],
        excludeStationIds: [],
        fade: true

     * @member {Object} voice - Defines the voice recognition part.
     * @property {string} mode - MMM-voice mode of this module.
     * @property {string[]} sentences - All commands of this module.
    voice: {
        mode: 'FUEL',
        sentences: [
            'OPEN HELP',
            'CLOSE HELP',
            'SHOW GAS STATIONS',
            'HIDE MAP'

     * @function getTranslations
     * @description Translations for this module.
     * @override
     * @returns {Object.<string, string>} Available translations for this module (key: language code, value: filepath).
    getTranslations() {
        return {
            en: 'translations/en.json',
            de: 'translations/de.json',
            fr: 'translations/fr.json'

     * @function getStyles
     * @description Style dependencies for this module.
     * @override
     * @returns {string[]} List of the style dependency filepaths.
    getStyles() {
        return ['font-awesome.css', 'MMM-Fuel.css'];

     * @function getTemplate
     * @description Nunjuck template.
     * @override
     * @returns {string} Path to nunjuck template.
    getTemplate() {
        return 'templates/MMM-Fuel.njk';

     * @function getTemplateData
     * @description Data that gets rendered in the nunjuck template.
     * @override
     * @returns {Object} Data for the nunjuck template.
    getTemplateData() {
        let gasStations;

        if (this.priceList) {
            gasStations = this.sortByPrice ? this.priceList.byPrice : this.priceList.byDistance;
            gasStations = gasStations.slice(0, Math.min(gasStations.length, this.config.max));

        return {
            config: this.config,
            header: this.data.header,
            priceList: this.priceList,
            sortByPrice: this.sortByPrice,

     * @function start
     * @description Appends Google Map script to the body, if the config option map_api_key is defined. Calls
     * createInterval and sends the config to the node_helper.
     * @override
     * @returns {void}
    start() {
        Log.info(`Starting module: ${this.name}`);

        if (!this.config.types.includes(this.config.sortBy)) {
            Log.error('Config option sortBy has no matching value in config option types! Falling back to first entry.');
            this.config.sortBy = this.config.types[0];

        if (this.config.rotate && !this.config.showDistance) {
            Log.error('Config option rotate does not work if distance is hidden! Falling back to no rotation.');
            this.config.rotate = false;

        // Add script manually, getScripts doesn't work for it!
        if (this.config.map_api_key) {
            const script = document.createElement('script');
            script.src = `https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=${this.config.map_api_key}`;
        this.interval = this.createInterval();
        this.sendSocketNotification('CONFIG', this.config);

     * @function createInterval
     * @description Creates an interval if config option rotate is set.
     * @returns {?Interval} The Interval toggles sortByPrice between true and false.
    createInterval() {
        if (!this.config.rotate) {
            return null;
        return setInterval(() => {
            this.sortByPrice = !this.sortByPrice;
        }, this.config.rotateInterval);

     * @function notificationReceived
     * @description Handles incoming broadcasts from other modules or the MagicMirror core.
     * @override
     * @param {string} notification - Notification name
     * @param {*} payload - Detailed payload of the notification.
     * @param {MM} [sender] - The sender of the notification. If sender is undefined the sender is the core.
    notificationReceived(notification, payload, sender) {
        if (notification === 'ALL_MODULES_STARTED') {
            this.sendNotification('REGISTER_VOICE_MODULE', this.voice);
        } else if (notification === 'VOICE_FUEL' && sender.name === 'MMM-voice') {
        } else if (notification === 'VOICE_MODE_CHANGED' && sender.name === 'MMM-voice' && payload.old === this.voice.mode) {
        } else if (notification === 'MODAL_CLOSED' && payload.identifier === this.identifier) {

     * @function socketNotificationReceived
     * @description Handles incoming messages from node_helper.
     * @override
     * @param {string} notification - Notification name
     * @param {*} payload - Detailed payload of the notification.
    socketNotificationReceived(notification, payload) {
        if (notification === 'PRICELIST') {
            this.priceList = payload;

     * @function shortenText
     * @description Shortens text based on config option (shortenText) and adds ellipsis at the end.
     * @param {string} text - Text which should be shorten.
     * @returns {string} The shortened text.
    shortenText(text) {
        let temp = text;
        if (this.config.shortenText && temp.length > this.config.shortenText) {
            temp = `${temp.slice(0, this.config.shortenText)}&#8230;`;
        return temp;

     * @function checkCommands
     * @description Checks for voice commands.
     * @param {string} data - Text with commands.
     * @returns {void}
    checkCommands(data) {
        if (/(HELP)/g.test(data)) {
            if (/(CLOSE)/g.test(data) && !/(OPEN)/g.test(data)) {
            } else if (/(OPEN)/g.test(data) && !/(CLOSE)/g.test(data)) {
                this.sendNotification('OPEN_MODAL', {
                    template: 'templates/HelpModal.njk',
                    data: {
                        fns: {
                            translate: this.translate.bind(this)
        } else if (/(HIDE)/g.test(data) && /(MAP)/g.test(data)) {
        } else if (/(GAS)/g.test(data) && /(STATIONS)/g.test(data)) {
            this.sendNotification('OPEN_MODAL', {
                template: 'templates/MapModal.njk',
                data: {
                    config: this.config,
                    fns: {
                        translate: this.translate.bind(this)
                options: {
                    callback: this.initMap.bind(this)

     * @function initMap
     * @description Initializes the map, markers and layers.
     * @param {Error} error - Only initialize if modal render callback doesn't contain error.
     * @returns {void}
    initMap(error) {
        if (error || this.map) {

        const mapContainer = document.querySelector('div.MMM-Fuel-map');

        if (!mapContainer) {

        const center = new google.maps.LatLng(this.config.lat, this.config.lng);
        const zoom = this.config.zoom;
        this.map = new google.maps.Map(mapContainer, { center, zoom, disableDefaultUI: true });

        this.trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer();

        const list = this.priceList.byPrice;
        this.markers = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) {
            this.markers.push(new google.maps.Marker({
                position: { lat: list[i].lat, lng: list[i].lng },
                label: i + 1 + '',
                map: this.map

     * @function deinitMap
     * @description Deinitializes the map, markers and layers.
     * @returns {void}
    deinitMap() {
        if (!this.map) {

        this.trafficLayer = null;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i += 1) {

        this.markers = [];

        this.map = null;

     * @function capitalizeFirstLetter
     * @description Capitalizes the first character in a string.
     * @param {string} text - text to capitalize the first letter.
     * @returns {string} Capitalized string.
    capitalizeFirstLetter(text) {
        return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);

     * @function addGlobals
     * @description Adds custom globals used by the nunjuck template.
     * @returns {void}
    addGlobals() {
        this.nunjucksEnvironment().addGlobal('includes', (array, item) => array.includes(item));

     * @function addFilters
     * @description Adds custom filters used by the nunjuck template.
     * @returns {void}
    addFilters() {
        this.nunjucksEnvironment().addFilter('capitalizeFirstLetter', text => this.capitalizeFirstLetter(text));
        this.nunjucksEnvironment().addFilter('shortenText', text => this.shortenText(text));
        this.nunjucksEnvironment().addFilter('formatPrice', price => {
            if (price === -1) {
                return '-';

            let prefix = '';
            if (typeof price === 'string') {
                prefix = price[0];
                price = parseFloat(price.slice(1));

            const fractionDigits = this.config.toFixed ? 2 : 3;

            const priceParts = new Intl.NumberFormat(config.locale, {
                style: 'currency',
                currency: this.priceList.currency,
                minimumFractionDigits: fractionDigits,
                maximumFractionDigits: fractionDigits

            return prefix + priceParts.map(part => {
                if (!this.config.toFixed && part.type === 'fraction') {
                    return part.value.slice(0, -1) + part.value.slice(-1).sup();

                return part.value;
        this.nunjucksEnvironment().addFilter('formatDistance', distance => new Intl.NumberFormat(config.locale, {
            style: 'unit',
            unit: this.priceList.unit,
            maximumFractionDigits: 1
        this.nunjucksEnvironment().addFilter('fade', (index, total) => {
            if (this.config.fade) {
                const percentage = (1 - 1 / total * index).toFixed(2);

                return `opacity: ${percentage}`;

            return '';