require 'saxon/s9api'
require 'saxon/source'
require 'saxon/configuration'
require 'saxon/document_builder'
require 'saxon/xpath'
require 'saxon/xslt'
require 'saxon/serializer'
module Saxon
# Saxon::Processor wraps the S9API::Processor object. This is the object
# responsible for creating an XSLT compiler or an XML Document object.
# The Processor is threadsafe, and can be shared between threads. But, most
# importantly XSLT or XML objects created by a Processor can only be used
# with other XSLT or XML objects created by the same Processor instance.
class Processor
# Provides a processor with default configuration. Essentially a singleton
# instance
# @return [Saxon::Processor]
def self.default
@processor ||= create(Saxon::Configuration.default)
# @param config [File, String, IO, Saxon::Configuration] an open File, or string,
# containing a Saxon configuration file; an existing Saxon::Configuration
# object
# @return [Saxon::Processor]
def self.create(config = nil)
case config
when nil
licensed_or_config_source = false
when Saxon::Configuration
licensed_or_config_source = config.to_java
licensed_or_config_source = Saxon::Source.create(config).to_java
s9_processor =
# @api private
# @param [net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor] s9_processor The Saxon Processor
# instance to wrap
def initialize(s9_processor)
@s9_processor = s9_processor
# Generate a new DocumentBuilder that uses this Processor. Sharing
# DocumentBuilders across threads is not safe.
# @yield A DocumentBuilder configuration DSL block, see
# {Saxon::DocumentBuilder.create}
# @return [Saxon::DocumentBuilder] A new Saxon::DocumentBuilder
def document_builder(&block)
Saxon::DocumentBuilder.create(self, &block)
# Declare custom collations for use by XSLT, XPath, and XQuery processors
# @param collations [Hash<String => java.text.Collator>] collations to
# declare, as a hash of URI => Collator
def declare_collations(collations)
collations.each do |uri, collation|
@s9_processor.declareCollation(uri, collation)
# Generate a new <tt>XPath::Compiler</tt> that uses this
# <tt>Processor</tt>. Sharing <tt>XPath::Compiler</tt>s across threads is
# fine as long as the static context is not changed.
# @yield An XPath compiler DSL block, see {Saxon::XPath::Compiler.create}
# @return [Saxon::XPath::Compiler] a new XPath compiler
def xpath_compiler(&block)
Saxon::XPath::Compiler.create(self, &block)
# Generate a new <tt>XSLT::Compiler</tt> that uses this
# <tt>Processor</tt>. Sharing <tt>XSLT::Compiler</tt>s across threads is
# fine as long as the static context is not changed.
# @yield An XSLT compiler DSL block, see {Saxon::XSLT::Compiler.create}
# @return [Saxon::XSLT::Compiler] a new XSLT compiler
def xslt_compiler(&block)
Saxon::XSLT::Compiler.create(self, &block)
# Generate a new +Serializer+ for directly serializing XDM Values that uses
# this +Processor+. +Serializer+s are effectively one-shot objects, and
# shouldn't be reused.
# @yield the block passed will be called bound to the serializer instance. See
# {Saxon::Serializer::Object.create}
# @return [Saxon::Serializer::Object]
def serializer(&block)
Saxon::Serializer::Object.create(self, &block)
# @return [net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor] The underlying Saxon processor
def to_java
# compare equal if the underlying java processor is the same instance for
# self and other
# @param other object to compare against
def ==(other)
other.to_java === to_java
# @return [Saxon::Configuration] This processor's configuration instance
def config
@config ||= Saxon::Configuration.create(self)
# Create a {DocumentBuilder} and construct a {Source} and parse some XML.
# The args are passed to {Saxon::Source.create}, and the returned {Source}
# is parsed using {DocumentBuilder#build}. If a {Source} is passed in, parse
# that. Any options in +opts+ will be ignored in that case.
# @param input [Saxon::Source, IO, File, String, Pathname, URI] the input to
# be turned into a {Source} and parsed.
# @param opts [Hash] for Source creation. See {Saxon::Source.create}.
# @return [Saxon::XDM::Node] the XML document
def XML(input, opts = {})
source = Source.create(input, opts)
# Construct a {Source} containing an XSLT stylesheet, create an
# {XSLT::Compiler}, and compile the source, returning the {XSLT::Executable}
# produced. If a {Source} is passed as +input+, then it will be passed
# through to the compiler and any source-related options in +opts+ will be
# ignored.
# @param input [Saxon::Source, IO, File, String, Pathname, URI] the input to
# be turned into a {Source} and parsed.
# @param opts [Hash] for Source creation. See {Saxon::Source.create}.
# @yield the block is executed as an {XSLT::EvaluationContext::DSL} instance
# and applied to the compiler
# @return [Saxon::XSLT::Executable] the XSLT Executable
def XSLT(input, opts = {}, &block)
source = Source.create(input, opts)