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Test Coverage
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Data.Shebang (
  -- * Decoding
  , decodeEither
  -- * Smoke tests
  , hasShebang
  -- * Reading
  , readFirstLine
  -- * Core types
  , Shebang(..)
  , Interpretter(..)
  , Argument(..)
) where

import           Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import           Data.Word


-- | Newtype wrapper for Interpretter.
newtype Interpretter = Interpretter { _interpretter :: BS.ByteString }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Newtype wrapper for argument.
newtype Argument = Argument { _argument :: BS.ByteString }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Value representing a Shebang of the form #!interpreter [optional-arg].
data Shebang = Shebang Interpretter (Maybe Argument)
  deriving (Eq, Show)


-- | Checks the magic characters of a ByteString
hasShebang :: BSL.ByteString -> Bool
hasShebang x = BSL.take 2 x == "#!"


-- | Reads first line of a file.
readFirstLine :: FilePath -> IO BSL.ByteString
readFirstLine path = do
  contents <- BSL.readFile path
  return $ BSL.takeWhile (\x -> not $ x == 10 || x == 13) contents


-- | Takes a ByteString and maybe returns a Shebang.
decode :: BSL.ByteString -> Maybe Shebang
decode = maybeResult . parse shebang


-- | Takes a ByteString and returns a Shebang or an error string.
decodeEither :: BSL.ByteString -> Either String Shebang
decodeEither = eitherResult . parse shebang


-- | Simple Shebang parser.
shebang :: Parser Shebang
shebang = do
  _            <- string "#!"
  interpretter <- takeTill (\x -> whitespace x || endOfLine x)
  argument     <- option "" $ do
    _          <- string " "
    takeTill endOfLine
  return $! case argument of
    "" -> Shebang (Interpretter interpretter) Nothing
    x  -> Shebang (Interpretter interpretter) (Just (Argument x))


-- | Character representing a carriage return.
carriageReturn :: Word8 -> Bool
carriageReturn = (==) 13


-- | Characters representing end of line.
endOfLine :: Word8 -> Bool
endOfLine x = newline x || carriageReturn x


-- | Character representing a new line.
newline :: Word8 -> Bool
newline = (==) 10


-- | Character representing spaces.
whitespace :: Word8 -> Bool
whitespace = (==) 32