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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Netdata Logs Management default configuration
# See full explanation on
# To add a new log source, a new section must be added in this 
# file with at least the following settings:
#     enabled = yes
#     log type = flb_tail
# For a list of all available log types, see:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[kmsg Logs]
    ## Example: Log collector that will collect new kernel ring buffer logs

    ## Required settings
    enabled = yes
    log type = flb_kmsg

    ## Optional settings, common to all log source. 
    ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf.
    # update every = 1
    # update timeout = 10
    use log timestamp = no
    # circular buffer max size MiB = 64
    # circular buffer drop logs if full = no
    # compression acceleration = 1
    # db mode = none
    # circular buffer flush to db = 6
    # disk space limit MiB = 500

    ## Drop kernel logs with priority higher than prio_level.
    # prio level = 8

    ## Charts to enable
    # collected logs total chart enable = no
    # collected logs rate chart enable = yes
    severity chart = yes
    subsystem chart = yes
    device chart = yes

    ## Example of capturing specific kmsg events:
    # custom 1 chart = USB connect/disconnect
    # custom 1 regex name = connect
    # custom 1 regex = .*\bNew USB device found\b.*

    # custom 2 chart = USB connect/disconnect
    # custom 2 regex name = disconnect
    # custom 2 regex = .*\bUSB disconnect\b.*

[Systemd Logs]
    ## Example: Log collector that will query journald to collect system logs

    ## Required settings
    enabled = yes
    log type = flb_systemd

    ## Optional settings, common to all log source. 
    ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf.
    # update every = 1
    # update timeout = 10
    # use log timestamp = auto
    # circular buffer max size MiB = 64
    # circular buffer drop logs if full = no
    # compression acceleration = 1
    # db mode = none
    # circular buffer flush to db = 6
    # disk space limit MiB = 500

    ## Use default path to Systemd Journal
    log path = auto

    ## Charts to enable
    # collected logs total chart enable = no
    # collected logs rate chart enable = yes
    priority value chart = yes
    severity chart = yes
    facility chart = yes

[Docker Events Logs]
    ## Example: Log collector that will monitor the Docker daemon socket and
    ## collect Docker event logs in a default format similar to executing 
    ## the `sudo docker events` command.

    ## Required settings
    enabled = yes
    log type = flb_docker_events

    ## Optional settings, common to all log source. 
    ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf.
    # update every = 1
    # update timeout = 10
    # use log timestamp = auto
    # circular buffer max size MiB = 64
    # circular buffer drop logs if full = no
    # compression acceleration = 1
    # db mode = none
    # circular buffer flush to db = 6
    # disk space limit MiB = 500

    ## Use default Docker socket UNIX path: /var/run/docker.sock
    log path = auto

    ## Submit structured log entries to the system journal
    # submit logs to system journal = no

    ## Charts to enable
    # collected logs total chart enable = no
    # collected logs rate chart enable = yes
    event type chart = yes
    event action chart = yes

    ## Example of how to capture create / attach / die events for a named container:
    # custom 1 chart = serverA events
    # custom 1 regex name = container create
    # custom 1 regex = .*\bcontainer create\b.*\bname=serverA\b.*

    # custom 2 chart = serverA events
    # custom 2 regex name = container attach
    # custom 2 regex = .*\bcontainer attach\b.*\bname=serverA\b.*

    # custom 3 chart = serverA events
    # custom 3 regex name = container die
    # custom 3 regex = .*\bcontainer die\b.*\bname=serverA\b.*

    ## Stream to
    # output 1 name             = http
    # output 1 URI              = YOUR_API_URI
    # output 1 Host             =
    # output 1 Port             = 443
    # output 1 tls              = On
    # output 1 Format           = json
    # output 1 Json_date_key    = _timestamp
    # output 1 Json_date_format = iso8601
    # output 1 HTTP_User        =
    # output 1 HTTP_Passwd      = YOUR_OPENOBSERVE_PASSWORD
    # output 1 compress         = gzip

    ## Real-time export to /tmp/docker_event_logs.csv
    # output 2 name             = file
    # output 2 Path             = /tmp
    # output 2 File             = docker_event_logs.csv

[Apache access.log]
    ## Example: Log collector that will tail Apache's access.log file and 
    ## parse each new record to extract common web server metrics.

    ## Required settings
    enabled = yes
    log type = flb_web_log

    ## Optional settings, common to all log source. 
    ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf.
    # update every = 1
    # update timeout = 10
    # use log timestamp = auto
    # circular buffer max size MiB = 64
    # circular buffer drop logs if full = no
    # compression acceleration = 1
    # db mode = none
    # circular buffer flush to db = 6
    # disk space limit MiB = 500

    ## This section supports auto-detection of log file path if section name
    ## is left unchanged, otherwise it can be set manually, e.g.:
    ## log path = /var/log/apache2/access.log
    ## See README for more information on 'log path = auto' option
    log path = auto

    ## Use inotify instead of file stat watcher. Set to 'no' to reduce CPU usage.
    use inotify = yes
    ## Auto-detect web log format, otherwise it can be set manually, e.g.:
    ## log format = %h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i"
    ## see
    log format = auto

    ## Detect errors such as illegal port numbers or response codes.
    verify parsed logs = yes

    ## Submit structured log entries to the system journal
    # submit logs to system journal = no

    ## Charts to enable
    # collected logs total chart enable = no
    # collected logs rate chart enable = yes
    vhosts chart = yes
    ports chart = yes
    IP versions chart = yes
    unique client IPs - current poll chart = yes
    unique client IPs - all-time chart = no
    http request methods chart = yes
    http protocol versions chart = yes
    bandwidth chart = yes
    timings chart = yes
    response code families chart = yes
    response codes chart = yes
    response code types chart = yes
    SSL protocols chart = yes
    SSL chipher suites chart = yes

[Nginx access.log]
    ## Example: Log collector that will tail Nginx's access.log file and 
    ## parse each new record to extract common web server metrics.

    ## Required settings
    enabled = yes
    log type = flb_web_log

    ## Optional settings, common to all log source. 
    ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf.
    # update every = 1
    # update timeout = 10
    # use log timestamp = auto
    # circular buffer max size MiB = 64
    # circular buffer drop logs if full = no
    # compression acceleration = 1
    # db mode = none
    # circular buffer flush to db = 6
    # disk space limit MiB = 500

    ## This section supports auto-detection of log file path if section name
    ## is left unchanged, otherwise it can be set manually, e.g.:
    ## log path = /var/log/nginx/access.log
    ## See README for more information on 'log path = auto' option
    log path = auto

    ## Use inotify instead of file stat watcher. Set to 'no' to reduce CPU usage.
    use inotify = yes

    ## see
    log format = $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent $request_length $request_time "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"
    ## Detect errors such as illegal port numbers or response codes.
    verify parsed logs = yes

    ## Submit structured log entries to the system journal
    # submit logs to system journal = no

    ## Charts to enable
    # collected logs total chart enable = no
    # collected logs rate chart enable = yes
    vhosts chart = yes
    ports chart = yes
    IP versions chart = yes
    unique client IPs - current poll chart = yes
    unique client IPs - all-time chart = no
    http request methods chart = yes
    http protocol versions chart = yes
    bandwidth chart = yes
    timings chart = yes
    response code families chart = yes
    response codes chart = yes
    response code types chart = yes
    SSL protocols chart = yes
    SSL chipher suites chart = yes

[Netdata daemon.log]
    ## Example: Log collector that will tail Netdata's daemon.log and 
    ## it will generate log level charts based on custom regular expressions.

    ## Required settings
    enabled = yes
    log type = flb_tail

    ## Optional settings, common to all log source. 
    ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf.
    # update every = 1
    # update timeout = 10
    # use log timestamp = auto
    # circular buffer max size MiB = 64
    # circular buffer drop logs if full = no
    # compression acceleration = 1
    # db mode = none
    # circular buffer flush to db = 6
    # disk space limit MiB = 500

    ## This section supports auto-detection of log file path if section name
    ## is left unchanged, otherwise it can be set manually, e.g.:
    ## log path = /tmp/netdata/var/log/netdata/daemon.log
    ## See README for more information on 'log path = auto' option
    log path = auto

    ## Use inotify instead of file stat watcher. Set to 'no' to reduce CPU usage.
    use inotify = yes

    ## Submit structured log entries to the system journal
    # submit logs to system journal = no

    ## Charts to enable
    # collected logs total chart enable = no
    # collected logs rate chart enable = yes
    ## Examples of extracting custom metrics from Netdata's daemon.log:

    ## log level chart
    custom 1 chart = log level
    custom 1 regex name = emergency
    custom 1 regex = level=emergency
    custom 1 ignore case = no

    custom 2 chart = log level
    custom 2 regex name = alert
    custom 2 regex = level=alert
    custom 2 ignore case = no

    custom 3 chart = log level
    custom 3 regex name = critical
    custom 3 regex = level=critical
    custom 3 ignore case = no

    custom 4 chart = log level
    custom 4 regex name = error
    custom 4 regex = level=error
    custom 4 ignore case = no

    custom 5 chart = log level
    custom 5 regex name = warning
    custom 5 regex = level=warning
    custom 5 ignore case = no

    custom 6 chart = log level
    custom 6 regex name = notice
    custom 6 regex = level=notice
    custom 6 ignore case = no

    custom 7 chart = log level
    custom 7 regex name = info
    custom 7 regex = level=info
    custom 7 ignore case = no

    custom 8 chart = log level
    custom 8 regex name = debug
    custom 8 regex = level=debug
    custom 8 ignore case = no

[Netdata fluentbit.log]
    ## Example: Log collector that will tail Netdata's 
    ## embedded Fluent Bit's logs

    ## Required settings
    enabled = no
    log type = flb_tail

    ## Optional settings, common to all log source. 
    ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf.
    # update every = 1
    # update timeout = 10
    # use log timestamp = auto
    # circular buffer max size MiB = 64
    # circular buffer drop logs if full = no
    # compression acceleration = 1
    # db mode = none
    # circular buffer flush to db = 6
    # disk space limit MiB = 500

    ## This section supports auto-detection of log file path if section name
    ## is left unchanged, otherwise it can be set manually, e.g.:
    ## log path = /tmp/netdata/var/log/netdata/fluentbit.log
    ## See README for more information on 'log path = auto' option
    log path = auto

    ## Use inotify instead of file stat watcher. Set to 'no' to reduce CPU usage.
    use inotify = yes

    ## Submit structured log entries to the system journal
    # submit logs to system journal = no

    ## Charts to enable
    # collected logs total chart enable = no
    # collected logs rate chart enable = yes
    ## Examples of extracting custom metrics from fluentbit.log:

    ## log level chart
    custom 1 chart = log level
    custom 1 regex name = error
    custom 1 regex = \[error\]
    custom 1 ignore case = no

    custom 2 chart = log level
    custom 2 regex name = warning
    custom 2 regex = \[warning\]
    custom 2 ignore case = no

    custom 3 chart = log level
    custom 3 regex name = info
    custom 3 regex = \[ info\]
    custom 3 ignore case = no

    custom 4 chart = log level
    custom 4 regex name = debug
    custom 4 regex = \[debug\]
    custom 4 ignore case = no

    custom 5 chart = log level
    custom 5 regex name = trace
    custom 5 regex = \[trace\]
    custom 5 ignore case = no

[auth.log tail]
    ## Example: Log collector that will tail auth.log file and count 
    ## occurences of certain `sudo` commands, using POSIX regular expressions.

    ## Required settings
    enabled = no
    log type = flb_tail

    ## Optional settings, common to all log source. 
    ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf.
    # update every = 1
    # update timeout = 10
    # use log timestamp = auto
    # circular buffer max size MiB = 64
    # circular buffer drop logs if full = no
    # compression acceleration = 1
    # db mode = none
    # circular buffer flush to db = 6
    # disk space limit MiB = 500

    ## This section supports auto-detection of log file path if section name
    ## is left unchanged, otherwise it can be set manually, e.g.:
    ## log path = /var/log/auth.log
    ## See README for more information on 'log path = auto' option
    log path = auto

    ## Use inotify instead of file stat watcher. Set to 'no' to reduce CPU usage.
    use inotify = yes

    ## Submit structured log entries to the system journal
    # submit logs to system journal = no

    ## Charts to enable
    # collected logs total chart enable = no
    # collected logs rate chart enable = yes
    ## Examples of extracting custom metrics from auth.log:
    # custom 1 chart = failed su
    # # custom 1 regex name = 
    # custom 1 regex = .*\bsu\b.*\bFAILED SU\b.*
    # custom 1 ignore case = no

    # custom 2 chart = sudo commands
    # custom 2 regex name = sudo su
    # custom 2 regex = .*\bsudo\b.*\bCOMMAND=/usr/bin/su\b.*
    # custom 2 ignore case = yes

    # custom 3 chart = sudo commands
    # custom 3 regex name = sudo docker run
    # custom 3 regex = .*\bsudo\b.*\bCOMMAND=/usr/bin/docker run\b.*
    # custom 3 ignore case = yes