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title: "Time series selector"
custom_edit_url: "/src/go/plugin/go.d/pkg/prometheus/selector/"
sidebar_label: "Time series selector"
learn_status: "Published"
learn_rel_path: "Developers/External plugins/go.d.plugin/Helper Packages"

# Time series selector

Selectors allow selecting and filtering of a set of time series.

## Simple Selector

In the simplest form you need to specify only a metric name.

### Syntax

 <line>                 ::= <metric_name_pattern>
 <metric_name_pattern>  ::= simple pattern

The metric name pattern syntax is [simple pattern](/src/libnetdata/simple_pattern/

### Examples

This example selects all time series that have the `go_memstats_alloc_bytes` metric name:


This example selects all time series with metric names starts with `go_memstats_`:


This example selects all time series with metric names starts with `go_` except `go_memstats_`:

!go_memstats_* go_*

## Advanced Selector

It is possible to filter these time series further by appending a comma separated list of label matchers in curly braces (`{}`).

### Syntax

 <line>                 ::= [ <metric_name_pattern> ]{ <list_of_selectors> }
 <metric_name_pattern>  ::= simple pattern
 <list_of_selectors>    ::= a comma separated list <label_name><op><label_value_pattern>
 <label_name>           ::= an exact label name
 <op>                   ::= [ '=', '!=', '=~', '!~', '=*', '!*' ]
 <label_value_pattern>  ::= a label value pattern, depends on <op>

The metric name pattern syntax is [simple pattern](/src/libnetdata/simple_pattern/

Label matching operators:

-   `=`: Match labels that are exactly equal to the provided string.
-   `!=`: Match labels that are not equal to the provided string.
-   `=~`: Match labels that [regex-match]( the provided string.
-   `!~`: Match labels that do not [regex-match]( the provided string.
-   `=*`: Match labels that [simple-pattern-match](/src/libnetdata/simple_pattern/ the provided string.
-   `!*`: Match labels that do not [simple-pattern-match](/src/libnetdata/simple_pattern/ the provided string.

### Examples

This example selects all time series that:

-   have the `node_cooling_device_cur_state` metric name and
-   label `type` value not equal to `Fan`:


This example selects all time series that:

-   have the `node_filesystem_size_bytes` metric name and
-   label `device` value is either `/dev/nvme0n1p1` or `/dev/nvme0n1p2` and
-   label `fstype` is equal to `ext4`


Label matchers can also be applied to metric names by matching against the internal `__name__` label.

For example, the expression `node_filesystem_size_bytes` is equivalent to `{__name__="node_filesystem_size_bytes"}`.
This allows using all operators (other than `=*`) for metric names matching.

The following expression selects all metrics that have a name starting with `node_`:
