Feature: Secretary
To better manage the college,
the Secretary must be able
to register grades for alumns.
Feature: Secretary
Scenario: Secretary can create notification
Given I am logged in as secretary
Then I logged as secretary
When I press "Avisos" button
And I press "Nova Notificação" button
And I fill in "Título" with "Super Gincana Beneficiente"
And I fill in "Motivo" with "Arrecadar fundos pra formatura do pessoal de Softy"
And I fill in "Conteúdo da Notificação" with "Muitos jogos, gincanas e aventuras"
When I press "Salvar" button
Then I see notification created
Scenario: Secretary can see all notifications
Given I am logged in as secretary
Then I logged as secretary
When I press "Avisos" button
Then I see all notifications
Scenario: Secretary can see specific notification
Given I am logged in as secretary
Then I logged as secretary
When I press "Avisos" button
And I press "Uma Notificação" button
Then I see a nofication
Scenario: Secretary can edit a notification
Given I am logged in as secretary
Then I logged as secretary
When I press "Avisos" button
And I press "Uma Notificação" button
When I press "Edit Notification Secretary" button
And I fill in "Título" with "Super Gincana Beneficiente - Parte 2"
And I fill in "Motivo" with "Arrecadar fundos pra formatura do pessoal de Softy e de Aero"
And I fill in "Conteúdo da Notificação" with "Muitos jogos, gincanas, aventuras e divertimentos."
When I press "Salvar" button
Then I see a notification edited
Scenario: Secretary can see all secretaries
Given I am logged in as secretary
Then I logged as secretary
When I press "Visualizar Secretários" button
Then I see all secretaries
Scenario: Secretary can see all classrooms
Given I am logged in as secretary
Then I logged as secretary
When I press "Visualizar Turmas" button
Then I see all classrooms
Scenario: Secretary can see all alumns
Given I am logged in as secretary
Then I logged as secretary
When I press "Visualizar Alunos" button
Then I see all alumns
Scenario: Secretary can exit the system
Given I am logged in as secretary
Then I logged as secretary
When I press "Logout" button
Then I logged out
Scenario: Secretary can give a grade for an alumn
Given I am logged in as secretary
Then I logged as secretary
When I press "Visualizar Turmas" button
And I press "Matérias da Turma" button
And I press "Dar Notas" button
And I fill in "1º" with "10.0"
And I fill in "2º" with "10.0"
And I fill in "3º" with "10.0"
And I fill in "4º" with "10.0"
And I click in "Salvar Notas" button
Then I see saved grades