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Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

    notification_title_edit.send_keys "SOU UM FRACASSO"

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

(...) interpreted as grouped expression.

And (/^I fill in field parent "Endereço" with "Super Rua Nova do DF"$/) do

Checks for space between the name of a called method and a left parenthesis.


# bad

puts (x + y)


# good

puts(x + y)

Space missing after colon.

  put 'parents/:id/edit_password', to:'parents#update_password_parent'
Severity: Minor
Found in config/routes.rb by rubocop

Checks for colon (:) not followed by some kind of space. N.B. this cop does not handle spaces after a ternary operator, which are instead handled by Layout/SpaceAroundOperators.


# bad
def f(a:, b:2); {a:3}; end

# good
def f(a:, b: 2); {a: 3}; end

Space missing after colon.

  get 'subjects/:id/add_classrooms', to:'subjects#add_classrooms', as:'add_classrooms'
Severity: Minor
Found in config/routes.rb by rubocop

Checks for colon (:) not followed by some kind of space. N.B. this cop does not handle spaces after a ternary operator, which are instead handled by Layout/SpaceAroundOperators.


# bad
def f(a:, b:2); {a:3}; end

# good
def f(a:, b: 2); {a: 3}; end

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

  config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 3000, host: 3000
Severity: Minor
Found in Vagrantfile by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Space missing after colon.

  put 'classroom/:id/subject/:subject_id/grades', to:'grades#post_grades', as:'post_grades'
Severity: Minor
Found in config/routes.rb by rubocop

Checks for colon (:) not followed by some kind of space. N.B. this cop does not handle spaces after a ternary operator, which are instead handled by Layout/SpaceAroundOperators.


# bad
def f(a:, b:2); {a:3}; end

# good
def f(a:, b: 2); {a: 3}; end

(...) interpreted as grouped expression.

And (/^I fill in field "Quantidade de Dias" with "10"$/) do

Checks for space between the name of a called method and a left parenthesis.


# bad

puts (x + y)


# good

puts(x + y)

Line is too long. [101/80]

$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(vendored_cucumber_bin) + '/../lib') unless vendored_cucumber_bin.nil?
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/tasks/cucumber.rake by rubocop

Line is too long. [91/80]

  get 'alumns/:id/edit_password', to:'alumns#edit_password_alumn', as:'edit_password_alumn'
Severity: Minor
Found in config/routes.rb by rubocop

Line is too long. [93/80]

    Cucumber::Rake::Task.new({:ok => 'test:prepare'}, 'Run features that should pass') do |t|
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/tasks/cucumber.rake by rubocop

(...) interpreted as grouped expression.

And (/^I fill in "Descrição" with "Falsificou a Assinatura do colega"$/) do

Checks for space between the name of a called method and a left parenthesis.


# bad

puts (x + y)


# good

puts(x + y)

(...) interpreted as grouped expression.

And (/^I fill in "Motivo" with "Arrecadar fundos pra formatura do pessoal de Softy e de Aero"$/) do

Checks for space between the name of a called method and a left parenthesis.


# bad

puts (x + y)


# good

puts(x + y)

Line is too long. [95/80]

    abort 'Cucumber rake task is not available. Be sure to install cucumber as a gem or plugin'
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/tasks/cucumber.rake by rubocop

(...) interpreted as grouped expression.

Then (/^I logged as secretary$/) do

Checks for space between the name of a called method and a left parenthesis.


# bad

puts (x + y)


# good

puts(x + y)

Use the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax.

  task :cucumber => 'cucumber:ok'
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/tasks/cucumber.rake by rubocop

This cop checks hash literal syntax.

It can enforce either the use of the class hash rocket syntax or the use of the newer Ruby 1.9 syntax (when applicable).

A separate offense is registered for each problematic pair.

The supported styles are:

  • ruby19 - forces use of the 1.9 syntax (e.g. {a: 1}) when hashes have all symbols for keys
  • hash_rockets - forces use of hash rockets for all hashes
  • nomixedkeys - simply checks for hashes with mixed syntaxes
  • ruby19nomixed_keys - forces use of ruby 1.9 syntax and forbids mixed syntax hashes

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19 (default)

# bad
{:a => 2}
{b: 1, :c => 2}

# good
{a: 2, b: 1}
{:c => 2, 'd' => 2} # acceptable since 'd' isn't a symbol
{d: 1, 'e' => 2} # technically not forbidden

Example: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets

# bad
{a: 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 5}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: nomixedkeys

# bad
{:a => 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 2}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 1, d: 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19nomixed_keys

# bad
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 2, 'd' => 3} # should just use hash rockets

# good
{a: 1, b: 2}
{:c => 3, 'd' => 4}

(...) interpreted as grouped expression.

When (/^I press "Salvar Senha" button$/) do

Checks for space between the name of a called method and a left parenthesis.


# bad

puts (x + y)


# good

puts(x + y)

Use the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax.

  task :default => :cucumber
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/tasks/cucumber.rake by rubocop

This cop checks hash literal syntax.

It can enforce either the use of the class hash rocket syntax or the use of the newer Ruby 1.9 syntax (when applicable).

A separate offense is registered for each problematic pair.

The supported styles are:

  • ruby19 - forces use of the 1.9 syntax (e.g. {a: 1}) when hashes have all symbols for keys
  • hash_rockets - forces use of hash rockets for all hashes
  • nomixedkeys - simply checks for hashes with mixed syntaxes
  • ruby19nomixed_keys - forces use of ruby 1.9 syntax and forbids mixed syntax hashes

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19 (default)

# bad
{:a => 2}
{b: 1, :c => 2}

# good
{a: 2, b: 1}
{:c => 2, 'd' => 2} # acceptable since 'd' isn't a symbol
{d: 1, 'e' => 2} # technically not forbidden

Example: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets

# bad
{a: 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 5}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: nomixedkeys

# bad
{:a => 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 2}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 1, d: 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19nomixed_keys

# bad
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 2, 'd' => 3} # should just use hash rockets

# good
{a: 1, b: 2}
{:c => 3, 'd' => 4}

(...) interpreted as grouped expression.

And (/^I press "Dar Notas" button$/) do

Checks for space between the name of a called method and a left parenthesis.


# bad

puts (x + y)


# good

puts(x + y)

(...) interpreted as grouped expression.

Then (/^I see my classrooms$/) do

Checks for space between the name of a called method and a left parenthesis.


# bad

puts (x + y)


# good

puts(x + y)

(...) interpreted as grouped expression.

And (/^I fill in "Motivo" with "#Descubra"$/) do

Checks for space between the name of a called method and a left parenthesis.


# bad

puts (x + y)


# good

puts(x + y)