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# Prometheus endpoint

<img src="" width="150"/>

Plugin: go.d.plugin
Module: prometheus

<img src="" />

## Overview

This generic Prometheus collector gathers metrics from any [`Prometheus`]( endpoints.

It collects metrics by periodically sending HTTP requests to the target instance.

This collector is supported on all platforms.

This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.

### Default Behavior

#### Auto-Detection

By default, it detects instances running on the local host by trying to connect to known ports that are [allocated to exporters](

#### Limits

The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.

#### Performance Impact

The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.

## Metrics

This collector has built-in grouping logic based on the [type of metrics](

| Metric                    | Chart                                     | Dimension(s)         | Algorithm   |
| Gauge                     | for each label set                        | one, the metric name | absolute    |
| Counter                   | for each label set                        | one, the metric name | incremental |
| Summary (quantiles)       | for each label set (excluding 'quantile') | for each quantile    | absolute    |
| Summary (sum and count)   | for each label set                        | the metric name      | incremental |
| Histogram (buckets)       | for each label set (excluding 'le')       | for each bucket      | incremental |
| Histogram (sum and count) | for each label set                        | the metric name      | incremental |

Untyped metrics (have no '# TYPE') processing:

- As Counter or Gauge depending on pattern match when 'fallback_type' is used.
- As Counter if it has suffix '_total'.
- As Summary if it has 'quantile' label.
- As Histogram if it has 'le' label.

**The rest are ignored**.

## Alerts

There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.

## Setup

### Prerequisites

No action required.

### Configuration

#### File

The configuration file name for this integration is `go.d/prometheus.conf`.

You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
Netdata [config directory](/docs/netdata-agent/configuration/

cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
sudo ./edit-config go.d/prometheus.conf
#### Options

The following options can be defined globally: update_every, autodetection_retry.

<details open><summary>Config options</summary>

| Name | Description | Default | Required |
| update_every | Data collection frequency. | 10 | no |
| autodetection_retry | Recheck interval in seconds. Zero means no recheck will be scheduled. | 0 | no |
| url | Server URL. |  | yes |
| selector | Time series selector (filter). |  | no |
| fallback_type | Time series selector (filter). |  | no |
| max_time_series | Global time series limit. If an endpoint returns number of time series > limit the data is not processed. | 2000 | no |
| max_time_series_per_metric | Time series per metric (metric name) limit. Metrics with number of time series > limit are skipped. | 200 | no |
| label_prefix | An optional prefix that will be added to all labels of all charts. If set, the label names will be automatically formatted as `prefix_name` (the prefix followed by an underscore and the original name). |  | no |
| timeout | HTTP request timeout. | 10 | no |
| username | Username for basic HTTP authentication. |  | no |
| password | Password for basic HTTP authentication. |  | no |
| proxy_url | Proxy URL. |  | no |
| proxy_username | Username for proxy basic HTTP authentication. |  | no |
| proxy_password | Password for proxy basic HTTP authentication. |  | no |
| method | HTTP request method. | GET | no |
| body | HTTP request body. |  | no |
| headers | HTTP request headers. |  | no |
| not_follow_redirects | Redirect handling policy. Controls whether the client follows redirects. | no | no |
| tls_skip_verify | Server certificate chain and hostname validation policy. Controls whether the client performs this check. | no | no |
| tls_ca | Certification authority that the client uses when verifying the server's certificates. |  | no |
| tls_cert | Client TLS certificate. |  | no |
| tls_key | Client TLS key. |  | no |

##### selector

This option allows you to filter out unwanted time series. Only metrics matching the selector will be collected.

- Logic: (pattern1 OR pattern2) AND !(pattern3 or pattern4)
- Pattern syntax: [selector](/src/go/plugin/go.d/pkg/prometheus/selector/
- Option syntax:

    - pattern1
    - pattern2
    - pattern3
    - pattern4

##### fallback_type

This option allows you to process Untyped metrics as Counter or Gauge instead of ignoring them.

- Metric name pattern syntax: [shell file name pattern](
- Option syntax:

    - metric_name_pattern1
    - metric_name_pattern2
    - metric_name_pattern3
    - metric_name_pattern4


#### Examples

##### Basic

> **Note**: Change the port of the monitored application on which it provides metrics.

A basic example configuration.

  - name: local

##### Read metrics from a file

An example configuration to read metrics from a file.

<details open><summary>Config</summary>

# use "file://" scheme
  - name: myapp
    url: file:///opt/metrics/myapp/metrics.txt


##### HTTP authentication

> **Note**: Change the port of the monitored application on which it provides metrics.

Basic HTTP authentication.

<details open><summary>Config</summary>

  - name: local
    username: username
    password: password


##### HTTPS with self-signed certificate

> **Note**: Change the port of the monitored application on which it provides metrics.

Do not validate server certificate chain and hostname.

<details open><summary>Config</summary>

  - name: local
    tls_skip_verify: yes


##### Multi-instance

> **Note**: When you define multiple jobs, their names must be unique.
> **Note**: Change the port of the monitored application on which it provides metrics.

Collecting metrics from local and remote instances.

<details open><summary>Config</summary>

  - name: local

  - name: remote


## Troubleshooting

### Debug Mode

**Important**: Debug mode is not supported for data collection jobs created via the UI using the Dyncfg feature.

To troubleshoot issues with the `prometheus` collector, run the `go.d.plugin` with the debug option enabled. The output
should give you clues as to why the collector isn't working.

- Navigate to the `plugins.d` directory, usually at `/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/`. If that's not the case on
  your system, open `netdata.conf` and look for the `plugins` setting under `[directories]`.

  cd /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/

- Switch to the `netdata` user.

  sudo -u netdata -s

- Run the `go.d.plugin` to debug the collector:

  ./go.d.plugin -d -m prometheus

### Getting Logs

If you're encountering problems with the `prometheus` collector, follow these steps to retrieve logs and identify potential issues:

- **Run the command** specific to your system (systemd, non-systemd, or Docker container).
- **Examine the output** for any warnings or error messages that might indicate issues.  These messages should provide clues about the root cause of the problem.

#### System with systemd

Use the following command to view logs generated since the last Netdata service restart:

journalctl _SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID="$(systemctl show --value --property=InvocationID netdata)" --namespace=netdata --grep prometheus

#### System without systemd

Locate the collector log file, typically at `/var/log/netdata/collector.log`, and use `grep` to filter for collector's name:

grep prometheus /var/log/netdata/collector.log

**Note**: This method shows logs from all restarts. Focus on the **latest entries** for troubleshooting current issues.

#### Docker Container

If your Netdata runs in a Docker container named "netdata" (replace if different), use this command:

docker logs netdata 2>&1 | grep prometheus