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# AccessStack
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A general-purpose object "pool" for storing general objects. It can be a connection pool, cache, or even just a factory.

It takes the same parameters as ActiveRecord's connection pool and was built specifically for the gem `Mystic` (it's `Mystic`'s connection pool)

AccessStack is ***threadsafe***, obviously. It uses the `threadsafety` gem.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'access_stack'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install access_stack

## Usage

You can create a stack:

    require "access_stack"

    s = AccessStack.new(
        :pool => 3, # size of pool (default 5)
        :checkout_timeout => 10, # Timeout in seconds for checking a connection out of the pool (default 5)
        :reaping_frequency => 5, # How often to run the reaper, in seconds (Default nil - don't run the reaper)
        :dead_connection_timeout # How long in seconds a connection is considered alive (default 5)
          :create => lambda {
        :destroy => lambda { |instance|
        :validate => lamda { |instance|
          instance.status == CONNECTION_OK
Set a stack's blocks:

    s.create do
      # do something
    s.destroy do |inst|
      # do something with inst
    s.validate do |inst|
      # return whether or not inst is valid
Use an instance:

    res = s.with { |inst| inst.exec("SELECT * FROM users;") }
    # res is a PG::Result now, since that's what the block returned
Eager-load instances:
    s.fill! 5 # Add 5 objects to the stack
    s.fill! -1 # Fill stack to capacity-1
    s.fill! # Fill stack to capacity
Clear out instances:

    s.reap! # Validates each object using expires and validate
    s.clear! # Empties the stack
    s.empty? # Checks if the stack is empty
    s.available? # Whether or not the pool is full
    s.full? # Whether or not the stack is full

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( https://github.com/fhsjaagshs/access_stack/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request