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Test Coverage
[MQTT messages]
    ## Example: Log collector that will create a server to listen for MQTT logs over a TCP connection.

    ## Required settings
    enabled = no
    log type = flb_mqtt

    ## Optional settings, common to all log source. 
    ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf.
    # update every = 1
    # update timeout = 10
    # use log timestamp = auto
    # circular buffer max size MiB = 64
    # circular buffer drop logs if full = no
    # compression acceleration = 1
    # db mode = none
    # circular buffer flush to db = 6
    # disk space limit MiB = 500

    ## Set up configuration specific to flb_mqtt
    ## see also
    # listen =
    # port = 1883

    ## Submit structured log entries to the system journal
    # submit logs to system journal = no

    ## Charts to enable
    # collected logs total chart enable = no
    # collected logs rate chart enable = yes
    topic chart = yes