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        <h4>Set this Filelink's transform_url to include the partial_blur task</h4>
        <h2 id="signature">Signature</h2>
        <div class="styled synopsis">
          <code>public function partialBlur([integer
        $amount = 10,
        $blur = 4,
        $objects = ,
        $type = 'rect']]]] )
        <h2 id="parameterlist">Parameters</h2>
        <dl class="styled">
          <dd>The amount to blur the image. Range is 1 to 20</dd>
          <dd>The amount to blur the image. Range is 0 to 20.</dd>
          <dd>The area(s) of the image to blur. This variable<br/>is an array of arrays. Each array input for<br/>this parameter defines a different section of<br/>the image and must have exactly 4 integers:<br/>'x coordinate,y coordinate,width,height' - e.g.<br/>[[10,20,200,250]] selects a 200x250px rectangle<br/>starting 10 pixels from the left edge of the<br/>image and 20 pixels from the top edge of the<br/>image. The values for these arrays can be any<br/>                             integer from 0 to 10000.</dd>
          <dd>The shape of the blur area. The options are rect<br/>(for a rectangle shape) or oval (for an oval shape).</dd>
        <h2 id="return">Returns</h2>
        <dl class="styled">
        <h2 id="throws">Errors/Exceptions</h2>
        <dl class="styled">
              <a title="Filestack\FilestackException" href="../../classes/Filestack_FilestackException.html">FilestackException</a>
          <dd>if API call fails, e.g 404 file not found</dd>
        <h2 id="tests">Test Coverage</h2>
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          <ul class="styled">
            <li>Coverage: / Lines (%)</li>
            <li>Tests: 0</li>
            <li>Passed: 0 (0%)</li>
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