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# untilMongod

The `untilMongod` command attempts to connect to a MongoDB® server (`mongod`) or 
sharding front (`mongos`) for a maximum duration.

Its main use is as a way to start using a connection as soon as its server 
becomes available, without relying on manually adjusted timeouts.

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## Syntax

    untilMongo -url mongodb://example.com:11117 -timeout 60
* `-url` is a typical MongoDB URL, defaulting to `mongodb://localhost:27017`
  * It supports the MongoDB driver [Dial() URL options], which is necessary to support connecting to servers 
    directly without
    reaching for the replica set, and other situations like authentication or pool tuning. 
   * Specifically, to connect to a server started as part of a yet-unconfigured replica set, the URL must contain a
     `directConnection=true` query, like:
         untilMongo -url mongodb://example.com:11117?directConnection=true -timeout 60
* `-timeout` is the maximum delay (in seconds) the command will wait before aborting.
* `-v` will increase verbosity, outputting messages on stderr on each retry.

[Dial() URL options]: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/go/current/fundamentals/connection/#std-label-golang

## Exit codes

* 0: connection succeeded
* 1: connection could not be established, normal situation otherwise
* 2: another type of error occurred

## Installing the command

Assuming a Go 1.22 or later toolchain is available, just do:

go install github.com/fgm/untilMongod@latest

This will install the `untilMongod` command in `$GOPATH/bin`, by default:

* `$HOME/go/bin` on UNIX-like systems (Linux, macOS) 
* `%USERPROFILE%\go\bin` on Windows systems.

## Running the Node.JS example

The `examples/example.bash` script show how to use `untilMongo` to run a Node.JS 
application only once the MongoDB server it tries to connect to has become 
available. The application itself is just an example showing the equivalent of
the `rs.Status()` mongo shell command.

It assumes that:

- MongoDB Community has been installed
- Go is installed on the host

To run it:

cd examples
npm i
bash example.bash

## Running tests

untilMongod uses the standard go testing package. 
Tests should pass, regardless of whether a `mongod|mongos` is available at the default `mongodb://localhost:27017` URL, 
but they will only cover the successful connection path if an instance is available.

The recommended ways to run tests are:

# Running all tests and generating coverage.
go test -race -coverprofile coverage -covermode atomic ./...
go tool cover -html coverage

# Running only unit tests
go test -race -short ./...

# Running only integration tests
go test -race -run 'Integration$' ./...

## IP information

* © 2018-2024 Frederic G. MARAND.
* Published under the [General Public License](LICENSE), version 3 or later.
* MongoDB is a trademark of MongoDB, Inc.

## License
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