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Test Coverage

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Have a usage question?
We get lots of those and we love helping you, but GitHub is not the best place for them. Issues
which just ask about usage will be closed. Here are some resources to get help:

- Start with the quickstart:
- Go through the tutorial:
- Read the full API reference:
- See the example app:

If our docs and examples don't help, you can reach us through one of the following channels:

- Ask a question with the #firebase and #emberfire tags on Stack Overflow:,firebase
- Start a new thread on the Firebase Google Group:!forum/firebase-talk
- Join the Firebase Slack community:

**Please avoid double posting across multiple channels!**

Think you found a bug?
Yeah, we're definitely not perfect! Please use the bug report template below and include a minimal repro when opening the issue.

Have a feature request?
Great, we love hearing how we can improve our products! Just remove the template below and provide an explanation of your feature request. Provide code samples if applicable. Try to think about what it will allow you to do that you can't do today? How will it make current workarounds straightforward? What potential bugs and edge cases does it help to avoid?


### Version info

<!-- What versions of the following libraries are you using? Note that your issue may already be fixed in the latest versions. You can paste the version listing from the browser dev console here. -->

DEBUG: -------------------------------
DEBUG: Ember      : x.x.x
DEBUG: Ember Data : x.x.x
DEBUG: Firebase   : x.x.x
DEBUG: EmberFire  : x.x.x
DEBUG: jQuery     : x.x.x
DEBUG: -------------------------------

### Test case

<!-- Provide a minimal, complete, and verifiable example ( using either Plunker ( or JSFiddle ( -->

### Steps to reproduce

<!-- Provide the steps needed to reproduce the issue given the above test case. -->

### Expected behavior

<!-- What is the expected behavior? -->

### Actual behavior

<!-- What is the actual behavior? -->