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Test Coverage
Feature: Principal

    To better manage the college,
    the principal must be able
    to register a suspension.

Feature: Principal

    Scenario: Only principal can register parent and alumn
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        Given I am on the users in page
        When I press "Criar" field
        And I click in "Responsável e Aluno" I had register one parent and one alumn
        And I fill in field parent "Nome" with "Naiara Camelo"
        And I fill in field parent "CPF" with "02951294174"
        And I fill in field parent "Senha" with "111111"
        And I fill in field parent "Endereço" with "QR 612 Conjunto 12 Casa 21"
        And I fill in field parent "Telefone" with "6133456382"
        And I fill in field parent "Data de Nascimento" with "12121912"
        And I fill in "Sexo" with "Masculino"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I register alumn now, I had stay in page alumn new
        And I fill in field alumn "Nome" with "Leo Arthur"
        And I fill in field alumn "Matricula" with "456789"
        And I fill in field alumn "Senha" with "222222"
        And I fill in field alumn "Turno" with "Matutino"
        And I fill in field alumn "Endereço" with "QR 602 Conjunto 06 Casa 05"
        And I fill in field alumn "Telefone" with "61983104981"
        And I fill in field alumn "Data de Nascimento" with "09071995"
        And I fill in "Sexo" with "Masculino"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I register the alumn and I go to page users

    Scenario: Principal can edit parents
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Responsável" button
        And I press "Editar Responsável" button
        And I fill in field parent "Endereço" with "Super Rua Nova do DF"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I see parent information

    Scenario: Principal can edit alumns
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Visualizar" button
        And I press "Editar Aluno" button
        And I fill in field parent "Endereço" with "Magnífica Mansão no Pedregal"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I see information

    Scenario: Principal can delete alumns
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Visualizar Alunos" button
        And I press "Visualizar Aluno" button
        And I click in "Delete" button
        Then I back to users

    Scenario: Principal can delete parents
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Visualizar Responsáveis" button
        And I press "Visualizar Responsável" button
        And I click in "Delete" button
        Then I back to users

    Scenario: Principal can delete teachers
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Funcionarios" button
        And I press "Visualizar Professor" button
        And I click in "Delete" button
        Then I back to users

    Scenario: Only principal can register suspension
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press field "Suspender" button
        And I fill in field "Motivo da Suspensão" with "Bater na Professora"
        And I fill in field "Quantidade de Dias" with "10"
        And I fill in field "Descrição da Suspensão" with "Chutou o bebe da professora"
        And I fill in field "Data da Suspensão" with "12121912"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I had register a suspension

    Scenario: Only principal can edit suspension
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Visualizar" button
        And I press "Visualizar Suspensões" button
        And I press "Primeira Suspensão" button
        And I press "Editar Suspensão" button
        And I fill in field "Quantidade de Dias" with "15"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I see suspension edited

    Scenario: Principal can delete suspensions
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Visualizar" button
        And I press "Visualizar Suspensões" button
        And I press "Visualizar Suspensão" button
        And I click in "Delete" button
        Then I back to users

    Scenario: Principal can delete strikes
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Visualizar para excluir" button
        And I press "Visualizar Advertencias" button
        And I press "Visualizar Advertencia do Aluno" button
        And I click in "Delete" button
        Then I back to users

    Scenario: Principal can create strike
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Nova Advertência" button
        And I fill in "Descrição" with "Falsificou a Assinatura do colega"
        And I fill in "Data da Advertência" with "12122012"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I see strike created

    Scenario: Only principal can register subject
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Matéria" button
        And I press "Nova Matéria" button
        And I fill in fiend subject "Nome" with "Geografia"
        And I fill in fiend subject "Série" with "3"
        And I fill in fiend subject "Matrícula do Professor" with "369874"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I register the subject

    Scenario: Principal can delete subjects
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Matéria" button
        And I press "Matéria para excluir" button
        And I click in "Delete" button
        Then I back to subjects

    Scenario: Only principal can register teacher valid
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Criar Professor" button
        And I fill in "Nome" with "Victor Hugo"
        And I fill in "Matricula" with "153456"
        And I fill in "CPF" with "02951294174"
        And I fill in "Senha" with "bgatahkei42"
        And I fill in "Turno" with "Matutino"
        And I fill in "Endereço" with "QR 602 Conjunto 06 Casa 05"
        And I fill in "Telefone" with "61983104981"
        And I fill in "Data de Nascimento" with "09071995"
        And I fill in "Data de Admissao" with "09072005"
        And I fill in "Sexo" with "Masculino"
        Then I press "Salvar" button

    Scenario: Only principal can register secretary valid
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Criar Secretário" button
        And I fill in "Nome" with "Juca Balla"
        And I fill in "CPF" with "46804811372"
        And I fill in "Matricula" with "147258"
        And I fill in "Senha" with "555555555"
        And I fill in "Data de Admissão" with "09071995"
        And I fill in "Turno" with "Integral"
        And I fill in "Endereço" with "Super República do Gama - Gama Sul"
        And I fill in "Telefone" with "61983104999"
        And I fill in "Data de Nascimento" with "01011800"
        And I fill in "Sexo" with "Masculino"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I register the secretary and I go to page secretaries

    Scenario: Principal can delete secretaries
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Funcionarios" button
        And I press "Visualizar Secretário" button
        And I click in "Delete" button
        Then I back to users

    Scenario: Principal can create notification
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Avisos" button
        And I press "Nova Notificação" button
        And I fill in "Título" with "Super Gincana Beneficiente"
        And I fill in "Motivo" with "Arrecadar fundos pra formatura do pessoal de Softy"
        And I fill in "Conteúdo da Notificação" with "Muitos jogos, gincanas e aventuras"
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I see notification created

    Scenario: Principal can see all notifications
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Avisos" button
        Then I see all notifications

    Scenario: Principal can see specific notification
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Avisos" button
        And I press "Melhor Notificação" button
        Then I see nofications information

    Scenario: Principal can edit any notification
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Avisos" button
        And I press "Melhor Notificação" button
        When I press "Edit Notification" button
        And I fill in "Título" with "Super Gincana Beneficiente - Parte 2"
        And I fill in "Motivo" with "Arrecadar fundos pra formatura do pessoal de Softy e de Aero"
        And I fill in "Conteúdo da Notificação" with "Muitos jogos, gincanas, aventuras e divertimentos."
        When I press "Salvar" button
        Then I see notification edited

    Scenario: Principal can delete a notification
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Avisos" button
        And I press "Melhor Notificação" button
        And I click in "Delete" button
        Then I back to notifications

    Scenario: Only principal can create classroom
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
         And I press "Criar Turma" button
        And I fill in "Nome da Turma" with "3D"
        And I change "Serie da Turma" for "1º Medio"
        And I change "Turno da Turma" for "Vespertino"
        Then I press "Salvar Turma" button

    Scenario: Principal can see all secretaries
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Visualizar Secretários" button
        Then I see all secretaries

    Scenario: Principal can see all classrooms
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Visualizar Turmas" button
        Then I see all classrooms

    Scenario: Principal can see all alumns
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Visualizar Alunos" button
        Then I see all alumns

    Scenario: Principal can exit the system
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Logout" button
    Then I logged out

  Scenario: Principal can generate reports
      Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Alunos" button
        And I press "Visualizar" button
        And I press "Ver Relatório" button
        Then I see alumn informations

    Scenario: Only Principal can see principal
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Funcionarios" button
        And I press "Visualizar Diretor" button
        Then I see principal informations

    Scenario: Only Principal can edit principal
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Funcionarios" button
        And I press "Visualizar Diretor" button
        Then I see principal informations
        When I press "Editar Diretor" button
        And I fill in "Admissão" with "19082001"
        And I press "Salvar" button
        Then I see principal informations

    Scenario: Only Principal can edit principal password
        Given I am logged in as principal
        Then I logged as principal
        When I press "Funcionarios" button
        And I press "Visualizar Diretor" button
        Then I see principal informations
        When I press "Editar Senha do Diretor" button
        And I fill in "Senha" with "12345678"
        And I press "Salvar Senha" button
        Then I see principal informations