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title: "JSON formatter"
sidebar_label: "JSON formatter"
learn_status: "Published"
learn_topic_type: "References"
learn_rel_path: "Developers/Web/Api/Formatters"

# JSON formatter

The CSV formatter presents [results of database queries](/src/web/api/queries/ in the following formats:

| format       | content type     | description|
| `json`       | application/json | return the query result as a json object|
| `jsonp`      | application/json | return the query result as a JSONP javascript callback|
| `datatable`  | application/json | return the query result as a Google `datatable`|
| `datasource` | application/json | return the query result as a Google Visualization Provider `datasource` javascript callback|

The CSV formatter respects the following API `&options=`:

| option        | supported | description|
| `google_json` | yes       | enable the Google flavor of JSON (using double quotes for strings and `Date()` function for dates|
| `objectrows`  | yes       | return each row as an object, instead of an array|
| `nonzero`     | yes       | to return only the dimensions that have at least a non-zero value|
| `flip`        | yes       | to return the rows older to newer (the default is newer to older)|
| `seconds`     | yes       | to return the date and time in unix timestamp|
| `ms`          | yes       | to return the date and time in unit timestamp as milliseconds|
| `percent`     | yes       | to replace all values with their percentage over the row total|
| `abs`         | yes       | to turn all values positive|
| `null2zero`   | yes       | to replace gaps with zeros (the default prints the string `null`|

## Examples

To show the differences between each format, in the following examples we query the same
chart (having just one dimension called `active`), changing only the query `format` and its `options`.

> Using `format=json` and `options=`

# curl -Ss ''
 "labels": ["time", "active"],
      [ 1540644600, 224.2516667],
      [ 1540644000, 229.29],
      [ 1540643400, 222.41],
      [ 1540642800, 226.6816667],
      [ 1540642200, 246.4083333],
      [ 1540641600, 241.0966667]

> Using `format=json` and `options=objectrows`

# curl -Ss ''
 "labels": ["time", "active"],
      { "time": 1540644600, "active": 224.2516667},
      { "time": 1540644000, "active": 229.29},
      { "time": 1540643400, "active": 222.41},
      { "time": 1540642800, "active": 226.6816667},
      { "time": 1540642200, "active": 246.4083333},
      { "time": 1540641600, "active": 241.0966667}

> Using `format=json` and `options=objectrows,google_json`

# curl -Ss ',google_json'
 "labels": ["time", "active"],
      { "time": new Date(2018,9,27,12,50,0), "active": 224.2516667},
      { "time": new Date(2018,9,27,12,40,0), "active": 229.29},
      { "time": new Date(2018,9,27,12,30,0), "active": 222.41},
      { "time": new Date(2018,9,27,12,20,0), "active": 226.6816667},
      { "time": new Date(2018,9,27,12,10,0), "active": 246.4083333},
      { "time": new Date(2018,9,27,12,0,0), "active": 241.0966667}

> Using `format=jsonp` and `options=`

curl -Ss ''
 "labels": ["time", "active"],
      [ 1540645200, 235.885],
      [ 1540644600, 224.2516667],
      [ 1540644000, 229.29],
      [ 1540643400, 222.41],
      [ 1540642800, 226.6816667],
      [ 1540642200, 246.4083333]

> Using `format=datatable` and `options=`

curl -Ss ''

> Using `format=datasource` and `options=`

curl -Ss ''