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1 day
Test Coverage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

package weblog

import (

// TODO: it is not clear how to handle "-", current handling is not good
// In general it is:
//   - If a field is unused in a particular entry dash "-" marks the omitted field.
// In addition to that "-" is used as zero value in:
//   - apache: %b '-' when no bytes are sent.
// Log Format:
//  - CLF:
//  - ELF:
//  - Apache CLF:

// Variables:
//  - nginx:
//  - apache:
//  - IIS:

| nginx                   | apache    | description                                   |
| $host ($http_host)      | %v        | Name of the server which accepted a request.
| $server_port            | %p        | Port of the server which accepted a request.
| $scheme                 | -         | Request scheme. "http" or "https".
| $remote_addr            | %a (%h)   | Client address.
| $request                | %r        | Full original request line. The line is "$request_method $request_uri $server_protocol".
| $request_method         | %m        | Request method. Usually "GET" or "POST".
| $request_uri            | %U        | Full original request URI.
| $server_protocol        | %H        | Request protocol. Usually "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1", or "HTTP/2.0".
| $status                 | %s (%>s)  | Response status code.
| $request_length         | %I        | Bytes received from a client, including request and headers.
| $bytes_sent             | %O        | Bytes sent to a client, including request and headers.
| $body_bytes_sent        | %B (%b)   | Bytes sent to a client, not counting the response header.
| $request_time           | %D        | Request processing time.
| $upstream_response_time | -         | Time spent on receiving the response from the upstream server.
| $ssl_protocol           | -         | Protocol of an established SSL connection.
| $ssl_cipher             | -         | String of ciphers used for an established SSL connection.

var (
    errEmptyLine         = errors.New("empty line")
    errBadVhost          = errors.New("bad vhost")
    errBadVhostPort      = errors.New("bad vhost with port")
    errBadPort           = errors.New("bad port")
    errBadReqScheme      = errors.New("bad req scheme")
    errBadReqClient      = errors.New("bad req client")
    errBadRequest        = errors.New("bad request")
    errBadReqMethod      = errors.New("bad req method")
    errBadReqURL         = errors.New("bad req url")
    errBadReqProto       = errors.New("bad req protocol")
    errBadReqSize        = errors.New("bad req size")
    errBadRespCode       = errors.New("bad resp status code")
    errBadRespSize       = errors.New("bad resp size")
    errBadReqProcTime    = errors.New("bad req processing time")
    errBadUpsRespTime    = errors.New("bad upstream resp time")
    errBadSSLProto       = errors.New("bad ssl protocol")
    errBadSSLCipherSuite = errors.New("bad ssl cipher suite")

func newEmptyLogLine() *logLine {
    var l logLine
    l.custom.fields = make(map[string]struct{})
    l.custom.values = make([]customValue, 0, 20)
    return &l

type (
    logLine struct {
        custom custom
    web struct {
        vhost          string
        port           string
        reqScheme      string
        reqClient      string
        reqMethod      string
        reqURL         string
        reqProto       string
        reqSize        int
        reqProcTime    float64
        respCode       int
        respSize       int
        upsRespTime    float64
        sslProto       string
        sslCipherSuite string
    custom struct {
        fields map[string]struct{}
        values []customValue
    customValue struct {
        name  string
        value string

func (l *logLine) Assign(field string, value string) (err error) {
    if value == "" {

    switch field {
    case "host", "http_host", "v":
        err = l.assignVhost(value)
    case "server_port", "p":
        err = l.assignPort(value)
    case "host:$server_port", "v:%p":
        err = l.assignVhostWithPort(value)
    case "scheme":
        err = l.assignReqScheme(value)
    case "remote_addr", "a", "h":
        err = l.assignReqClient(value)
    case "request", "r":
        err = l.assignRequest(value)
    case "request_method", "m":
        err = l.assignReqMethod(value)
    case "request_uri", "U":
        err = l.assignReqURL(value)
    case "server_protocol", "H":
        err = l.assignReqProto(value)
    case "status", "s", ">s":
        err = l.assignRespCode(value)
    case "request_length", "I":
        err = l.assignReqSize(value)
    case "bytes_sent", "body_bytes_sent", "b", "O", "B":
        err = l.assignRespSize(value)
    case "request_time", "D":
        err = l.assignReqProcTime(value)
    case "upstream_response_time":
        err = l.assignUpsRespTime(value)
    case "ssl_protocol":
        err = l.assignSSLProto(value)
    case "ssl_cipher":
        err = l.assignSSLCipherSuite(value)
        err = l.assignCustom(field, value)
    if err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", field, err)
    return err

const hyphen = "-"

func (l *logLine) assignVhost(vhost string) error {
    if vhost == hyphen {
        return nil
    // nginx $host and $http_host returns ipv6 in [], apache not
    if idx := strings.IndexByte(vhost, ']'); idx > 0 {
        vhost = vhost[1:idx]
    l.vhost = vhost
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignPort(port string) error {
    if port == hyphen {
        return nil
    if !isPortValid(port) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s' : %w", port, errBadPort)
    l.port = port
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignVhostWithPort(vhostPort string) error {
    if vhostPort == hyphen {
        return nil
    idx := strings.LastIndexByte(vhostPort, ':')
    if idx == -1 {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s' : %w", vhostPort, errBadVhostPort)
    if err := l.assignPort(vhostPort[idx+1:]); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s' : %w", vhostPort, errBadVhostPort)
    if err := l.assignVhost(vhostPort[0:idx]); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s' : %w", vhostPort, errBadVhostPort)
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignReqScheme(scheme string) error {
    if scheme == hyphen {
        return nil
    if !isSchemeValid(scheme) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s' : %w", scheme, errBadReqScheme)
    l.reqScheme = scheme
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignReqClient(client string) error {
    if client == hyphen {
        return nil
    l.reqClient = client
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignRequest(request string) error {
    if request == hyphen {
        return nil
    var first, last int
    if first = strings.IndexByte(request, ' '); first < 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", request, errBadRequest)
    if last = strings.LastIndexByte(request, ' '); first == last {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", request, errBadRequest)
    proto := request[last+1:]
    url := request[first+1 : last]
    method := request[0:first]
    if err := l.assignReqMethod(method); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := l.assignReqURL(url); err != nil {
        return err
    return l.assignReqProto(proto)

func (l *logLine) assignReqMethod(method string) error {
    if method == hyphen {
        return nil
    if !isReqMethodValid(method) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s' : %w", method, errBadReqMethod)
    l.reqMethod = method
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignReqURL(url string) error {
    if url == hyphen {
        return nil
    if isEmptyString(url) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s' : %w", url, errBadReqURL)
    l.reqURL = url
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignReqProto(proto string) error {
    if proto == hyphen {
        return nil
    if !isReqProtoValid(proto) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", proto, errBadReqProto)
    l.reqProto = proto[5:]
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignRespCode(status string) error {
    if status == hyphen {
        return nil
    v, err := strconv.Atoi(status)
    if err != nil || !isRespCodeValid(v) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", status, errBadRespCode)
    l.respCode = v
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignReqSize(size string) error {
    // apache: can be "-" according web_log py regexp.
    if size == hyphen {
        l.reqSize = 0
        return nil
    v, err := strconv.Atoi(size)
    if err != nil || !isSizeValid(v) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", size, errBadReqSize)
    l.reqSize = v
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignRespSize(size string) error {
    // apache: %b. In CLF format, i.e. a '-' rather than a 0 when no bytes are sent.
    if size == hyphen {
        l.respSize = 0
        return nil
    v, err := strconv.Atoi(size)
    if err != nil || !isSizeValid(v) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", size, errBadRespSize)
    l.respSize = v
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignReqProcTime(time string) error {
    if time == hyphen {
        return nil
    if time == "0.000" {
        l.reqProcTime = 0
        return nil
    v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(time, 64)
    if err != nil || !isTimeValid(v) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", time, errBadReqProcTime)
    l.reqProcTime = v * timeMultiplier(time)
    return nil

func isUpstreamTimeSeparator(r rune) bool { return r == ',' || r == ':' }

func (l *logLine) assignUpsRespTime(time string) error {
    if time == hyphen {
        return nil

    // the upstream response time string can contain multiple values, separated
    // by commas (in case the request was handled by multiple servers), or colons
    // (in case the request passed between multiple server groups via an internal redirect)
    // the individual values should be summed up to obtain the correct amount of time
    // the request spent in upstream
    var sum float64
    for _, val := range strings.FieldsFunc(time, isUpstreamTimeSeparator) {
        val = strings.TrimSpace(val)
        v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
        if err != nil || !isTimeValid(v) {
            return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", time, errBadUpsRespTime)

        sum += v

    l.upsRespTime = sum * timeMultiplier(time)
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignSSLProto(proto string) error {
    if proto == hyphen {
        return nil
    if !isSSLProtoValid(proto) {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", proto, errBadSSLProto)
    l.sslProto = proto
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignSSLCipherSuite(cipher string) error {
    if cipher == hyphen {
        return nil
    if strings.IndexByte(cipher, '-') <= 0 && strings.IndexByte(cipher, '_') <= 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("assign '%s': %w", cipher, errBadSSLCipherSuite)
    l.sslCipherSuite = cipher
    return nil

func (l *logLine) assignCustom(field, value string) error {
    if len(l.custom.fields) == 0 || value == hyphen {
        return nil
    if _, ok := l.custom.fields[field]; ok {
        l.custom.values = append(l.custom.values, customValue{name: field, value: value})
    return nil

func (l *logLine) verify() error {
    if l.empty() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify: %w", errEmptyLine)
    if l.hasRespCode() && !l.isRespCodeValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%d': %w", l.respCode, errBadRespCode)
    if l.hasVhost() && !l.isVhostValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%s': %w", l.vhost, errBadVhost)
    if l.hasPort() && !l.isPortValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%s': %w", l.port, errBadPort)
    if l.hasReqScheme() && !l.isSchemeValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%s': %w", l.reqScheme, errBadReqScheme)
    if l.hasReqClient() && !l.isClientValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%s': %w", l.reqClient, errBadReqClient)
    if l.hasReqMethod() && !l.isMethodValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%s': %w", l.reqMethod, errBadReqMethod)
    if l.hasReqURL() && !l.isURLValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%s': %w", l.reqURL, errBadReqURL)
    if l.hasReqProto() && !l.isProtoValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%s': %w", l.reqProto, errBadReqProto)
    if l.hasReqSize() && !l.isReqSizeValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%d': %w", l.reqSize, errBadReqSize)
    if l.hasRespSize() && !l.isRespSizeValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%d': %w", l.respSize, errBadRespSize)
    if l.hasReqProcTime() && !l.isReqProcTimeValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%f': %w", l.reqProcTime, errBadReqProcTime)
    if l.hasUpsRespTime() && !l.isUpsRespTimeValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%f': %w", l.upsRespTime, errBadUpsRespTime)
    if l.hasSSLProto() && !l.isSSLProtoValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%s': %w", l.sslProto, errBadSSLProto)
    if l.hasSSLCipherSuite() && !l.isSSLCipherSuiteValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("verify '%s': %w", l.sslCipherSuite, errBadSSLCipherSuite)
    return nil

func (l *logLine) empty() bool                 { return !l.hasWebFields() && !l.hasCustomFields() }
func (l *logLine) hasCustomFields() bool       { return len(l.custom.values) > 0 }
func (l *logLine) hasWebFields() bool          { return l.web != emptyWebFields }
func (l *logLine) hasVhost() bool              { return !isEmptyString(l.vhost) }
func (l *logLine) hasPort() bool               { return !isEmptyString(l.port) }
func (l *logLine) hasReqScheme() bool          { return !isEmptyString(l.reqScheme) }
func (l *logLine) hasReqClient() bool          { return !isEmptyString(l.reqClient) }
func (l *logLine) hasReqMethod() bool          { return !isEmptyString(l.reqMethod) }
func (l *logLine) hasReqURL() bool             { return !isEmptyString(l.reqURL) }
func (l *logLine) hasReqProto() bool           { return !isEmptyString(l.reqProto) }
func (l *logLine) hasRespCode() bool           { return !isEmptyNumber(l.respCode) }
func (l *logLine) hasReqSize() bool            { return !isEmptyNumber(l.reqSize) }
func (l *logLine) hasRespSize() bool           { return !isEmptyNumber(l.respSize) }
func (l *logLine) hasReqProcTime() bool        { return !isEmptyNumber(int(l.reqProcTime)) }
func (l *logLine) hasUpsRespTime() bool        { return !isEmptyNumber(int(l.upsRespTime)) }
func (l *logLine) hasSSLProto() bool           { return !isEmptyString(l.sslProto) }
func (l *logLine) hasSSLCipherSuite() bool     { return !isEmptyString(l.sslCipherSuite) }
func (l *logLine) isVhostValid() bool          { return reVhost.MatchString(l.vhost) }
func (l *logLine) isPortValid() bool           { return isPortValid(l.port) }
func (l *logLine) isSchemeValid() bool         { return isSchemeValid(l.reqScheme) }
func (l *logLine) isClientValid() bool         { return reClient.MatchString(l.reqClient) }
func (l *logLine) isMethodValid() bool         { return isReqMethodValid(l.reqMethod) }
func (l *logLine) isURLValid() bool            { return !isEmptyString(l.reqURL) }
func (l *logLine) isProtoValid() bool          { return isReqProtoVerValid(l.reqProto) }
func (l *logLine) isRespCodeValid() bool       { return isRespCodeValid(l.respCode) }
func (l *logLine) isReqSizeValid() bool        { return isSizeValid(l.reqSize) }
func (l *logLine) isRespSizeValid() bool       { return isSizeValid(l.respSize) }
func (l *logLine) isReqProcTimeValid() bool    { return isTimeValid(l.reqProcTime) }
func (l *logLine) isUpsRespTimeValid() bool    { return isTimeValid(l.upsRespTime) }
func (l *logLine) isSSLProtoValid() bool       { return isSSLProtoValid(l.sslProto) }
func (l *logLine) isSSLCipherSuiteValid() bool { return reCipherSuite.MatchString(l.sslCipherSuite) }

func (l *logLine) reset() {
    l.web = emptyWebFields
    l.custom.values = l.custom.values[:0]

var (
    // TODO: reClient doesn't work with %h when HostnameLookups is On.
    reVhost       = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9-:.]+$`)
    reClient      = regexp.MustCompile(`^([\da-f:.]+|localhost)$`)
    reCipherSuite = regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Z0-9-_]+$`) // openssl -v

var emptyWebFields = web{
    vhost:          emptyString,
    port:           emptyString,
    reqScheme:      emptyString,
    reqClient:      emptyString,
    reqMethod:      emptyString,
    reqURL:         emptyString,
    reqProto:       emptyString,
    reqSize:        emptyNumber,
    reqProcTime:    emptyNumber,
    respCode:       emptyNumber,
    respSize:       emptyNumber,
    upsRespTime:    emptyNumber,
    sslProto:       emptyString,
    sslCipherSuite: emptyString,

const (
    emptyString = "__empty_string__"
    emptyNumber = -9999

func isEmptyString(s string) bool {
    return s == emptyString || s == ""

func isEmptyNumber(n int) bool {
    return n == emptyNumber

func isReqMethodValid(method string) bool {
    switch method {
    case "GET",
        "PURGE", // not a standardized HTTP method
        return true
    return false

func isReqProtoValid(proto string) bool {
    return len(proto) >= 6 && proto[:5] == "HTTP/" && isReqProtoVerValid(proto[5:])

func isReqProtoVerValid(version string) bool {
    switch version {
    case "1.1", "1", "1.0", "2", "2.0", "3", "3.0":
        return true
    return false

func isPortValid(port string) bool {
    v, err := strconv.Atoi(port)
    return err == nil && v >= 80 && v <= 49151

func isSchemeValid(scheme string) bool {
    return scheme == "http" || scheme == "https"

func isRespCodeValid(code int) bool {
    // rfc7231
    // Informational responses (100–199),
    // Successful responses (200–299),
    // Redirects (300–399),
    // Client errors (400–499),
    // Server errors (500–599).
    return code >= 100 && code <= 600

func isSizeValid(size int) bool {
    return size >= 0

func isTimeValid(time float64) bool {
    return time >= 0

func isSSLProtoValid(proto string) bool {
    if proto == "TLSv1.2" {
        return true
    switch proto {
    case "TLSv1.3", "SSLv2", "SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1":
        return true
    return false

func timeMultiplier(time string) float64 {
    // TODO: Change code to detect and modify properly IIS time (in milliseconds)
    // Convert to microseconds:
    //   - nginx time is in seconds with a milliseconds' resolution.
    if strings.IndexByte(time, '.') > 0 {
        return 1e6
    //   - apache time is in microseconds.
    return 1